BAB General Membership Meeting February 2, 2015
President’s Report Beth O’Donnell
1st Vice President’s Report Ron Ring March Madness Party March 21st Update on the March Madness event on 3/21/14:
2 nd Vice President’s Report Chip Bell
Secretary’s Report Mary Grace Dimitrijevs
. BEE Athletic Boosters Meeting December 1, 2014 Attendees: Dan Kalinsky, Mary Grace Dimitrijevs, Beth O’Donnell, Ann DeMore, JoAnn Farwell, Tim Frajter, Donna Nowacki, Ron Ring. President, Beth O’Donnell, called the meeting to order at 7:07. President, Beth O’Donnell: Thank you to all officers, committee members and Dan Kalinsky for all of the time and effort that has been put into Boosters this year. Thank you to Ron Ring for speaking at Fall Sports Recognition Night. Sound panels are working, but other components should make more improvement. First Vice President, Ron Ring: March 21 is the March Madness fundraiser. It will be at St. Sava again, but there will be some additional costs. Committee chairs are chosen, but committee members are still be recruited. There will be paper tickets and Internet ticket sales. Paper tickets will be ready by Jan. 1 so that sales may begin. A sound system will be needed to announce winners at the event. Team reps. should be working on baskets. Second Vice President, Chip Bell: Nothing to report.
Secretary, Mary Grace Dimitrijevs: Nothing to report. Ron Ring made a motion to approve the November Regular minutes. JoAnn Farwell seconded the motion. JoAnn Farwell made a motion to approve the November Executive minutes. Ron Ring seconded the motion. A voice vote was held. The motion carried. Treasurer, JoAnn Farwell: $1,750 in deposits since the last meeting. $38,000 current cash balance. Membership will vote on financial report next month. Membership, Julie Seballos: No new membership activity. Jennifer Starinsky asks reps to get more members from winter teams. Team Reports, Jennifer Starinsky (Not Present): Gymnastics team is going for another consecutive state championship. January 18 is The Beauty and The Beast gymnastics/wrestling competition. High School Athletic Director, Dan Kalinsky: Girls’ basketball team has a new coach. Boys’ basketball has their first game on Friday. Swimming has started. The high school will be hosting the holiday wrestling tournament Dec They are expecting over 40 teams.
The turf project will happen this summer with funds from the school board, athletic dept., athletic teams, and the boosters. Tennis committee is researching options for improving/replacing courts. Cheerleaders won the SWC competition. Allocation Requests: Volleyball will be making a request in the near future. The bowling team is requesting $70 a week/$840 a year for lane fees. The team consists of 11 bowlers. Old Business: April will be the dates for the Easter Seals Fundraiser and metal recycling drive. New Business: Community donations are being accepted for the turf project. Scott Prebels published an article on planning for turf project. THE DATE AND LOCATION OF NEXT MEETING WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON WEBSITE. The meeting was adjourned at 7:39 p.m.
BEE Athletic Boosters Executive Meeting December 1, 2014 Attendees: Beth O’Donnell, Dan Kalinsky, Mary Grace Dimitrijevs, JoAnn Farwell and Ron Ring. President, Beth O’Donnell, called the meeting to order at 7:46. Items discussed: The bowling allocation request of $840 was discussed. It was proposed that the boosters donate $420 with concession opportunities for the bowling team to make up the difference. The boosters appreciate the bowling team’s participation with working concessions and donating a basket to the fundraiser. Ron will call a meeting with fundraising committee chairs, as the March Madness event gets closer. The January meeting will be canceled and the February meeting will be held at The Pickle Works in an effort to boost attendance. The social event will be used to get people to sign up for the March Madness fundraiser committees. The concessions and 50/50 position is too much for 2 people. A discussion about how other high schools handle this position was held and a future discussion will be held to decide how to proceed in the future. THE NEXT MEETING DATE AND LOCATION WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON THE WEBSITE. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 P.M.
Treasurer’s Report JoAnne Farwell November financials will be approved at next meeting. at next meeting.
Membership Report Julie Seballos
Team Report Jennifer Starinsky
Athletic Department Report High School Dan Kalinsky
Athletic Department Report Middle School Andy Fisher
Allocation Requests: Athletic Department
Approved by Executive Board at the October Meeting: Bowling Allocation Requests.
April 24 and 25: Easter Seals EventApril 24 and 25: Easter Seals Event Recycle Project – Timeframe, Volunteers???Recycle Project – Timeframe, Volunteers??? BAB Old Business
BAB New Business
Thank You’s: Team Reps for volunteering and keeping your teams in the “Loop”! Officers for continued work behind the scenes! For attending tonight’s meeting!
Next meeting is March 2, 2015 This will be an important meeting as we will be making all final plans for the March Maddness Event on the March 21 st !
Thank You for Attending Your Bees Athletic Boosters Meeting!
It’s amazing how much you can accomplish when it does not matter who gets the credit Author Unknown