Unsung Heroes: Aquila and Priscilla
Introduction Aquila (eagle), derived from the Greek Akulas, a name of Latin origin, occurs 6x in the NT (Acts 18:2, 18, 26; Rom. 16:3; 1 Cor. 16:19; 2 Tim. 4:19). The name Priscilla (old, venerable), derived from the Greek Priska, also of Latin origin, appears 6x in the NT, thrice rendered Priscilla (Acts 18:2, 18, 26) and thrice in the diminutive form of Prisca (Rom. 16:3; 1 Cor. 16:19; 2 Tim. 4:19).
Pilgrims and Sojourners Their Sojourn at Corinth Their Sojourn at Ephesus Their Sojourn at Rome Their Latter Sojourns
Their Example They were optimistic They were flexible They were spiritual They were tactful They were helpful They were humble
Our Challenge Our challenge is to manifest similar grace in the face of life’s uncertainties. Whether we live our lives in one location, or frequently move from place to place, we should view ourselves as sojourners, strangers in a land that is not our own, pilgrims who are journeying to a distant home (Heb. 11:8-16).