+ WIM’s 3 rd General Meeting Sit with your families!!! 10/20/10
+ Halloween Game! Tie breaker!
+ International Service Learning Devra Purkiss m
+ Make Up Meeting Texas A&M HSC School of Medicine November 1 st at 6:30 pm WEL 3.502
+ Attention Pledges! WIM Membership Applications are due TODAY
+ Tie-Dye Success!
+ Yogurt Social After the meeting today, we will be walking over to Juicy Tart as a group. Come get social and fundraising credits and enjoy some delicious yogurt!
+ Upcoming Socials October 28 – Inception Social 7:30p at the Union November 3 – Board Game Social Right after the meeting November 11 – Spicy Pickle Fundraiser November 19 – Texas vs Kansas Volleyball Social Game starts at 6:30p
+ Breathe. I have received several s asking if socials will be held on days other than Wednesdays. We have had socials on days other than Wednesdays and will continue to do so. Remember that if you are short on socials you can host your own at the end of the semester (e.g. at Starbucks). It is not impossible to get three credits. Please don’t panic. It’s only October. Deep breaths all around.
+ Membership Dues Pledges: $45/year or $30/semester Actives: $35/year or $25/semester DUE TODAY! Free t-shirt is included with dues if you pay by today!
+ Announcements Juicy Tart Fundraiser! All October Say you’re with WIM during checkout Get 10% discount! Bring me the receipts $15 to pay off fundraising November 11, 6-9PM Spicy Pickle fundraiser/social Next big game day: 10/30/10 UT vs. Baylor Time: Probably from 3-10PM (Game’s at 6PM) me NOW!
+ Juicy Tart Status We slipped to 5 th But on a brighter note, the organizations that make the top three in terms of funds get an extra reward, and we’re not that far behind! 1st Place: $100 2nd Place: $75 3rd Place: $50 (Go WIM, go!)
+ Hope Africa Fundraiser 29 th October Pita Pit 4-8PM Does not count as fundraising credit, but all money raised will go towards an underfunded hospital in Ghana! Just say your with WIM!
+ TEAM ORANGE! Buffalo Exchange/Toy Joy social this Friday! Discover the wonders that are thrift stores, fantastic toy stores, and vegan soft serve. Also, costume shopping! Meet 4PM outside of Buffalo Exchange Please me if you’re going to come!