Keynote – ICT in modernisation of education and training across Europe Markku MARKKULA EU Committee of the Regions (Member: Rapporteur on Digital Agenda & on the Role of Regions in Achieving the Targets of EU 2020) Aalto University (Advisor to the Aalto Presidents)
Painting the frame for the session participants the target being to mobilise the key actors to support the mainstreaming of e-Learning in national, regional and local policies for modernisation of education for all subjects and skills.
The use of ICT in education is a good example of the huge gap between the latest research knowledge and real life practice. Strong national, regional and local measures are needed to turn research results into innovations that can be applied throughout Europe and are, however, locally tailored, and most importantly taken in active use. Lifelong learning and the full use of ICT are cornerstones for this change of mindset. Cities and regions must become real implementation fields for the EU 2020 strategy. Regions should be turned into innovation platforms for the strategic change. For this we need the new dynamic understanding of regional innovation ecosystems where public, private and third sector learn to operate together – with people in a new and creative mood. Good experience has been gained around Europe from the new open research, development and innovation platforms and methodologies mobilizing public private partnerships and encouraging especially people participations (user-driven open innovation).
Energizing Society Regional Innovation Ecosystem Markku Markkula Aalto University Integrating real word and virtual working environments
Regional Innovation Ecosystem University Campus 2020 According to the plans, by 2020, there will be new investments of 4-5 billion €: metro, tunnel construction of ring road, other infra, housing, office and business buildings, public services, university buildings, sports and cultural facilities… Nokia Aalto University Rovio Tapiola Garden City EIT ICT Lab
Open Source Platform The true value of the interconnected 3D worlds is in the applications, not the platform.
UNESCO‘s four learning dimensions ELLI- Internet Platform ELLI-Studies & Publications ELLI-Index Europe ELLI – Learning Community Report Regional ELLI-Index CoR Markkula 21 Feb 2011: This is excellent material and instruments. This can lead to a real societal innovation. What can we (=the regions) do by the help of this?
National Action Plan Pilot study in 20 schools Finland: National Plan for ICT in Education (December 1, 2010) Systemic innovation Future Learning Pedagogical change e-Learning materials Infrastucture Focus on Teachers School culture and leadership PPP and networking
ICT AT SCHOOL’S EVERYDAY LIFE RECOMMENDATIONS 2009 Ubiquitous Information Society Advisory Board Finland 1.Fast communication networks and operational technical solutions for every school 2.Schools’ technical and pedagogical support into order 3.Adopt student-centered working methods that support communal modes of studying and activate students 4.Ensure e-learning materials are available to all, they are experiential and support reflective learning 5.Transform schools’ operational culture to be communal 6.Update educational authorities’ and school management’s skills 7.Take partnerships between schools and companies to a new level 8.Teacher education to meet the needs of schools 9.National strategic plan for the educational use of ICTs
A Few Nationally Vital Learning Solutions Finland Implementing Knowledge Triangle National programme m€ Merging learning, technology, places and spaces
Some examples How to mainstream eLearning? ICT AT SCHOOL’S EVERYDAY LIFE
E-learning in Denmark Three cases E-learning for employed and unemployed - VET E-learning E-learning in human centric educations - Occupational therapist E-learning in remote areas – Greenland as example
Denmark: NetAU – VET E-learning About NetAU NetAU is the coordinator of collaboration between more than 20 VET schools in Denmark NetAU offers part-time educations as internet based distance learning 6 week courses: how do they work? For employed or unemployed wanting further education. The courses are supposed to increase the job opportunities. The courses are held 100 % via internet- no gatherings (except from the exam) Curriculum for each course – the participants can each week see what they are supposed to read and hand in NetAU offers the following courses as 6 week courses –Logistics –Human Resources –Project Management –Organisation –Management in practice –Communication in practice –Personnel law
Occupational therapist via e-learning About University College Zealand University College Zealand is the regional university college in the region of Zealand Offers nine bachelor degree programmes About the occupational therapist study as e-learning University College Zealand offers the occupational therapist study as e-learning Duration: 3½ years Combination of workshops (compulsory attendance), clinical training and e-learning 3 days of workshop at the school each month
E-forum Greenland About E-forum E-forum was started in The purpose of the project is to disseminate the it-based teaching methods and to create more differentiated education offers at the vocational schools in Greenland Examples of projects 'Fantasy‘ online English project Students from school in Sisimiut and Maniitsoq in Greenland and Kalø language school in Denmark cooperated via E-forum on a online English school project within the subject ‘Literary Fantasy’ Online group work - each group consisted of students from all of the three schools.
