Welcome to Destination Imagination ® ® TM © 2001 Destination ImagiNation, Inc.
Just Imagine... Imagine a program where your kids build confidence through learning, Imagine a program where discovery is the only teacher, Imagine a program that builds lifelong learning and problem-solving skills. ® TM Made Possible by
TM Destination Imagination ® is... Destination Imagination ® is a non-profit corporation supported by International Affiliates throughout the world working together to offer a global, kid-powered & team-driven, creative problem-solving program. In which the kids have fun, and learn without realizing it!
TM You can help shape tomorrow’s leaders! discovering Destination Imagination ® provides opportunities to explore and discover unlimited creative potential through teamwork, cooperation, and mutual respect. The key to the Destination Imagination ® program is discovering the process of creative problem-solving. Teams may choose to solve one of 6 competitive Team Challenges emphasizing technical/mechanical, scientific, fine arts, improvisational, structural or service learning elements. Teams also compete in Instant Challenges on Tournament Day. The kids discover problem-solving techniques
TM Destination Imagination ® teaches... Total Team-generated Solution without parent “interference” Creative problem-solving Teamwork to solve a complex Challenge No single answer (Challenges open-ended) Balance time, budget, creative ideas Presentation skills All in a supportive environment where all ideas are team-generated so that team members have ownership of the solution.
TM What Business is Saying… STAND OUT “Destination Imagination ® participants STAND OUT among our new employees. Their presence, confidence and ability to lead put them YEARS AHEAD of their age and experience. Destination Imagination ® is making a difference in the high-tech future on a global basis.” --Roger Garriock, IBM Canada director of e-commerce development Destination Imagination ® gives our kids an edge!
TM Destination Imagination ® Program Structure Teams form in the fall (5-7 students) Throughout the school year, they work as a team to solve a central Team Challenge as well as learn the techniques of brainstorming and instant problem solving through Instant Challenges and the use of Improv items. What they learn during this process are the tangible rewards of the program The culmination of their work is showcased at Destination Imagination ® tournaments Local and Regional Tournaments, State Tournaments, and the Destination Imagination ® Global Finals Tournaments are incredible expositions of student creativity
TM Teams use art, technology, performance, and real world relevance as they tackle one of the five Team Challenges. The Team Challenge solution can take from several weeks to several months to develop. The teams must do the research and experimentation needed to solve every aspect of the Team Challenge and develop a performance-based Presentation demonstrating the team’s solution. Teams work together to solve complex problems Destination Imagination ® Program - Team Challenge
TM Destination Imagination ® Program - Instant Challenge Instant Challenges teach our kids to think quickly with confidence Instant Challenges provide participants the opportunity to use their Creative Problem Solving (CPS) skills in a manner that mirrors life’s day to day challenges. Kids are afforded the opportunity to respond within a short period of time to Challenges they have never seen prior to the tournament.
TM Destination Imagination ® Program - Improv Improv teaches our kids to see things from a different perspective Participants practice Improv using presented random materials and verbal responses to demonstrate their creative talents on the spot. With this component, participants have the opportunity to learn creativity skills, divergent and convergent thinking, risk taking, time awareness, team skills.
TM Participant Eligibility Kindergarten to College Participants compete in 5 age- based or grade-based levels: Primary (K to 2nd grade), Elementary (3rd to 5th grade), Intermediate (6th to 8th Grade), Secondary (High School), College & University No formal academic requirements
TM The Destination Imagination ® Program Requires T-shirtsT-shirts (Team Managers, Appraisers, kids- Regional, State and Global) FoodFood during the tournaments and training (Team Managers, students and Appraisers) HousingHousing - Many of the teams must travel a long way to competition, as do Appraisers. Transportation needs are part of this. Tournament SitesTournament Sites and required custodial/security services SignageSignage at Tournaments, Name Tags for Appraisers & Volunteers
TM ScholarshipsScholarships - college and “start-up” scholarships for new programs (“needy” areas) TrainingTraining - for students, Team Managers and Appraisers PrintingPrinting - training (Team Managers, students and Appraisers), scoring materials, sponsorship materials Hardware SuppliesHardware Supplies – including Instant Challenge and Improv supplies Annual audit of Regional and Affiliate booksAnnual audit of Regional and Affiliate books The Destination Imagination ® Program Requires
TM Hardware SuppliesHardware Supplies – including Instant Challenge and Improv supplies PublicityPublicity Computer Support & Web site sponsorshipComputer Support & Web site sponsorship Office equipment/supplies -Office equipment/supplies - Postage & phone service Team sponsorshipTeam sponsorship - funds for teams to represent their Affiliate at Global Finals Certificates/Awards/TrophiesCertificates/Awards/Trophies Souvenir pins for studentsSouvenir pins for students - for local and Globals- bound teams The Destination Imagination ® Program Requires
TM You Can Help Destination Imagination... You Can Help Destination Imagination ®... By supporting us with financial donationsBy supporting us with financial donations By VolunteeringBy Volunteering By donating the materials and servicesBy donating the materials and services needed to maintain the DI program needed to maintain the DI program ® TM
Volunteer/Parent Roles Team Manager/Assistant Most rewarding role Tournament Official and Volunteers All levels of competition Workshops Parent helper Snacks, errands Transporting/storing props Skill presentations Support their children and the Program Volunteers make this program possible
TM Destination Imagination has: Destination Imagination ® has: A clearly defined marketplace in the “Safe” marketing environment of EDUCATION A mixed audience of parents, educators, civic leaders, and a total span of the planet’s best and brightest students A complete range of geographic, cultural, economic, and religious audiences An incredible message life-span because of unparalleled program loyalty ® TM
You Destination Imagination! We want You to become a part of Destination Imagination ® ! Teaching the Creative Process: From Imagination to Innovation Impact You will make an Impact! ® TM
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. -Albert Einstein Imagination encircles the world!” Knowledge is limited. Destination ImagiNation ® International Sponsor ® TM