Creating a Fundraising Plan Peggy M. Owens, CFRE Sage Solutions Nonprofit Consulting, LLC
About Sage Peggy M.Owens: P.O. Box 433, Big Timber, MT 59011
Objectives Key components of an integrated fund development plan The importance of individual giving Obtain new ideas for successful fundraising
What Is Fundraising? Making friends for your organization Getting the community behind your mission It’s about your mission not money! “Fundraising is changing the world for the better” --Gail Perry
The Importance of Plans & Goals Abraham Lincoln A goal properly set is halfway reached. Mark Victor Hansen Big goals get big results. No goals gets no results or somebody else's results. Anthony Robbins Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.
Planning – The Process Vision/Mission Strategic Planning Operational Planning
Developing A Diversified Fundraising Plan
Multiple Baskets
Fun Exercise! Fundraising Plan Worksheet
How much was charitable giving in 2011?
$307 Billion Given to Charity
Income Source: Individuals 82%
Making Friends for Your Community Foundation Fundraising is relationship building Identify Prospects Invite, Educate and Involve Cultivate Ask for Support Thank, Thank and Thank again Stewardship
How do you identify and invite prospects?
Ask your board who they know Send note from volunteer with newsletter or with event announcement Tell your story to everyone!
Fundraising Begins with Awareness Awareness InvolvementCommitment
Shout it from the mountain tops Core Message Delivered Consistently Multiple Venues
Fun Exercise! Fundraising Plan Worksheet
How do you cultivate and educate your prospects and donors?
Tours of your office, programs or projects House parties hosted by a board member or volunteers Meetings to update on progress Educational seminars
Fun Exercise! Fundraising Plan Worksheet
How do you ask for contributions?
Ladder of Effectiveness Personal Solicitation Personal Letter and Phone Call Personal Letter Personal Phone Call w/follow-up letter Personal Phone Call Use personal approach for $250+
Why do people give? Enthusiasm Recognition Specific Request Respond to a winning cause Relationship
The #1 Reason People Give They are asked!
Fun Exercise! Fundraising Plan Worksheet
How do you thank people for their gifts?
Send a personalized thank you note Call and thank them Invite them to lunch Donor appreciation event
Fun Exercise! Fundraising Plan Worksheet
Funding Vehicles Earned Income Foundations Businesses/Corporations Special Events Government Major Gifts Capital Campaign Planned Giving
What does your plan look like? Is it balanced?
Make your plan a reality for 2012! Present the plan Is it realistic? What will you have to do to get buy-in? What are YOUR next steps?
Questions? Did you get your needs meet in today’s workshop? Do it NOW!