Let´s abolish schools Schooling for tomorrow, what schools for the future?
In a world where learning takes place all the time and everywhere one must constantly ask oneself: Why do we have schools and what can schools provide best? What are the characteristics of a good school?
Individual reflection for Portfolio Why do children have to go to school? What do children have to learn?
Imagine …..
… People of Europe! … … I have an important announcement to make …
…Yesterday, our Commission took a decision … …a decision that will save our Community a tremèndous amount of money …
… and what’s more … a decision that will make our youth EXTREMELY happy …
… As from tomorrow … ALL schools in Europe … will be closed down …
… The reason is simple: we all know, schools are an utter waste of time … …for the greater part of what you learn in school, can be far more effectively learnt in the REAL world …
… and what’s worse… … schools are boring … and kill creativity …
… So, the Commission trusts, this decison will be met by general approval in all countries of Europe …
… I thank you for your attention …
End of Press Conference
Small group discussion 1 Do we need schools? What can schools provide best? What are the characteristics of a school that does well?
Are we doing that, are we living up to our ideals?
Schools cannot decide entirely on their own what the why is. Because schools are an integral part of society, external stakeholders - the environment, society etc. - should be involved. So, changes in society should be reflected (mirrored ) in schools.
Salamanca Declaration and Framework for Action (UNESCO 1994) The importance of including children with disabilities was strongly reaffirmed at the UNESCO World Conference on Special Needs Education in Salamanca (UNESCO 1994). This conference has been very influential in encouraging governments to adopt inclusive policies and in giving examples of progress in reforming schools to respond to a much greater diversity of need in their local communities.
EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Education and Culture. Brussels, June 2002 EUROPEAN REPORT ON QUALITY INDICATORS OF LIFELONG LEARNING Overall goal for schools i Europe: “The European Council sets the objective to make Europe´s education and training systems a world quality reference by 2010”
Small group discussion 2 Is there a gap between my ”beliefs” and demands from society? Is it a problem? How can we avoid it?
Points of attention: From passive to active Need for external orientation Learning community
Books of interest Fullan, Michael The new meaning of educational change, 2001 Antonovsky, Aaron Unravelling the mystery of helth, 1987 OECD-Report Schooling for tomorrow, what schools for the future?
Future scenarios for schooling A work by OECD
Status quo extrapolated Scenario 1: Robust bureaucratic school systems Strong bureacracies and robust institutions Vested interests resist fundamental change Continuing problems of school image and resourcing Scenario 2: Extending the market model Widespread dissatisfaction leads to re-shaping public funding and school systems Rapid growth of demand-driven ”market currencies”, indicators and accreditations Greater diversity of providers and professionals, greater inequality.
The ”de-schooling” scenarios Scenario 3: Learner networks and the network society Widespread dissatisfaction with/rejection of organised school systems Non-formal learning using ICT potential, reflect the ”network society” Communities of interest, potentially serious equity problems Scenario 4: Teacher exodus – the ´meltdown´ scenario Severe teacher shortages do not respond to policy action Retrenchment, conflict, and falling standards leading to areas of ”meltdown” or Crisis provides spur to widespread innovation but future still uncertain
The ”re-schooling” scenarios Scenario 5: Schools as core social centers High level of public trust and funding Schools as centres of community and social capital formation Greater organisational/professional diversity, greater social equity Scenario 6: Schools as focused learning organisations High level of public trust and funding Schools and teachers network widely in learning organisations Strong quality and equity features