1 Pillar two Non mobile (blue collar) workers, logistics functions Presentation of the trends and key figures on logistics employment Final conference,


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Presentation transcript:

1 Pillar two Non mobile (blue collar) workers, logistics functions Presentation of the trends and key figures on logistics employment Final conference, Brussels, 3 & 4 April, 2012 AFT-IFTIM

Availability of statistical data Only general data available per sector (2-3 digits division). Difficult to know the exact number of logistics employees in the transport sector; A possibility: to cross the available ISCO data with the NACE groups. Still limited possibilites. Ex: Bulgaria, Average annual number of employees according to NACE Rev.2 Minor group 834 (which includes forklift drivers) – persons Minor group 933 (which includes handlers) – persons; “It is possible to cross the available ISCO data for the NACE groups in general, but in this is a Census type survey”. The information about sectors of activities (NACE) within which employees are involved is available, but it is difficult to extract the cross information. On the other hand, ISCO data available is still disaggregated up to 3 and not 4 digits, which leaves room for more approximation. NACE Rev.2 codeDescription Freight transport by road36716

Illustration: Romania, data accessible by economic activities Source: National Statistics Institute Relying on ISCO only includes some limits

Recent trends in Romania

The example of Germany In Germany recent development for jobs related to the warehouse can be analyzed according to statistical data registered at the Bundesagentur für Arbeit. The total figures regarding the statistical data for warehouse manager and warehouse worker in the Transport sector are summarized in the term “Lagerei” (warehousing), indicated by code 74 (KldB classification) but no distinction is made in this group regarding the specific Road Transport sector.

Total occupations at warehousing according occupational groups (KldB 1988)

Statistical data in Belgium In Belgium, the two sources that produce occupationally classified labour market statistics, are the Public Employment Services and the National statistical office. The national statistical office has data available at ISCO-3 digit level, which has been collected through a national census (General Socio-Economic Survey 2001). At a sector level, there are no initiatives to create systems for labour market monitoring. Latest survey: 2001 Data quite outdated, but Belgium has decided not to carry a new census any more. Occupation (ISCO-number)Total empl oyed 2001 percentage of total employment Production and operations department managers (122) Other department managers (123) General managers (131) Finance and sales professionals (341) Business services agents and trade brokers (342) Material recording and transport clerks (413) Motor-vehicle drivers (832) Agricultural and other mobile plant operators (833) Messengers, package and luggage porters and deliverers (915) Manufacturing labourers (932) Transport labourers and freight handlers (933) Other occupations Total

8 The branch approach: the example of a dedicated observatory in France The CPNE* – OPTL In accordance with the general objectives defined by the social partners, the CPNE (national joint professional committee for employment and vocational training in the fields of road transport and auxiliary transport activities) has the following responsibilities in particular: –To establish and continually update the definitions of the occupational families covering the jobs in these sectors, –To assess the distribution of positions between these occupational families, –To provide annual forecasts of the change in number of jobs and the continuing training requirements. CPNE has created in 2004 the joint committee of the OPTL (prospective observatory of trades and qualifications in transport and logistics), which is responsible for drawing up an annual report on the qualitative and quantitative changes in trades and qualifications. TOOLS: –Annual survey of a representative sample of establishments in the conventional branch –Breakdown of employees according to a job nomenclature specific to the conventional branch *CPNE – Commission Paritaire Nationale professionnelle de l’Emploi et de la formation professionnelle dans les transports routiers et les activités auxiliaires du transport

Dedicated job classification and yearly national indicators and then regional indicators A total of employees in 2010 The occupational family Handling /Warehousing had the most important increase in 2010: + 9.5%. More than employees: 9.2% of the employees of the conventional branch, i. e. slightly more than the occupational family Exploitation

Employment prospects for the targeted jobs A demand for logistics occupations is expected to grow over the next years (Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Slovenia) Increase expected in particular for forwarding clerks, Logistics workers and warehouse Logistics workers. Increasing computerisation and automation of the warehouses  a decrease in the demand for pure warehouse workers and an increase of the demand for warehouse workers with computer and software skills.

Conclusion on statistical information A limited amount of countries which have data disaggregated at 3-4 digits levels. Data recorded by NACE classification do not reflect a clear picture of the situation.  Data not disaggregated at the 4 digits level. Ex: data available only for « Transport and warehousing » sector;  Difficulty to cross logistics occupations related to road freight transport in order to get a detailed picture of logistics jobs in the sector;  Countries which have not developed detailed nomenclatures encompassing the variety logistics jobs encounter considerable difficulties in quantifying these jobs.  Establishing a genuine national classification of jobs (possibly harmonised with an international nomenclature) - the starting point for producing systematic statistical data, exploitable not only by the body that compiles the nomenclature, but also by sector observatories, training institutes, placement agencies, for forecasts of job needs etc.

Conclusion on statistical information Only a few countries (Western Europe) where the sector produces its own data on jobs related to the warehouse functions; In the new member countries: the lack of dedicated Transport/ logistics observatories, the lack of willingness of companies to provide data combined with the relatively recent implementation of ISCO makes the obtention of reliable detailed data more difficult; Good practices: France, Germany, Italy, but comparison is still difficult between countries In development: Czech Republic – The National Observatory of Employment and Training, providing skills needs forecasting, sectoral studies, information on professions and their future prospects. The long-term focus : the development of a methodology for forecasting skills needs in the labour market. Two interconnected approaches : quantitative projections (mathematical model) and a qualitative approach (analyses and expert assessments of future development in economic sectors (sector studies). More energic actions to be undertaken: Romania, Bulgaria