Smart Snacks: Fundraising Success Stephanie Simms School Nutrition Policy Fellow
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Background Smart Snacks guidelines went into effect on July 1, 2014 Part of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act in 2010 that improved the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program Federal guidelines further policies, restrictions, exemptions are determined by each state
Smart Snacks & Fundraising Foods and beverages that must meet Smart Snack guidelines include those found in: à la carte lines vending machines snack bars school stores fundraisers (unless exempted)
Smart Snacks & Fundraising Does your state allow exempted fundraisers meaning they do NOT have to meet Smart Snacks guidelines? fundraising-exemption-policies pdf
Fundraiser Success Healthy Family Festival
Fundraiser Success Family Fitness Day
Fundraiser Success Runs (5K, Walk-a-thon, etc.)
Fundraiser Success
Healthy Cookbooks
Fundraiser Success Theme day
Fundraiser Success No-Bake Bake Sale
Fundraiser Success Fruit Sales
Fundraiser Success Non-food Items
Fundraiser Success Students Adjust to Healthy Snacks
Fundraiser Resources Action for Healthy Kids Healthy Fundraising: do/programs/game-on/about-game-on/get-involved/658- healthy-fundraising do/programs/game-on/about-game-on/get-involved/658- healthy-fundraising Alliance for a Healthier Generation: snacks_and_beverages/fundraisers/ snacks_and_beverages/fundraisers/ California Dept. of Public Health: ork-FV-PP-ParentTipSheetsFundraising pdf ork-FV-PP-ParentTipSheetsFundraising pdf
Smart Snacks Resources “A PTA’s Guide to Smart Snacks in Schools” Implementation Guide Smart Snacks Overview Webinar Partner Resources- CSPI, Alliance for a Healthier Generation, USDA, Tip Sheets from Illinois Public Health Institute, CDC, National Network of Public Health Institutes & Kids’ Safe and Healthful Foods Project
Questions? If you have additional questions please contact Stephanie Simms at or