Zonta Club of ________ Long Range Plan ____________, President Date.


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Presentation transcript:

Zonta Club of ________ Long Range Plan ____________, President Date

Develop a long range plan for club growth –Where do you want your club to be in the next 3 to 5 years? –How do you want to get there? Objectives

Service club enrollment has continually declined since the late 1950 ’ s There is tremendous competition for professional, family and leisure time Fewer club members means less are doing more which leads to burnout! A club with a plan is more focused! –Attitude is everything! Why Should You Plan?

First, assess your club image –Is your club vibrant? Connected? Making a difference? Proactive? Relevant? Fulfilling? –Or is your club traditional? Old Guard? Staid? Elitist? Boring? Out of touch? Assess through a club audit How Do You Plan?

Membership –Does the Club have a defined process for Membership and use it? –Is Membership a topic at each club and Board Meeting? –Is Membership a topic in each newsletter? –Is there a prospect and friends database? –Does the club have its own application form? –Are attendance records for members? –Is follow-up done for members who miss meetings? Zonta Club Self Audit

Membership (cont.) –Is an age profile available? –Is the age profile diverse enough? –Is orientation and ongoing acculturation robust? –Does the club have a diverse classification profile? –What percentage of members participate in recruiting? –Does the club support member networking? Zonta Club Self Audit (cont.)

Membership (cont.) –Does the club keep records on losses? –What is the average length of membership of lost members? –Does the club contact lost members to understand the reasons for losses? –Is data retained in the prospects/friends database on former members? –What percentage of members joining over the last 5 years are still actively participating? Zonta Club Self Audit (cont.)

Activities –Are records kept on club events – number attended, invited, joined, program, food, invitations, timing, budget, financial results, etc.? –Are club event records used to plan future events? –What percent of members attend seminars/workshops? –What percent of members attend conferences? –What percent of members attend conventions? –Are meeting programs worthy, timely and related to Zonta’s mission? –Does the club have members who are interested in leadership? What percentage?

Public Relations –Does the club have its own brochure? –Does the club have a website? Money Matters –Does the club pay its dues obligations on time to ZI and District? –Does the club contribute 1/3 of its earnings to the Zonta International Foundation? –Do members make donations directly to ZIF? How much? –Does the club keep historical information on its service footprint ($ and hours)? Zonta Club Self Audit (cont.)

Developing a Long Range Plan for Your Club Once you’ve done an audit of your club, use the information to determine where you want to focus Where do you want to be in 3 to 5 years with your club?

Your plan should review strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities It should present a series of statements relating to your club’s mission, vision, values and objectives It should set out your proposed strategies and goals Contents of the Plan

Spelling Out Strengths and Weaknesses (internal) Examples of strengths –Individual Members –Variety/Diversity –Dedication/ Commitment –Friendliness/Openness –Strong Leadership –Talented –Generous with Time/ Talents/ Treasures –Macro focus on Area/District/ International Examples of weaknesses –Strong Personalities (control) –Not Always Kind to One Another –Lack of Delegation (Committees) –Individual Membership Recruiting

Spelling out Threats and Opportunities (external) Examples of opportunities –Invitations to wider variety of people –Promotion of ZI to other local communities –Host a ZING –Recruit other target groups –Fundraising Events Examples of threats –Other agencies/ commitments compete for time –Economy –Personal Issues (health, job, family, etc.)

The central purpose and role of the Zonta Club of XXXXX is defined as: You may choose to use ZI’s mission statement Zonta International is a global organization of executives and professionals working together to advance the status of women worldwide through service and advocacy. The Mission Statement

The vision of the Zonta Club of XXXX in 3 to 5 years is: You may want to aim for a number of members, talk about projects, etc. For example: The Zonta Club of ___________will have __ active members, with valued hands-on projects demonstrating true ideals of Zonta. The Vision Statement

The corporate values governing your club should include what your club believes in, what your guiding principles are, and what will not change about your club For example: The corporate values governing the Zonta Club of _____________’s development will include the following: –Advancing the status of women –Honest and trustworthy, always –Follow rules, bylaws and guidance of Zonta International Stating Your Corporate Values

