Nomenclature Practice Types I, II, & III Acids and Hydrates
Directions A compound’s name or formula will be presented. For each you should determine the category of compound. i.e. Type I, II, III, Binary Acid, Oxyacid, or Hydrate If the formula is given determine it’s name If the name is given determine it’s formula.
Reminders Type I Column IA, IIA, Ag, Zn & Al Name both ions Charges total to zero Type II The rest of the metals Cation named with roman numeral (RN = charge) Charges total to zero Type III Nonmetals with nonmetals Named with prefixes
Reminders Acids ~ H +1 is the cation Oxyacids – contain oxygen To name ~ remove the ‘ate’ add ‘ic acid’ To write formula ~ charges must total to zero Binary acids – two elements (no oxygen) To name ~ use ‘hydro’ prefix & add ‘ic acid To write formula ~ charges must total to zero Hydrates Ionic compounds named as normal with a ‘prefix hydrate’ added as a suffix
Sodium oxide Category? Formula? Na 2 O Type I
PCl 3 Category? Name? Phosphorus trichloride Type III
Copper(I) sulfide Category? Formula? Cu 2 S Type II
H 3 PO 4 Category? Name? Phosphoric acid Oxyacid
Nickel(II) sulfate heptahydrate Category? Formula? NiSO 4. 7H 2 O Type II hydrate
HF Category? Name? Hydrofluoric acid Binary acid
Zinc hydroxide Category? Formula? Zn(OH) 2 Type I
SO 2 Category? Name? Sulfurdioxide Type III
Barium phosphate Category? Formula? Ba 3 (PO 4 ) 2 Type I
Ag 2 CrO 4 Category? Name? Silver chromate Type I
Vanadium(III) fluoride Category? Formula? VF 3 Type II
NH 4 Cl Category? Name? Ammonium chloride Technically Type I. Polyatomic cation is not really a category.
Strontium acetate Category? Formula? Sr(C 2 H 3 O 2 ) 2 Type I
MgCO 3 Category? Name? Magnesium carbonate Type I
Hydrobromic acid Category? Formula? HBr Binary Acid
SnI 4 Category? Name? Tin(IV) iodide Type II
Lithium dichromate Category? Formula? Li 2 Cr 2 O 7 Type I
MnO 2 Category? Name? Manganese(IV) oxide Type II
Magnesium sulfate hexahydrate Category? Formula? MgSO 4. 6H 2 O Type I hydrate
SeCl 2 Category? Name? Selenium dichloride Type III
Iron(II) nitrate Category? Formula? Fe(NO 3 ) 2 Type II
NaHCO 3 Category? Name? Sodium hydrogencarbonate Type I
Titanium(II) phosphide Category? Formula? Ti 3 P 2 Type II
Cr(ClO 3 ) 3 Category? Name? Chromiun(III) chlorate Type II
Nitrogen dioxide Category? Formula? NO 2 Type III
H2SH2S Category? Name? Hydrosulfuric acid Binary acid
Nitric acid Category? Formula? HNO 3 Oxyacid
KMnO 4 Category? Name? Potassium permanganate Type I
Cobalt(II) cyanide Category? Formula? Co(CN) 2 Type II
Ca(HSO 4 ) 2 Category? Name? Calcium hydrogensulfate Type I
Magnesium peroxide Category? Formula? MgO 2 Type I
Cd(HPO 4 ) 2 Category? Name? Cadmium(IV) hydrogenphosphate Type II
Aluminum sulfite Category? Formula? Al 2 (SO 3 ) 3 Type I
NaH 2 PO 4 Category? Name? Sodium dihydrogenphosphate Type I
Silver nitrite Category? Formula? AgNO 2 Type I
SiO 2 Category? Name? Silicon dioxide Type III
Hydroselenic acid Category? Formula? H 2 Se Binary acid
H 2 CrO 4 Category? Name? Chromic acid Oxyacid
Scandium(III) sulfide Category? Formula? Sc 2 S 3 Type II
Hg 2 O Category? Name? Mercury(I) oxide Type II
Lead(II) carbonate Category? Formula? PbCO 3 Type II
GeS 2 Category? Name? Germanium disulfide Type III
Calcium arsenide Category? Formula? Ca 3 As 2 Type I
CCl 4 Category? Name? Carbontetrachloride Type III
Xenontrioxide Category? Formula? XeO 3 Type III
HCl Category? Name? Hydrochloric acid Binary acid
Chloric acid Category? Formula? HClO 3 Oxyacid
Fe 2 O 3 Category? Name? Iron(III) oxide Type II
Copper(II) acetate trihydrate Category? Formula? Cu(C 2 H 3 O 2 ) 2. 3H 2 O Type II hydrate
Mn 3 (PO 4 ) 7 Category? Name? Manganese(VII) phosphate Type II
Name Category? Formula? A2B2C2A2B2C2 Type ?
A2B2C2A2B2C2 Category? Name? Correct Name Type ?