USI 10a Trivia Newell
The 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments were added to the Constitution of the United States during - Ayear after the Bill of Rights was ratified Bwhen Abraham Lincoln was President CJames Madison's presidency Dthe Reconstruction period
What was the immediate effect of the 14th Amendment? AAfrican Americans were granted equal protection under the law. BIndentured servants were freed. CFarmers could sell crops at market. DWomen in territories were granted the right to vote.
Which of the following is the correct sequence for these events? AGrant citizenship, abolish slavery, right to vote BRight to vote, abolish slavery, grant citizenship CRight to vote, grant citizenship, abolish slavery DAbolish slavery, grant citizenship, right to vote
The fifteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States - Aoutlaws slavery in the United States Bends Reconstruction in the South Cdefines what it means to be a citizen Dguarantees the right to vote for all races
Which statement describes the life of most African Americans prior to the 13th Amendment? AMost African Americans were paid for their work. BMost African Americans were treated as equals. CMost African Americans were sharecroppers. DMost African Americans were slaves.
Which statement is true about the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments? AThey granted land to American Indians (First Americans). BWomen were given the right to vote. CThey guaranteed equal protection under the law for all citizens. DAll were ratified before the Civil War.
Which of the following is associated with the 13th Amendment? ARight to bear arms BAbolish slavery CFreedom of speech DTrial by jury
Which amendment ensures all citizens the right to vote regardless of race or color or previous conditions of servitude? A15th Amendment B14th Amendment C1st Amendment D3rd Amendment
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States...are citizens of the United States and the state wherein they reside." This passage from the constitution of the United States comes from which amendment? A5 th B14th C15 th D13th
Why is the 14th amendment considered one of the most important? AProtects free speech, press and religion to all citizens BGranted voting rights to all races CEquality under the law DEnded slavery in the United States