GFWC California Federation of Women’s Clubs REPORTING Writing information 2014-2016 CFWC AREA CONFERENCES Presented by Toby Kahan, CFWC First Vice President
DO YOU KNOW YOUR MEMBERS? Because we ultimately join to serve, it is important that we select projects that meet a need in our communities and meet the needs of our members. DO YOU KNOW YOUR MEMBERS?
What kinds of projects is your club doing? (If yes, raise your hand) Are the projects the majority of your members want and can participate in? Are the projects done year after year, but each year something new is added? Are the projects serving a genuine need? Are the projects publicized and included in club profiles and other media sources? ARE THEY PROJECTS – held every year and each year something new is added? serving a genuine need? publicized and included in club profiles and other media sources? involve members’ friends & family and outside organizations? What kinds of projects is your club doing?
For every project, do you do the following? Are you voting on all projects and recording the vote in the Club’s Minutes? Are you keeping track of Hours, Dollars, and who participated? Are you getting help from non-members and outside organizations? For every project, do you do the following?
For every project, do you do the following? Are you evaluating the project and noting the positive and negative issues? Are you creating a Procedure Book, including Dos and Don’ts? Are the members who worked on the project, giving their evaluation and input? For every project, do you do the following?
ARE YOU PLANNING PROJECTS MEMBERS WILL SUPPORT? Are projects held at a time that will fit into most members’ schedules? Are you listening to your members when they have expressed an interest in supporting a new organization? . ARE YOU PLANNING PROJECTS MEMBERS WILL SUPPORT?
ARE YOU PLANNING PROJECTS MEMBERS WILL SUPPORT? Are you donating to organizations that members are personally involved in? Are you seeking funding from outside your club, so you don’t put financial demands on your members? . ARE YOU PLANNING PROJECTS MEMBERS WILL SUPPORT?
Members are probably not participating on projects. Members are attending fewer meetings.
Members choose NOT to serve on committees; and Projects are left in the hands of a few, which can cause BURN OUT!
A Membership Questionnaire to find out -WHO ARE YOUR MEMBERS? CONSIDER THIS: A Membership Questionnaire to find out -WHO ARE YOUR MEMBERS? Including family members on projects. Inviting talented Members to conduct Workshops to create items to sell or donate for raise funds for philanthropy. TO AVOID BURN OUT, LOSS OF MEMBERS, & PURPOSE FOR BELONGING TO A GFWC CLUB!
Encouraging Members to enter Federation Contests. Inviting Members to be Keynote speakers to share their knowledge or expertise. TO AVOID BURN OUT, LOSS OF MEMBERS, & PURPOSE FOR BELONGING TO A GFWC CLUB!
It’s the best Club history and informs Federation of projects worth sharing. It enables Federation to seek potential donors and grants. It tells the community how vital your organization is to their well-being. Why Write a Report?
It’s a recruitment tool when included in Club Profiles, Media Articles, etc. It documents your Club’s 501c3 non-profit status. It’s an opportunity to receive recognition through awards at the District, State, and National levels. Why Write a Report?
LIST OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS! Let’s continue the legacy of our founders and those that followed, by providing our members with opportunities that will enrich their lives while accomplishing the projects that will help those in need. And, those most worthwhile projects, should be documented and reported. WE HAVE AN IMPRESSIVE LIST OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS!
The Statistics turned into our State last year were forwarded to GFWC The Statistics turned into our State last year were forwarded to GFWC. When they were combined with the other 49 states, the totals were:
And that is just what was reported! more than $5 Million Spent in Advancement Areas more than $12 Million Dollars Raised in Fundraising more than 200,000 Projects in all areas more than 10 Million Volunteer Hours more than $50 Million Dollars Donated And that is just what was reported!
