Muon Spectrometer Nomenclature Kevin Black/Vivek Jain/Stephane Willocq went through various documents and produced what we think are the correct names.


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Presentation transcript:

Muon Spectrometer Nomenclature Kevin Black/Vivek Jain/Stephane Willocq went through various documents and produced what we think are the correct names for the various detectors in the MuonSpectrometer –mTDR (Chapter 4 in particular) –ATL-COM-MUON , Assamagan et al. Please let us know if you spot any errors This file was last updated on May 5, 2006

Muon Spectrometer Trigger system: RPC and TGC Precision meas: MDT and CsC

Detector feet Barrel toroid Endcap toroid +X points toward the center of the ring Sector 13 is currently being used to study cosmics Rails

General naming scheme The station identifier is a prefix to all subsystems - MDT, RPC, CSC and TGC: Detector.StationName.StationEta.StationPhi –Detector = 7 for the MuSpec –StationName specifies the location of the sub-system See next page for a listing –StationEta increases with Z in the barrel and with R in the Endcap –StationPhi increases with Phi An example of this prefix is –44 means TGC at the middle station in the Endcap –1 is the eta index – closest to the beam –33 is the phi index The prefix is followed by other numbers and they describe in more detail the technology, layer number, tube number, etc. See ATL-COM-MUON , K.Assamagan, et. al.

These are the StationNames as text and a number – taken from MuonIdHelper class as well as ATL-COM-MUON Obsolete names have been removed Station Name Station No. Station Name Station No. Station Name Station No. BIL00BOG10T2F43 BIS01BOH11T2E44 BML02EIL13T3F45 BMS03EEL14T3E46 BOL04EES15T4F47 BOS05EML17T4E48 BEE06EMS18EIS49 BIR07EOL20CSS50 BMF08EOS21CSL51 BOF09T1F41BIM52 T1E42 Annotated pictures are toward the end of file

Explanation of names for MDT and RPC Station Numbers 00:05 –BIL: Barrel Inner (station) Long/Large Chamber (between toroid coils) –BIS: Barrel Inner (station) Small Chamber (around the toroid coils) –Similarly for BML/S and BOL/S, where M is Middle station and O is Outer station 06 BEE is a barrel extension mounted on the Endcap –In 3-D figure on Pg. 3, BEE fits into the cutouts in the Endcap toroid 52 BIM should have been BIL but for the rails in sectors 11,15 07 BIR is Barrel Inner Rib (or Rails) and are below the rails and cover the gaps left by the BIM chambers 08:09 BMF/BOF are around the feet of the detector – middle and outer layers 10:11 BOG/BOH are on either side of the feet (outer)

MDT and RPC names (contd.) 13/49 EIL/EIS Endcap Inner station Long/Short 14:15 EEL/EES. Endcap extensions and are next to barrel toroids 17:21 EML/EMS/EOL/EOS. Endcap Middle/Outer station Long/Short 41:48 TGC in the Endcap (see annotated figure for details) 49:50 CSS/CSL. CSC Short and Long Phi sectors TGC and CSC names

from mTDR, page 68. RPC chambers are the thin hatched rectangles, in both the large/small sectors BOS X Toroid Coils Small MDT chambers Large MDT chambers BMS BIS BOL BIL BML Voussoir Strut RPC chambers

from mTDR, page 72 BIR BIM BMF BOG BOH* Feet * It is not clear if the BOH detectors really exist!!

Page 73 of mTDR – Chambers in the Feet Region (Sectors 12 and 14) BOF (these are between the feet and do exist!) The BOF detectors inside the feet don’t seem to exist!! I.P. CSC

Page 69 of mTDR – Large MDT’s in the Endcap Small MDT’s follow a similar pattern EOL EML EIL EEL CSC

T4E T4F T1F T1E1 T1E2 T1E3 T1E4 T2F / T3F T2E5 / T3E5 T2E4 / T3E4 T2E3 / T3E3 T2E2 / T3E2 T2E1 / T3E1 Various TGC detectors Z (mm) R (mm) The number after E is the  index and is shown for explanatory purposes The gray boxes are Endcap MDT’s S,L correspond to MDT EEL/ EES* *Position of EEL/EES is approximate 1 1

CSL CSS  ~2 CSC  ~2.7 From mTDR Page 91: In reality, there is one CSS/CSL chamber with four gas gaps each (and not two chambers as shown in the picture)