Sarah Palin This is the age for women! FOR PRESIDENT Kacie Simpson
All About Sarah Sarah was born in Idaho, but moved to Alaska just after her birth. She attended the University of Idaho and received her bachelor's degree in communications with an emphasis in journalism. She went on to become the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, and eventually the governor of Alaska until she resigned in Aside from being a politician, Sarah's also the mother of 5, and considers herself to be your ordinary hockey mom.
All About Sarah cont. Sarah Palin White, Christian, Female. 45 years old Republican Sarah is good looking, and portrays a successful look. She is very intelligent. She is a great public speaker. She stands up for what she believes in.
Sarah's Stances Gay Marriage: Sarah is completely against gay marriage. She believes that marriage is between only a man and a woman. Her goal is to protect traditional marriage. War in the Middle East: Sarah believes that we need to stay in the Middle East and finish our battle. There's no way we can start sending troops home now, and if anything, we need to be sending more troops over there. Sarah believes that we need to watch Iran, because with nuclear weapons they are a threat to the world.
Stances Cont. Abortion: Sarah is opposed to abortion. She is pro-life, and thinks that it's wrong to abort an unborn child. However, if the child was conceived due to rape or unwilling sex, then Sarah believes that it is OK to have an abortion. Oil & Energy: Sarah believes it's time to be energy independent. What's the first step to this? Tapping into what's already here in the U.S. She wants to start drilling in the A.N.W.R. For the oil, so we can stop relying on foreign oil. She also wants to tap into the natural gases that we have here in the U.S.
Stances Cont. Health Care: Sarah opposes nationwide health care. She believes that doctors should be in charge of health care and no one else, and she also believes that we should take personal responsibility for our health, and do our part to keep ourselves healthy. Immigration: Sarah believes that we need to make our current immigration laws more strict. We need to tighten security at the borders. She believes in a path to citizenship, but not amnesty.
Campaign Stops Jan 3 – Sarah will be stopping in Cheyenne, Wyoming at The Plains Hotel for a fundraiser dinner. Plates will be $50 each. Starts at 6 p.m. Jan 5 – Sarah will be speaking at the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex in Birmingham, AL. She will be speaking about her stance on health care. Sarah chose Wyoming because it's the first closed caucus for Republicans, and she will be speaking in Alabama because the state usually votes Republican in most elections.
Campaign Stops Cont. Jan 15 - Sarah will be speaking at the Colisee in Lewiston, ME. She will be speaking about Immigration. Jan 20 – Sarah will be speaking in her native state of Alaska at the Egan Lecture Hall at the University of Alaska in Juneau. She will be speaking about Oil & Energy Independence. Sarah will be speaking in Lewiston because of the huge Somalian immigration, and she will be speaking in Alaska because it's her native state and because Alaska is home to the ANWR, where Sarah would like to start drilling for energy independence.
UPDATE After the first few primaries, Republican nominee John McCain dropped out of the race leaving Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee.
Campaign Stops Cont. Jan 25 – Sarah will be speaking at the Garr Banquet Hall in Los Angeles, CA. She will be speaking about gay marriage. Feb 4 – Sarah will be holding a fundraiser dinner at New York's Pennsylvania Hotel at 7 p.m. Plates will be $100 each. Sarah chose to speak in California because CA overturned the same- sex marriage laws, and she chose to speak in New York because NY has a lot of electoral votes, and hopes to gain a few of their votes, even though NY is usually a Democratic state.
Campaign Stops Cont. Mar 3 – Sarah will be speaking at the Frank Erwin Center in Austin, TX. She will be speaking about Immigration. Jun 2 – Sarah will be holding a fundraiser dinner at the Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown Hotel starting at 6 p.m.. Plates will be $50 each. Sarah will be speaking about immigration in Texas because TX is right on the border of Mexico and because of that has a lot of problems with immigration, and she will be speaking in New Mexico because it's one of the last states to hold their primaries.
Obtaining Money Sarah plans to obtain money in 4 ways: The first way she plans to obtain money is through private donations. The second way she plans to obtain money is from her own pocket. The third way she plans to obtain money is through her PAC: SarahPAC. The third and final way she plans to obtain money is through the FEC. Sarah hopes to raise around $300 million all together.
Speeches Here is a blurb from Sarah's speech in Lewiston, Maine regarding the Somali immigration: “I'm not saying that immigration is a bad thing. I can understand why people would want to immigrate to a country like ours. However, it's beginning to get out of control. Too many immigrants are coming over. This town is a perfect example of this. Schools are overcrowded, and people are fed up...”
Speeches Cont. Here is a blurb from Sarah's speech in Los Angeles, CA regarding gay marriage: “A clear example of how your state feels about gay marriage was shown when the state overturned the same sex marriage law. If marriage was meant to be between anyone other than a man and a woman, then it would have no problem passing in any state that put it to a vote.”
Republican National Convention This years Republican National Convention was held at the Dallas Convention Center in Dallas, TX. The nominees were Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee. (John McCain would've been there too if he hadn't of dropped out earlier in the race.) Sarah Palin won the parties nomination, and will move onto the general election against the Democratic nominee, Ellen Degeneres.
We need a President that we can take seriously, we don't need someone that's constantly fooling around. Marriage is meant to be between one man and one woman. Do you want a president that destroys the true meaning of marriage? I didn't think so...
Election Results Popular Votes i.Palin/Snowe: 61,900,060 ii.Degeneres/Clinton: 52,400,059 Electoral Votes: 342 vs 189
Acceptance Speech “My fellow Americans, first, I'd just like to say thank you for all your support. It really did pay off! I want you to know that senator, excuse me, vice president Snowe and I have a lot of plans for this country. I can't wait to start! I'm honored to be the very first woman President in this country, and that just goes to show you what kind of country this is, and how much we've progressed through the years...”