Clubs gather their project information; complete the CFWC Statistical Form; and write Narrative reports using the current CFWC Club Award Entry Form. Clubs submit their reports to the District Chairmen and/or Dean by the District Deadline! CLUB LEVEL
The District Chairmen – Submits CLUB REPORTS, by size category, to three judges to determine District Winners. DISTRICT LEVEL
The District Chairmen – Submit a District Entry Award Form (Narrative Report) to their CFWC Chairman describing ONLY the District activities in their program, including their activities to promote their program. DISTRICT LEVEL
The District Chairmen – Send all Club Reports with 1st Place Winners in each size category marked. DISTRICT LEVEL
Gives a copy of their report to the District President and Dean. The District Chairmen – Gives a copy of their report to the District President and Dean. DISTRICT LEVEL
The District Presidents: Complete the CFWC Statistical Report by adding up the totals submitted by their Clubs and District Chairmen. DISTRICT LEVEL
The State Chairmen: Submit District 1st PLACE CLUB REPORTS to 3 judges to determine State Club Winners in each size category. STATE LEVEL - CFWC
The State Chairman: Submit all DISTRICT REPORTS to 3 judges to determine District Winners in each size category. STATE LEVEL - CFWC
Read ALL Club Reports looking for the 10 best Club projects. The State Chairmen: Read ALL Club Reports looking for the 10 best Club projects. STATE LEVEL - CFWC
The State Chairmen: Submit to the GFWC Chairmen their State Reports describing the programs supported in California, along with the 10 most unique club projects. STATE LEVEL - CFWC
Club Creativity Award Entry The State Chairmen: Submit a second Award Entry to GFWC the Club Creativity Award Entry Which describes the most creative club project in California, in their program. STATE LEVEL - CFWC
INTERNATIONAL LEVEL - GFWC GFWC Chairmen judge the State Entries and present in each size category at the International Convention – Most Outstanding State Program California is the largest State Federation INTERNATIONAL LEVEL - GFWC
INTERNATIONAL LEVEL - GFWC GFWC Chairmen select one Club Project from all State Club Creativity Award entries, and present the Club with the Club Creativity Award for their most creative project. INTERNATIONAL LEVEL - GFWC
Take the Easy Way and I’ll show you how, but you should start NOW
FOR EACH PROJECT: Check Meeting Minutes Review Financial Reports Look at Agendas Write a Narrative Complete the CFWC Award Entry Form Complete the Statistical Form Turn into the District Celebrate!
There is a NEW FORM - the only one accepted by CFWC. There is a NEW TITLE: Club Award Entry Form. There is NO COVER SHEET. There is NO MEMBERSHIP BOX. There is an additional ½ page to describe projects. There is a Header that MUST BE included for each project. 2014 – 2016 cfwc award entry form
Annual Reporting January 1-December 31, 2014 CLUB AWARD ENTRY FORM Annual Reporting January 1-December 31, 2014 Program Title: Name of GFWC Special Project, Community Service Program or Advancement Area Program Club Name *Number of Members *As stated in current CFWC Yearbook District Name AREA Chairman Phone E-mail Completed by Phone E-mail ******************************************************************************************************************* Instructions: COPY this HEADER for each project described (use additional line if needed): Project Title Hours Donated $ In Kind $ Raised $ Spent $ Begin below with Club description including location, type of community, number of active and working members, club years in Federation, etc., followed by HEADER (above) and Narrative for each project. Limit 3 pages including this Entry Form. SEND ENTRY TO YOUR DISTRICT BY THEIR DEADLINE DATE. ********************************************************************************************************************
Annual Reporting January 1-December 31, 2014 CLUB AWARD ENTRY FORM Annual Reporting January 1-December 31, 2014 Program Title: Name of GFWC Special Project, Community Service Program or Advancement Area Program Club Name *Number of Members *As stated in current CFWC Yearbook District Name AREA Chairman Phone E-mail Completed by Phone E-mail
YOU MAY DELETE THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR ADDITIONAL SPACE ********************************************************************************************************** Instructions: COPY this HEADER for each project described (use additional line if needed): Project Title Hours Donated $ In Kind $ Raised $ Spent $ Begin below with Club description including location, type of community, number of active and working members, club years in Federation, etc., followed by HEADER (above) and Narrative for each project. Limit 3 pages including this Entry Form. SEND ENTRY TO YOUR DISTRICT BY THEIR DEADLINE DATE. ************************************************************************************************************************ YOU MAY DELETE THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR ADDITIONAL SPACE
BEGIN YOUR NARRATIVE HERE!!!! CLUB AWARD ENTRY FORM Annual Reporting January 1-December 31, 2014 Program Title: Name of GFWC Special Project, Community Service Program or Advancement Area Program Club Name *Number of Members *As stated in current CFWC Yearbook District Name AREA Chairman Phone E-mail Completed by Phone E-mail ************************************************************************************************************* Instructions: COPY this HEADER for each project described (use additional line if needed): Project Title Hours Donated $ In Kind $ Raised $ Spent $ Begin below with Club description including location, type of community, number of active and working members, club years in Federation, etc., followed by HEADER (above) and Narrative for each project. Limit 3 pages including this Entry Form. SEND ENTRY TO YOUR DISTRICT BY THEIR DEADLINE DATE. BEGIN YOUR NARRATIVE HERE!!!!
