CIWARA feedback
Assessment of Progress Better understanding of the mechanics of integrated assessment Concept of RAPs assimilated, but need to be downscaled to site level and turned into contrasting sets of management practices Tools for upscaling (including crop – agro-economics linkages) mastered Better understanding of two-way data exchanges between crop modelers and agro-economists Clarity gained on climate data quality check, filling procedures and new tools acquired Detailed plan for the fast-track period Re-organization of work flow by sites with fast-track = incentivizes group work, concrete articulation of deliverables
DEADLINETASKSPERSON IN CHARGE 21SeptAll climate data available in raw format and circulated To the whole team SBT All CIVT/Souna3 genetics coefficient available to allMD Management MLX migrate in APSIM, SarahMD/DSKM/A A 28 SeptPDFs readyJB 8 OctRome posters producedPCST 10OctClimate scenario downscaled for Nioro (SBT/ON). 5 weather realizations (30 years each) x 2 climates SBT/ON Adjustment of research plans to address requirements of integrated assessments etc. (Fast-Track only)
DEADLINETASKSPERSON IN CHARGE 17OctStrata data available for crop simulation by IHIH 24OctRevised genetics coefficients for Souna3 (calibrated) by MD MD/JB MLX files gnerated for all Nioro farms by MDMA 15NovCDFs available by JBNJB/MA 05JanTOA analysis results by IHIH 15JanSubmission of first track report to AgMIPSGKA Adjustment of research plans to address requirements of integrated assessments etc. (Fast-Track only)
Summary of outstanding team needs Conceptual / terminology issues: – ‘matched vs. unmatched data’ (Crops only? Economics only? Integrated) Data issues – HH survey data access: Burkina Faso, Niger not yet covered Senegal, Mali, Ghana: covered with fall-back plans in place (Kaffrine > Kolda, UWR, Bougouni > Tominian) – Inventory & quality rating/ranking of experimental crop datasets for calibration still required (Ti/Mn/Co sentinel sites)
Summary of outstanding team needs Procedural issues – Procedures for soil x management x farm combinations at sites (missing farm geolocations): random allocation? Stratified random / weighting? – will depend on results from initial HH x GIS data analysis Capacity issues – Improve internal project capacity on APSIM – Online support tools including CIWARA resources on
Summary of outstanding team needs Management issues – Plan for physical gatherings to avoid disintegration (lump scientist mobility funds for group meeting, take advantage of other opportunities: Rome etc.) – Students identification & recruitment (only 1 identified so far) – Project planning beyond fast-track stage – Migration of new timeline & responsibilities into revised budgets, SOWs
Publications Evaluation of CMIP-5 climate models in West Africa with climate change projections under RCP scenarios (SBT, Feb 2014) Inter-comparison of baseline millet yields from 3 crop models: Nioro fast-track (JBN, Jan 2013; poster # 2: Rome) Integrated assessment of climate change impact on millet farmers: Nioro district, Senegal (IH, Mar 2013) SxMxF allocation matrix methodological paper (MA, Jan 2013) Methodological paper on translating RAPs into quantitative management practices (PCST, May 2013) CIWARA poster # 1 Rome (SGKA, Oct 2012)
Anticipated contributions to national and/or regional assessments Engagement of 5 NAPA / NCC focal points for AgMIP/CIWARA input into policy documents Invitation of key regional organizations during the 5 planned country outreach events: ROPPA, ECOWAS, ECOWAP/CAADP, CORAF, CILSS Possibility to strengthen interactions with WASCAL for capacity building – already 2 PhD will feed into CIWARA: F. Akinseye (crops), S.S. Traore (scaling) Leveraging funds for a West African farming systems modeling network – WASCAL and other routes