Estero High School Marching Wildcat Band
Redesigned Website as Will have the schedule for the current week the two following weeks on the home page and is updated every Sunday. Contains the entire year’s calendar, a link to CHARMS, Fundraiser information, and much more. Students, the music for the marching season is currently available. You will need a username (ehsmusic) and a password (maestro) to access them.
Database for all band members that can be accessed via the internet. Contains financial statements, uniform assignments, instrument assignments, volunteer needs. In order to access CHARMS, you will need to enter the username “esterohsmusic”
Mandatory July 23-27, 12pm-10pm Learn instrumental technique Marching Technique Held at Estero Dinner will be provided. We are also asking for snack donations (fruit, fruit snacks, crackers, gallons of water, etc) Water Bottle MANDATORY Wear loose shorts, WHITE t-shirt, athletic shoes, sunglasses, sun block and hat, drink water! Get rest! (SCHOOL DRESS CODE STILL APPLIES!!!) On Friday, there will be a student performance for the parents in the stadium beginning at 7 and will conclude by 8. Students will be dismissed at that time.
TUES and THURS 3-6pm Rehearsals begin at the designated time. Please arrive early enough to set up and be ready for the down beat. The EHS Wildcat Marching Band takes pride in rehearsal technique and is the secret to success. How you practice is how you perform!
Pencil and dot book mandatory for learning drill. Most convenience stores sell these (Walgreens, CVS, Wal-Mart, etc.)
All marching band members are required to be at every rehearsal and performance. If the student is at school, he/she is expected to attend rehearsal in the evening. Attendance is required for all scheduled rehearsals and performances. Attending events is a symbol of pride, high work ethic, and respect for your fellow band members. Every EHS band member is critical! ANY ABSENCE FROM A REHEARSAL THE WEEK OF A PERFORMANCE WILL RESULT IN THE STUDENT NOT BEING PERMITTED TO PERFORM IN THAT WEEK’S PERFORMANCE.
EHS Music Department Handbook Student Code of Conduct THERE WILL BE NO TOLERANCE FOR ILLICIT BEHAVIOR, SUCH AS ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, AND DRUG USE. Violations may result in suspension or expulsion from the school as well as band activities Treat each other, the band staff, leadership and chaperones with respect at all times Profanity, vulgarity and obscenity will not be tolerated.
Marching season – clean clothes, music and instrument Concert season – music and instrument Band is not responsible for any items lost or stolen from the band facility at any time. Every student will have their own locker as they are covered in the Band Fees
Have all proper equipment at all rehearsals (instrument, music, dot book, etc.) Keep equipment in working order. Instruments may be checked out for a fee of $25. This will cover the whole year. Instrument check out is a contract with the school. Students are responsible for any damage to instrument beyond normal wear and tear.
Gloves Gauntlets Shoes Bibbers Shako & Plume Necklace
Arrive in lightweight shorts and Dry Fit shirt (provided by the Music Boosters) with black socks and Marching shoes. Uniforms are not taken home. No eating or drinking (other than water) in uniform. Failure to have all or the correct parts of the uniform will result in the student being unable to dress out and not perform for that game.
Students are responsible for transportation to and from all rehearsals. Must be picked within 30 minutes of the end of the rehearsal/band arrival time at the school. Band phone available. Buses taken to competitions/performances. All students must take the bus to and from all performances (school district policy)
Director of Bands – Zach Deeter Assistant Band Director – Oscar Escobar Brass Instructor– Antonio Castillo Percussion Instructor – Adam Hatfield Percussion Instructor – Dylan Vogel Guard Instructor – Liz Mitton
The cost for any student to participate in the Marching Band is $200. This amount covers staff, uniform dry-cleaning, transportation, band camp meals, and locker rental. A $100 deposit is due on Monday, July 23 rd at Band Camp. The rest of the money will be due Friday, August 24 th before the first football game. Failure to pay the required amount by the given due date will place the student in “bad standing” If a student is in “bad standing”, he/she will not be permitted to perform with the marching band, participate in the awards banquet or any other social events, and/or audition for the talent show/PRISM concert. If you have outstanding band debt from previous years, you will need to set up a payment plan with Mr. Deeter to ensure that the money will be paid off.
Each student is given their own account so they can track how much they have raised and review their current balances. Scheduled Fundraisers Little Caesars (August) Domino’s Cards (September) World’s Finest Chocolate (October)
We will be participating in 3 competitions this year. As of right now, we are not scheduled to participate in the FMBC Semi-finals due to financial strain. In order to go, the band must fundraise $6000 by October 26 th to cover the costs of traveling, registration, and hotels.
I am currently looking into a trip to either Disney or Busch Gardens with the Marching Band in the Spring where we will participate in a parade and enjoy time in the park. The cost is estimated at around $350. Students will have the opportunity to fundraise the money More information will be available once the school year begins.
ALL parents are automatically members of the booster organization. The primary purpose is to support the music department in the following ways: Chaperones Fundraising Meetings are monthly – typically the second Monday of each month at 6pm