Campus & Young Adult Engagement Overview
2 Campus & Young Adult Engagement Goals: Help young adults (ages years old) advance the common good on campus and in their communities Help young adults grow as leaders Develop an authentic, lasting relationship between young adults and the United Way movement
3 Advancing the Common Good by Focusing on Education, Income and Health Helping Children & Youth Achieve Their Potential Promoting Financial Stability & Independence Improving People’s Health Community Involvement Partnerships Community Investment Public Policy Resource Generation Donor Relationships
4 Campus & Young Adult Engagement Today’s college and university students: Represent a significant population of young adults in the USA Succeed as volunteers and fundraisers, but can do even more with United Way help Benefit from quality experiences volunteering, fundraising and with other pro-social activity Differ from previous cohorts in important ways
5 Campus & Young Adult Engagement Population on campuses: In 2005 there were over 29 million year olds. There were about 14 million undergraduate students in Almost 46% of all year olds had completed or were currently enrolled in higher education during US Census Bureau,
6 Campus & Young Adult Engagement Students are successful volunteers and fundraisers: In 2005, they volunteered approximately 132 million hours 1 They raised millions of dollars in –Penn State Dance Marathon raised over $5 million –FSU Relay for Life raised over $135,000 Existing resources on campus support their efforts –infrastructure, advising, funding, etc. United Way can add community expertise and an impact perspective to their work 1 Corporation for National and Community Service, “College Students Helping America,” Independent Sector, Value of Volunteer Time,, 2007.
7 Campus & Young Adult Engagement 1 Astin, Sax, and Avalos, “Long-term effects of volunteerism during the undergraduate years,” Independent Sector, Giving and Volunteering in the United States, Positive effects on young adults: On-campus volunteerism helps develop leadership, work skills, connection to community, pro-social attitudes, and more. 1 Students who volunteer are more likely to give to charities and continue volunteering later in life. 2 Increasing the effect: Offer opportunities to reduce the activation gap between young adults’ desire to be involved and their actual involvement levels.
8 Campus & Young Adult Engagement Young adults in today’s world: Communicate in new and fast-paced ways, and they have more access to more outlets for their pro- social activity than ever before Are less aware of United Way, but agree more with United Way’s key principles than other cohorts Are connecting with other major nonprofits through campus programs (Red Cross has more than 110 chapters; Habitat for Humanity even more)
9 Campus & Young Adult Engagement Community Impact Generate time, talent, and resources for impact agenda; help youth achieve their potential Branding and Marketing Expanded presence for United Way and partners on campuses and with a new market Resource Development Short and long-term opportunities to engage students, campus, and community supporters Talent Management Connection to United Way and partners as place for internships and employment
10 Campus & Young Adult Engagement Approaches to connecting with young people: Inspire and be inspired by young adults Engage young adults in community work in meaningful ways Empower young adults to continue their engagement Along the way, United Way and partners will better understand, connect with, and support Gen Y
11 Campus & Young Adult Engagement United Way Students in Action – Pilot Project Student-led community change organization on campus Advised by local United Way and campus host Educating, advocating, volunteering and fundraising Special projects such as 10,000 Hours, ASB, and Trash to Treasure Alumni network for long-term connections
12 United Way 10,000 Hours Show
13 United Way Students in Action Trash to Treasures What it is: An end of the year collection of unwanted goods from college students Goods are sold at minimal cost to community members Penn State University T2T 2007: 6 th PSU Trash to Treasure 66 tons of items donated $49,001 raised for Centre County United Way
14 Engages young people ages from campuses and the work place in United Way’s hurricane recovery work In 2007, 320 young people participated ¼ of participants became involved through their local UW NCL employees participated ASB 2007 generated 27,059.5 volunteer hours which credited $496, of Louisiana’s cost share to FEMA. 84% of participants said they were more likely to volunteer in the future post-ASB United Way Alternative Spring Break
15 United Way Alternative Spring Break ASB Media: On MTV’s Amazing Break 213 broadcast stories, 29 print articles, and 20 online features $315,000: Earned media value of UWA’s video news release 8% increase on UW’s website 14,000 visitors to the ASB Blog
16 Advancing the common good now and into the future Campus & Young Adult Engagement