Nomenclature of Acids and Organic Functional groups
Nomenclature of Acids Bianary Acids – compounds of H + and a non-metal –Use the prefix hydro and suffix –ic and add acid Example: HCl – hydrochloric acid HBr – hydrobromic acid
Oxoacids Contain H and O and another element –No prefix hydro For ions ending in ate add the suffix –ic and the word acid Example: H 2 SO 4 – (sulfate ion) sulfuric acid HNO 3 – (nitrate ion) nitric acid HClO 3 – (chlorate ion) choric acid
Oxoacids For ions ending in ite add the suffix – ous and acid Examples: H 2 SO 3 – (sulfite ion) sulfurous acid HNO 2 – nitrous acid HClO 2 – chlorous acid
Oxoacids For acids with one less oxygen than the –ite ion use the prefix hypo For acids with one more oxygen than the –ate ion use the prefix per Example ClO 2 is chlorite, so ClO is hypochlorite ClO 3 is chlorate, so ClO 4 is perchlorate
Oxoacids HClO is called? –Hypochorous acid HClO 4 is called? –Perchloric acid H 3 PO 4 is called? –Phosporic acid
Summary of Oxoacids Anion Acid Name ClO- (hypochlorite)hypochlorous acid ClO 2 - (chlorite)chlorous acid ClO 3 - (chlorate)chloric acid ClO 4 - (perchlorate)perchloric acid
Origin of organic compounds Origin of organic compounds Naturally occurring organic compounds are found in plants, animals, and fossil fuels All of these have a plant origin Synthetic organic compounds are derived from fossil fuels or plant material
Functional groups Functional groups Functional groups are parts of molecules that result in characteristic features About 100 functional groups exist, we will focus on 10 Useful to group the infinite number of possible organic compounds **You will need to memorize the family name and associated general structure
The functional groups determine if a molecule is soluble in water –Hydrocarbons are only slightly polar and tend to be insoluble in water These include alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and aromatic compounds –Molecules with polar functional groups tend to be soluble in water These include alcohols, carboxylic acids, amines, and amides
Distillation petroleum is refined by boil the crude oil and condensing the vapors between temperature ranges The liquid collected at each range is called a fraction and the process is called fractional distillation
Carbon forms four bonds Carbon forms four bonds Carbon can form four bonds, and forms strong covalent bonds with other elements This can be represented in many ways …
Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons C AlkanesAlkenes AlkynesAromatics
Mnemonic for first four prefixes First four prefixes Meth- Eth- Prop- But- Monkeys Eat Peeled Bananas
? Decade Decimal Decathalon Other prefixes Pent- Oct- Dec- Hex-, Hept-, Non-
Basic names of hydrocarbons Hydrocarbon names are based on: 1) class; -ane, -ene, or –yne or other Functional group 2) # of C, 1 meth- 2 eth- 3 prop- 4 but- 5 pent- 6 hex- 7 hept- 8 oct- 9 non- 10 dec-
Name these compounds 7C, 9C alkane 2C, 4C alkyne 1C, 3C alkene heptane, nonane ethyne, butyne does not exist, propene