BEGIN PAGES 2 & 3 WITH CLUB NAME & PROGRAM AT THE TOP LEFT! CLUB AWARD ENTRY FORM Annual Reporting January 1-December 31, 2014 Program Title: Name of GFWC Special Project, Community Service Program or Advancement Area Program Club Name *Number of Members *As stated in current CFWC Yearbook District Name AREA Chairman Phone E-mail Completed by Phone E-mail ******************************************************************************************************************* Instructions: COPY this HEADER for each project described (use additional line if needed): Project Title Hours Donated $ In Kind $ Raised $ Spent $ Begin below with Club description including location, type of community, number of active and working members, club years in Federation, etc., followed by HEADER (above) and Narrative for each project. Limit 3 pages including this Entry Form. SEND ENTRY TO YOUR DISTRICT BY THEIR DEADLINE DATE. ******************************************************************************************************************** BEGIN PAGES 2 & 3 WITH CLUB NAME & PROGRAM AT THE TOP LEFT!
See the CFWC Yearbook pages 147 – 155. CFWC CLUB ENTRY AWARD FORM TYPE information needed at the top of form. Write a short profile about club, community, and membership (may be used by all Chairmen). Report the project in the correct Program. See the CFWC Yearbook pages 147 – 155. Please make sure you are reporting the project in the correct Program area. There have been a few changes, especially in the Membership, Leadership, and Communications/PR Reports and the pages in the CFWC Remember
Remember Copy Header for each project and enter data that applies. Describe your best projects first. All projects do not have to be reported. Turn into District Dean/Chairman by their Deadline. Please make sure you are reporting the project in the correct Program area. There have been a few changes, especially in the Membership, Leadership, and Communications/PR Reports and the pages in the CFWC Remember
GUIDELINES FOR NARRATIVES Do not exceed two additional pages (3 pages total). Must be typed, can be single spaced. Font not smaller than 11. Use one easy to read! GUIDELINES FOR NARRATIVES
GUIDELINES FOR NARRATIVES Margins not less than ½ inch top, sides, and bottom. Additional pages must have Club Name and Program in top left corner. Stapled! Each project needs a “Header” This format is a MUST! GUIDELINES FOR NARRATIVES
WHERE are projects reported?
In the Advancement AREAS, usually Money Spent is reported, but if you receive in-kind donations (money or items) for an event, you can report it. ADVANCEMENT AREAS
ADVANCEMENT AREAS For example – Wine is donated to serve at a Membership Social, or Items are donated for Opportunity Baskets to raise money for WHRC, or Money is donated in order to host a Candidate Forum. ADVANCEMENT AREAS
Philanthropy Projects should be reported in Program Area, however, if you hold a large fundraiser for a specific philanthropy YOU CAN - FUNDRAISING REPORTS
- report the project in Fundraising, describing the event and money raised (net profit); and - report only money donate in the Program area. FUNDRAISING REPORTS
Membership Reports may include Public Relations and Leadership activities. However statistics cannot be reported in more than one program. CFWC Yearbook Pages 147 – 155
make your report stand out!
What do the Judges look for? Judging Criteria
Judging Criteria Was the project successful? Were goals met? Were other organizations involved? Originality, Initiative, Execution, Participation. Statistics: Dollars and Hours included. The significance of the project. How were obstacles overcome? Judging Criteria
There is a page limit so consider reporting only your best projects and give more details. Give the Project Title an eye catching name, so your publicity will stand out and Judges will want to read every word. MAKE IT EASY TO READ!
Don’t be wordy! Judges get tired to reading a lot of reports and will start to skip through long paragraphs and miss details. So get to the point and use BOLD Font on important words, dollars, etc. MAKE IT EASY TO READ!
Include Who, What, Where, When, Why Include Who, What, Where, When, Why. Outlines are OK, but stay away from lists! NO NAMES, only Titles in Narratives. MAKE IT EASY TO READ!
district award entry form information!
DISTRICT AWARD ENTRY FORM Annual Reporting January 1-December 31, 2014 Program Title: Name of Community Service Program or Advancement Area Program District Name *Number of Members *Number given by CFWC Chairman Phone E-mail Completed by Phone E-mail ******************************************************************************************************************** Instructions: COPY this HEADER for each project described (use additional line if needed): Project Title Hours Donated $ In Kind $ Raised $ Spent $ Begin below District description including location, area size and number of clubs, how often the District meets, etc., followed by HEADER (above) and Narrative for each District project accomplished in Program. Include ONLY District and/or Chairman Projects (not clubs projects). Limit 3 pages including this Entry Form. MAIL THIS ENTRY (along with all Club Entries) TO YOUR CFWC CHAIRMAN before February 15.
