Fund Raising 101 For your Campus Ministry
Fund Raising 101 Money follows mission! Remember: - First, people give to people - next people give to causes - then people give to programs - Finally, people give to brochures
Understanding Fund Raising Begging for Money is Not Fund Raising! If you want money, you have to ask!! People give because of what they cannot do alone. When individuals give to campus ministry, they do not take away from giving to their local church. It is in addition! We enable people to be faithful & generous!
Understanding Fund Raising Message of helping students - not our budget is short will you give to our budget? People’s anxieties about fundraising arises from their own anxious feelings about money. Anxiety about money is learned.
Thoughts about Giving And where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. – Matt. 6:21 Giving to God is always about ministry, not money. - Herb Miller We give in order to grow in our relationship to God. - Brian Bauknight
Thoughts about Giving Jesus wants us to recognize that our money is an extension of who we are and what we value in life. - Brian Bauknight Giving is more important than fund-raising. - Kennon Callahan
Fund Raising Who’s Job? It’s the job of the Board of Directors. Campus minister must take lead. Students have a very important role. Who asks for the money is as important as the purpose for the money.
Developing Funding Resources Compile a list of potential donors Identify development persons on campus Develop promotional materials Record keeping and thank-you activity Cultivate church (groups) relations
Developing Funding Resources Send regular newsletter to all donors. Lift up donors names in worship for student prayers. Hold special events & benefits: - Good to build relationships - Not always to raise large sums of money - Good to build student/board friendships - Important to get people in your building, or on your campus
Annual Campaign 1.Develop a Plan & Work the Plan 2.Define “sponsors” or “partners” 3.Plan for requesting & getting financial support - Donor Pyramid (20% of the donors will provide 80% of the funds) 4.Decide on the campaign approach: -person to person approach (best) -person(s) to group (next best) - fundraising letter (good)
Annual Campaign 5.Train board for fund raising 6.State the needs clearly & ask for the donor’s help without apology 7.Keep accurate records 8.Thank the donor for the gift every time!!
Annual Campaign Develop different campaign strategy for alumni & parents: - already have a relationship with ministry - respond best to a familiar ministry program, building or equipment need Continue to expand donor list Evaluate campaign approach & make revisions
Student Annual Giving Important to develop annual student pledge program: - teach students about giving - claim ownership in ministry - develop practice of lifelong giving - those who give are at liberty to ask others to give - more likely to give when alumni
Fund Raising Events Develop a tradition of an annual event for fellowship & fund raising Fund raising meals Auctions Tour of Homes Clean-a-Thon
Developing Church Funding Board/student visits to church board/council Ask for line item to be placed in budget for campus ministry – it is easier to increase an line item than to set it. Provides dependable cash flow
Developing Church Funding Visit & invite monthly giving from: Men’s Groups Women’s Groups Classes Hold an Appreciation Dinner for the group at campus ministry center – with slide show, student music, etc. Ask group to sponsor a retreat, assist student on mission trip, etc.
Alumni Giving Update mailing list Work with, & share addresses with university Alumni Office Create a alumni gathering tradition – Homecoming Establish an Alumni Association Alumni page on website Online giving at website
Expanding Funding Locate individuals on campus who have experience writing grant proposals. Learn grant proposal writing skills. Discover local family foundations. Cultivate large gifts for capital or endowment purposes. Invite individuals to include your ministry in their will. Prepare to receive stocks, insurance & in-kind gifts.
Student Led Fund Raising Students can be easily frustrated with fund raising events: - usually youth & high school events had a supportive community participating. - little experience with organizing larger scale fundraising events.
Assisting Student Fund Raising Include student leaders in overall fund raising efforts of the ministry. Partner with Board on large events. Campus minister & board members aid in decision of scope & monetary goal of fundraising events. Provide a list of fundraising ideas: