Ask your FM how your group can double the rate earned on each survey!! Online Survey Fund Raiser
Ask your FM how your group can double the rate earned on each survey!! Agenda Overview How it works How your group makes money FAQ What to do next
Ask your FM how your group can double the rate earned on each survey!! Overview CampusFundraiser has teamed up with one of the largest Market Research companies in the United States Each of your group members will register to participate by answering demographic questions o i.e. Gender, Age, Race, Interests, etc. Each registered group member will be invited to participate in online market research surveys o Invitations come through up to 5 or 6 times a week!
Ask your FM how your group can double the rate earned on each survey!! Overview cont’ Group members will answer several profile questions to determine if they qualify for a particular survey o The profile requirements are set by the client and may exclude group members from a specific survey Example: a manufacture of women's hygiene products would exclude all males from the survey Group members who qualify will answer 15 to 50 questions on a product or service o The average survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete o All survey responses are anonymous The group earns money through every interaction the group members have in the process o Answering an invitation but being rejected for demographic reasons earns the group approximately $.05-$.10 o Being selected for a survey and completing it earns the group an average of $1.25 o Group members need to answer every invitation to maximize group earnings
Ask your FM how your group can double the rate earned on each survey!! Overview cont’ Groups need to focus on the two methods for making money 1) Answering all invitations – the group will earn $.05 to $.10 per invitation regardless of the outcome – in other words you get paid to try and take a survey, even if you don’t get accepted. 2) Taking surveys – you earn an average of $1.25 for completing a survey – so you will want to complete every survey you can.
Ask your FM how your group can double the rate earned on each survey!! Overview cont’ It is possible to never take a survey and still make over $500 in a year How? o 5 invitations per week * 40 group members * $.05(low estimate) each * 52 weeks = $520 Note: This will never happen – on average you will be accepted to complete a survey about 20% of the time (1 in 5 attempts) You maximize your earnings by responding to EVERY invitation you receive
Ask your FM how your group can double the rate earned on each survey!! Overview cont’ The group will receive updates on their performance 3 times per week o These reports will tell the group leader which group members are participating and which ones are not o This information will give the group leader a chance to make adjustments, motivate group members or sign up more participants CampusFundraiser will cut a check to the group for their earnings throughout the semester and year As always, CampusFundraiser will provide the group with a Fundraising Manager to help them set up the fundraiser, execute the action items and maximize their earnings
Ask your FM how your group can double the rate earned on each survey!! How it works – 8 Easy Steps 1) Schedule a date to start 2) Each group member must register to participate (they must register themselves) o Registration is done online and includes: General demographic information Agreement to receive invitations to participate in market research surveys and specific targeted marketing offers 3) Each group member must ‘double opt in’, this means…: o After they register they receive an that asks them to confirm their participation o Each group member must respond to that to begin receiving invitations
Ask your FM how your group can double the rate earned on each survey!! How it works – cont’ 4) Each group member will receive between 3-6 surveys per week 5) Group members respond to every invitation They will be selected for a survey an average of 1 time per 5 invitations 6) Group members complete the survey (if they are selected) 7) Group leader and members have access to an earnings report that is updated every few days 8) Group receives earnings checks throughout the semester
Ask your FM how your group can double the rate earned on each survey!! Earnings Earn an average $1.40 per completed survey; assumes: o Each group member will receive 5 invitations, respond to all of them and be excluded from 4 and accepted to participate in 1 o Breakdown: Invitation 1 – excluded earns $.10 Invitation 2 – excluded earns $.10 Invitation 3 – excluded earns $.10 Invitation 4 – excluded earns $.10 Invitation 5 – accepted earns $1.00 TOTAL = $1.40 per completed survey **Please note these are averages only, the actual results per survey will fluctuate depending on the client and the length of the survey**
Ask your FM how your group can double the rate earned on each survey!! Earnings – cont’ Based on these assumptions, see earnings below If your group has…. o 10 members – earn $24 per month or $282 per year* o 20 members – earn $48 per month or $570 per year* o 30 members- earn $70 per month or $840 per year* o 40 members- earn $95 per month or $1,140 per year* o Ask Your Fundraising Manager how your group can earn double the rate your group earns on each survey!!
Ask your FM how your group can double the rate earned on each survey!! Earnings – cont’ Increase your earnings by getting more people to register to participate o Your group can get non group members to register for the fundraiser as well Parents Friends Brother and sisters CampusFundraiser will pay your group in $200 intervals – earn $200 and we will cut you a check, you don’t even have to ask for it!
Ask your FM how your group can double the rate earned on each survey!! FAQ Q. “What's the catch?” A.There isn’t one, companies are interested in what students think about their products and services. Market research has been around forever, the fundraiser is just a simple way of getting a lot of students to share their opinion and make money for their group in the process Q. “Are my group members going to get a ton of spam in their box?” A.No, CampusFundraiser will not share, sell or otherwise distribute your group members . In fact we have a very strict privacy policy, you can check it out here Q. “Why don’t we get paid more often” A.CampusFundraiser wants to encourage groups to participate in the fundraiser and maximize their earnings. Paying every $200 ensures that even the smallest groups will receive several paychecks a semester while the larger groups can receive a check as often as every few weeks. Q“Why are my group members excluded from certain surveys?” A.The specific client makes the decision on what demographics they are interested in; sometimes gender, race, age, location or any number of other factors make a difference in what someone thinks about a product. Group members will be invited or excluded from a surveys based on how they answer several demographic questions.
Ask your FM how your group can double the rate earned on each survey!! What to do next Call today to lock in your groups participation! o x.1112 Set your start date, the number of participants and confirm your contact information and you are on your way!