The smaller, Earth-like planets are called 'terrestrial' planets. Larger planets are called this.
This element is named after the seventh planet from the sun
The depression on a terrestrial planet or satellite is called
The number of planets in our solar system have rings
This planet rotates on its side
Fusion in the Sun begins with which element
The visible portion of the sun’s atmosphere
The portion of the sun’s atmosphere only seen during a solar eclipse
This term describes the furthest distance a planet is from the sun during its orbit
The sun's rays strike Earth at their northernmost and southernmost positions during these events
exploding star expending its energy in a bright flash is called a
Stars live over 90 percent of their lives as part of this stage
The stage in a star’s life cycle prior to nuclear fusion (birth) is called
The brightness scale of stars called
The last 2 phases of a low mass star’s life cycle are known as
Ursa Major is also more commonly known as
Total number of constellations
The North Star is also called ?
Constellations that can be seen in the Northern Hemisphere year round due to their location are called
The constellation Cephus forms this formation.
The moon’s albedo is
When the earth blocks the sun’s rays from the moon causing a shadow.
It takes this long for a lunar month
The reason for Earth’s seasons is caused by
Name this phase in the moon’s lunar month