RFF CONEMP Template (as of 3 AUG 12)
RFF CONEMP: R/W Support for S&R Example (totally filled-in) Proponent: G-3 Air RFF CONEMP: R/W Support for S&R Desired Employment DTG 23 0800 JUL 12 Priority of Req Life-Saving Priority of Flow JCRM ID 239078 Situation: Hurricane Zeke will make landfall approx. 22 1600 JUL 12 vic New Orleans, LA. Local and LA State authorities have requested federal assistance. FEMA is Primary Agency and has requested DoD assistance for specialized capabilities. Mission: JFLCC performs DoD directed support to Primary Agency (FEMA) for Consequence Management and relief from National Disaster. Justification: JFLCC provides all-hazard DSCA support as directed in N-NC DSCA EXORD when requested by the PA. Risk: Significant. Risk Justification: Without DoD rotary wing support, individuals not accessible by ground evac may lose life. Capability Required: Day/Night personnel rescue/recovery of individuals not readily accessible by land or water. Evacuation of critically injured individuals by air to treatment facilities. Specialized Requirement: Must have night operating capability. Must provide non-standard litter air MEDEVAC capability. Similar Capability in Theater: Y (if Y) Similar Capabilities in Theater Text: State, local, and Coast Guard assets already employed to 100% capacity in area. JRC Clarification: AV. Sourcing Solution (Rec): 1 x Co./501ST GSAB, Fort Campbell, KY (CAT IV; not in CRE) Nomenclature: 8 x UH-60s Estimated Pax: 75 COP BSI JFLCC JOA FOB JTF-51 AO Intended Task and Purpose Tasks: Conduct Air Search and Rescue in Hurricane effected flood area Provide forward logistics movement to JTF units Purpose: To provide immediate life-saving ISO of affected county Mission Duration: 9 days (23 JUL – 01 AUG 12) Support to: MA/MATO # 1234 Proposed Command Relationship Unit will be OPCON to JFLCC and TACON to JTF-51 Admin and Logistics FOB (Employment Location): Keesler AFB, Pearl River, MS BSI/JRSO&I: England AFB, Alexandria, LA Communications Support Requirements: None Additional Instructions/Comments: All elements must be current on required water over-flight survival training/dunk tank.
RFF CONEMP: R/W Support for S&R Proponent: Recommended Staff Lead to manage coord; Staff SME for this Capability Template Instructions RFF CONEMP: R/W Support for S&R Priority of Flow Prioritize if asking for more than one RFF per same desired employment DTG JCRM ID number if you inserted into JCRM; if not leave blank Desired Employment DTG Or PTDO time Priority of Req MA code Situation: Current Brief Situation as it relates to the need for this RFF application Mission: Requested RFF capability mission statement Justification: Should tie reason of request back to your HQ overall purpose to supporting PA Risk: level of risk if RFF asset is not received Risk Justification: What happens if your HQ does not get RFF asset at desired employment DTG Capability Required: Insert specifics that drive to sourcing correct capability required Specialized Requirement: added special requirements that are necessary to drive correct capability required (use only if applicable; if not applicable than use N/A) Similar Capability in Theater: Is this a capability that is already used within AO / JOA (if Y) Similar Capabilities in Theater Text: If yes, than explain why you are asking for DoD to provide. JRC Clarification: Joint Requirement Code (for JCRM processing); provide JRC if known; coord with GFM for codes if not known Sourcing Solution (Recommended): Nomenclature: (use if applicable) Estimated Pax: estimated paxs of recommended sourcing solution COP Insert detailed RFF COP to solidify clarification of intended use/employment of Requested RFF Unit; Keep in mind this Storyboard/COP will probably be forwarded to higher HQ To facilitate speedy approval /understanding by 4 star HQs And OSD. BSI JFLCC JOA FOB JTF-51 AO Intended Task and Purpose Tasks: Specified task requested RFF unit will be executing Additional specified task if multiple tasks are required Purpose: the why or endstate of above assigned tasks Mission Duration: # days required to execute mission/MA; start and end date of requested mission Support to: List MA and or MATO this RFF will be supporting; if not specifically supporting a MA than explain (DS / GS to the force in support of 3x FOBs – example) Proposed Command Relationship Requested RFF Unit in relationship to your HQ and or next higher HQ Admin and Logistics FOB (Employment Location): where RRF unit will end deployment from BSI to your HQ AO BSI/JRSO&I: Desired location that requested RFF unit will deploy to from Homestation Communications Support Requirements: If applicable annotate reqts; if not applicable use N/A Additional Instructions/Comments: any additional instructions necessary to facilitate effective/efficient deployment from HS to FOB