The Spread of Enlightenment Ideas Chapter 6 Section 3 (pp.178-182) Essential Question 4: How did the ideas of the Age of Reason spread throughout Europe and how did they affect art and culture?
Three Major Objectives: A World of Ideas How did the ideas of the Enlightenment spread throughout Europe? 2. Art and Literature in the Age of Reason How was the art and literature of this time influenced by Enlightenment ideas of reason and order? 3. Enlightenment and the Monarchy How did the absolute monarchs of this time try to apply Enlightenment ideas to their governments?
A World of Ideas The ideas of the Enlightenment were spread by various means: The salons of Paris Philosophers, writers, artists, scientists, and others gathered to discuss/debate new ideas Diderot’s Encyclopedia One book that contains current ideas about science, art, and government The Media (books, newspapers, magazines) The increasingly literate middle-class purchased written materials to satisfy their growing curiosity
Art and Literature in the Age of Reason The Neo-Classical style replaces the baroque style of art in 1700s Simple, elegant style that stresses harmony & balance (borrowing from the ideas of the classical Greeks & Romans) Haydn, Beethoven, and Mozart are among the great musical composers of this period In literature, a new form of writing becomes popular --- the novel Entertaining stories written in everyday English to appeal to the middle class Robinson Crusoe, Pamela, and Tom Jones are early examples
Art in the Age of Enlightenment The Enlightenment influenced painters of the time to look for inspiration in the material (secular) world – Nature, society, science, and individualism.
Enlightenment and the Monarchy The ideas of the Enlightenment influenced the way in which some monarchs governed Enlightened Despots were absolute monarchs who tried to rule more according to the ideas & spirit of the Enlightenment Frederick II (the Great) of Prussia Granted some religious freedoms, reduced censorship, improved education, and abolished use of torture
Enlightened Despots (cont.) 2. Joseph II of Austria tried to make radical reforms but failed Freedom of worship Tried to end serfdom 3. Catherine II (the Great) of Russia Reformed Russian laws (tried to abolish torture & capital punishment; give religious freedom) Legal reform failed Improved life of serfs but fails to grant them freedom Expanded Russian Empire and acquires a warm-weather port on Black Sea from Ottoman Empire