Stating Your Business Objectives Business objectives are more general and longer term For example: Longer term business objectives of the Zonta Club of ___________are summarized as: –Enhance fundraising by _________________ –Succession planning by using continuity books –Expand influence and visibility

Key Strategies include what your club must do to ensure its survival and what is absolutely critical to you For example: The following critical strategies will be pursued by the Zonta Club of _____________: –Recruit and retain members –Continue fiscal responsibilities (checks and balances) –Retain freshness and vitality –Advance club externally through effective communication methods Include less important but still needed strategies as well For example: The following important strategies will also be followed: –Encourage new fundraising ideas –Increase revenue –Promote community awareness through hands-on service –Expand mentoring of new/existing members Stating Your Key Strategies

Goals must be measurable, including dates, numbers and concrete measures of success For example: The following key targets will be achieved by the Zonta Club of ___________over the next 3 to 5 years –Increase membership to __in 3 years and __ in 5 years, and retain them –Increase collected service monies to _____in 3 years and _______in 5 years Put on a major fundraiser dedicated to a specific cause within 3 years –Community visibility through external written communication, recognition of service projects Mention in newspaper, radio, TV monthly Issue Press Releases on club activities –Foster establishment of a new club in an adjacent area within 2 years Stating Your Major Goals

Strategic Action Programs are specific actions plans, including what the action is, who is responsible, when they are to have it completed, or if recurring, how many times/when it is to be done Review strategic plan and assess progress quarterly at board and club levels For example: The following strategic action programs will be implemented: –Action Plan One – Increase Membership (assigned to OMC Chair) Maintain prospective member database Ensure follow-up with each guest Ensure club brochures/business cards are always available Have at least two guests at each meeting Develop personal marketing through pins, elevator speeches, etc. Conduct new/prospective membership orientation annually Continue to focus on diversity Stating Your Strategic Action Programs

Action Plan Two – Increase Fundraising (Ways and Means Chair) –Implement new fundraising project – 20__ – 20__ Biennium –Continue to explore successful fundraising events from other clubs –Explore partnership with other nonprofit organizations on their annual fundraisers Stating Your Strategic Action Programs (cont.)

Action Plan Three – Increase Community Visibility (Public Relations Chair) –Establish contacts with local media Newspapers (list them) TV (local stations, others) Radio (list target stations) –Continue Press Releases on club events Press Release on club awards and achievements Continue regular Press Releases as events occur –Pursue radio interviews on major events –Implement marketing campaign using Public Service Announcements –Consider membership in local Chamber of Commerce as a non- profit organization –Explore partnerships with other non-profit organizations in the community Stating Your Strategic Action Programs (cont.)

Implementing the Plan Active involvement in Zonta leads to commitment Involvement and commitment impacts retention, which leads to stability and growth Keys to building involvement and commitment to implement your plan

Implementing the Plan (cont.) Key 1 – Reputation and image –Good reputation = recruitment –Needs active and ongoing PR Key 2 – Orientation and introduction to the world of Zonta –For not only prospective and new members, but existing members as well –Requires clearly stated expectations and requirements

Key 3 – Motivation…why people stay in Zonta (women’s/international issues, service, networking fellowship, community) –Provide variety of activities to meet needs Service of time Service of money Fellowship Networking Advocacy Program Implementing the Plan (cont.)

Key 4 – Organization –Strong, well-connected committee structure puts like minds together to accomplish activities –Operates club in efficient and timely fashion –Committee work fosters commitment! Small groups function well Opportunity to socialize and network Accomplishments – making a difference Recognition Implementing the Plan (cont.)

Key 5 – Communic ation –To membership about opportunities, successes, and activities (methods?) –To membership about larger mission issues and work of ZI –From membership about concerns, direction, interests –To and with external community about Zonta and individual club members, and about what is happening in community and how Zonta can help! Implementing the Plan (cont.)

Key 6 – Recognition and celebration –Making sure good work of club and individuals get acknowledged –Internally, via newsletters, meetings, special awards, birthdays, successes and challenges –Externally, via activities, events, training, awards, public relations Implementing the Plan (cont.)