American Forums: The Marketplace of Ideas SpringBoard Level 6 – Unit 2
2.8 – Fair and Balanced: Part II As a table group, discuss whether or not you think football is too violent. Do you think there are strong enough reasons to abolish high school football? Or, do you think there are more compelling reasons to forever have it as a high school sport?
2.8 – Fair and Balanced: Part II Purpose of 2.8: To analyze a writer’s use of language to manipulate readers To distinguish between persuasion and propaganda To revise to eliminate loaded language/slanters
2.8 – “Abolish high school football!” Pages 136-137: As we read, highlight or mark the words and phrases that show the writer’s feelings about the topic. Now, go back through the text and identify these 5 ‘slanters’: Labeling, Rhetorical Definition, Innuendo, Hyperbole, Ridicule/Sarcasm.
2.8 – “Abolish high school football!” Pages 138-139: Work with a partner to complete the SMELL graphic organizer on page 138. Now, choose 5 (five) specific passages from Schroth to revise to be less slanted. Complete the changes in the graphic organizer on page 139.
2.8 – Fair and Balanced: Part II Socratic Seminar Discussion At what point does an author’s use of biased language undermine his/her credibility? Does Schroth’s editorial cross the line? Is it ethical for writer’s to use slanted language to manipulate their readers? If so, under what conditions? Essential Question Review: How does a writer use tone to advance an opinion?