Instructions for District chairmen ************************************************************************************ Instructions: COPY this HEADER for each project described (use additional line if needed): Project Title Hours Donated $ In Kind $ Raised $ Spent $ Begin below District description including location, area size and number of clubs, how often the District meets, etc., followed by HEADER (above) and Narrative for each District project accomplished in Program. Include ONLY District and/or Chairman Projects (not clubs projects). Limit 3 pages including this Entry Form. MAIL THIS ENTRY (along with all Club Entries) TO YOUR CFWC CHAIRMAN before February 15. BEGIN YOUR NARRATIVE HERE! Instructions can be omitted for more space. Instructions for District chairmen
DISTRICT CHAIRMEN SHOULD KNOW THIS! *only use the CFWC District Award Entry Form! *only report what projects you and the District did! *include FOR EACH NARRATIVE - all district’S hours & money on ONLY DISTRICT projects reported! *CHECK Minutes & Financial reports from January 2014 DISTRICT CHAIRMEN SHOULD KNOW THIS!
DISTRICT CHAIRMEN SHOULD ALSO KNOW THIS! *GIVE Statistical Totals to the District President for the District Statistical report FORM! *give a copy of your report to the District DEAN! *Place a copy of your report in your Procedure book *mail your report to the CFWC Chairman! *adhere to the CFWC Deadline, February 15th DISTRICT CHAIRMEN SHOULD ALSO KNOW THIS!
statistical form information!
2014 – 2016 cfwc STATISTICAL form This is a NEW FORM - the only one accepted by CFWC. Each Line is a separate entry, do not combine totals. Only report statistics that apply. 2014 – 2016 cfwc STATISTICAL form
2014 – 2016 cfwc STATISTICAL form All Clubs Must complete and mail to ONLY their District President. District Presidents combine Clubs’ and District Chairmen’s stats on Statistical Form. Mail District Statistical Form and ALL CLUB FORMS by Feb. 15th to CFWC 1st Vice President. 2014 – 2016 cfwc STATISTICAL form
DOES THE DISTRICT HAVE TO MAIL ALL CLUB STATISTICAL REPORT FORMS? Which Clubs are reporting statistics, but not completing Club Award Entry Forms? Which clubs are not doing philanthropic projects (required under the CFWC 501c3 umbrella)? How else can CFWC Chairmen know which clubs should be encouraged to complete Club Award Entry Forms? DOES THE DISTRICT HAVE TO MAIL ALL CLUB STATISTICAL REPORT FORMS?
GFWC California Federation Of Women's Clubs Statistical Form Club/District Name: President: Email Address: Phone # Address: City/Zip: Annual Reporting Period January 1 - December 31, 2014 INSTRUCTIONS: Complete this form to include total statistics for each Special Projects, Community Service Projects, and Advancement Area Projects. CLUB PRESIDENT: Submit this Statistical form to your District President by District Deadline. DISTRICT PRESIDENT ONLY: Submit this Statistical form, along with all Club Statistical Forms, to CFWC First Vice President by Email at no later than 11:59 p.m. on February 15, 2015 or send via postal mail postmarked no later than February 15, 2015 to: Toby Kahan, CFWC 1st Vice President, 2548 Palomino Drive, Covina, CA 91724 THIS IS A STATISTICAL REPORT ONLY. DO NOT ATTACH TO ANY OTHER REPORT.
Consider having a luncheon or dinner while gathering together to write reports. Invite new members to help gather and compile data from minutes and log sheets. They will learn more about the projects the club has accomplished for the year. report writing can be
Add a glass of wine and/or a delicious dessert. Have a celebration party when reports are completed and use publicity so that the community knows what your club has done in just one year. report writing can be
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Your Club Dean can help, if not, she’ll call a District Officer or Chairman. Your District Dean has been trained in the new Report Writing Procedures and can help! IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS:
The Forms are on the CFWC website to download & print – Your District Chairmen can answer many questions concerning where to report it. The Forms are on the CFWC website to download & print – Call a CFWC Chairman or the CFWC 1st VP, she will definitely get you an answer! IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS:
This Power Point Presentation will be posted on the CFWC Website to present to your members. Sample reports will be posted on the CFWC website Chairmen’s pages in 2015. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS:
CELEBRATe! Attend Conventions and celebrate with other clubwomen the accomplishments of our Clubs, Districts, States, and National organization! CELEBRATe!