Future School Concept PARTNERS InnoArchInnoPlay PILOTS InnoServe InnoEdu University of Helsinki InnoEdu Faculty of Behavioral Sciences, Center for Research on Teaching University of Lapland InnoPlay Faculty of Education, Centre for Media Pedagogy Helsinki University of Technology InnoArch – Places and Spaces for Learning Department of Architecture InnoServe Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SimLab Industrial Partners (5 large companies) Municipalities (Helsinki, Espoo, Rovaniemi) Others InnoSchool Innovations in Architecture, Education, Playful Learning and Services Aija Staffans Aalto University
INFORMAL NONFORMAL FORMAL Pedagogies Places and Spaces Processes
BUILDING NEIGHBOURHOOD WORLD PHYSICAL VIRTUAL PHYSICAL TSL* processes Primary Goal: to deepen the understanding of the interrelationship between a spatial experience and a meaningful learning process (TSL) Secondary Goal: to develop a collaborative, inquiry based planning and design process for the future school InnoArch Goals Integrating virtual and physical worlds * TSL= teaching, studing learning
Mediating Places and Spaces 3 Espoo Opinmäki Learning Campus ARKKI workshops for children and young people in ages Arkki = Architectural School for Children and Youth
Learning environment for GIS studies
Netlibris Teaching Literature – Already in 1996 Netlibris is a pedagogic method of teaching literature, Netlibris started in Netlibris schools collaborate in offering an enriched literature programme to selected groups of students. The process consist of asynchronous literature discussions, virtual and face-to-face reader group meetings, teachers working in virtual teams as tutors, collaboration between teachers, librarians, teacher educators and schools. Netlibris has provided professional development courses for teachers locally and nationally. There are more than 200 teachers involved in developing the programme.
Learning games and virtual environments supporting the renewal of teaching and learning
National Learning Environment
in Finland around 90 cities/communities around 900 schools Over active users (around 30% of all pupils in Finland) learning objects Virtual learning environment -VLE ( , storage, tools for virtual learning and communication) Customer service and HelpDesk ( Training for all teachers Opit-service : Virtual Learning Environment Private company:
Virtual Learning Environment -tools Personal usernames SMS service Personal and shared folders Project-tool Announcements Discussions Media Gallery Chat Blog Mind Map Surveys
Study materials and teacher resources of WSOYpro school books Matikka - primary school mathematics Pisara - science material Learning objects for students Active board material for teachers
New developments every day: with a Facebook link this morning
Session 8: Potential Future? During the session we want to hear and discuss more on issues such as: Prerequisites for new mood of collaboration: open data, open systems and open innovation Agile learning: different learning paths by the help of modernising informal and formal learning environments and spaces Creative Classrooms and Creative Learning Environments New learning design Scaling up locally invented learning innovations Smart Specialisation Platform European Knowledge Agora & Cloud for Learning More transparent PPPs (public–private–people partnerships) Embedding the use of ICT and other innovation enabling technologies in all reforms European collaboration through Local Digital Agendas New working culture of multidisciplinary cross-border collaboration by breaking down silos Renewal of funding mechanisms to encourage innovative leadership
The key issue is commitment and the key questions are “how to make the desired transformation to happen?”, and especially “what can I do?”, “how might we? Thank you very much