E-only grant management Basics
Research Participant Portal Offers external stakeholders a unique entry point for the interactions with the European Commission or Agencies in handling grant-related actions, based on: ECAS Single sign-on (1 ECAS account = 1 address = 1 person) IAM Access rights based on role authorisation Personalised services on the Participant Portal Brings homogeneity, transparency and better service integration for grant management. + = 2
The new version of IAM (January 2014) Coordinating beneficiary Organisation roles Project roles Participating beneficiary 3
Primary Coordinator Contact Organisation roles Project roles Legal Entity Appointed Representative Legal Signatory Account Administrator Financial Signatory Coordinator Contact Participant Contact Task Manager Team Member Nomenclature 4
Only the key roles of the LEAR and Primary Coordinator Contact are defined/modified by the Commission. The rest is left at the discretion of the consortium. One person can have several roles at the same time. The complexity of the consortium depends on the participants. The minimum configuration is: The Primary Coordinator Contact 1 Participant Contact per beneficiary 1 LEAR per organisation 1 Legal Signatory per organisation 1 Financial Signatory per organisation Important remarks PCoCo LEAR 5
"Chain of trust" for enabling e- signature of H2020 grants Nomination of the LEAR by the legal representative of the organisation; paper-based, blue ink signatures, validated by REA, registered in PDM-URF LEAR nominates online persons in his/her organisation authorised to sign grants and amendments (LSIGNs) and financial statements (FSIGNs) Participant Contacts assign signatories to the individual grant from the list established by the LEAR LSIGNs (FSIGNs) are prompted when a grant/amendment (financial statement) is due for signature COM/Agency RAO signs electronically in COMPASS No more checking of identity/authority of signatories by COM/Agency necessary 6
The nomination process for LEARs – documents LEAR appointment letter: rants_manual/lev/h2020-lear-applet_en.doc rants_manual/lev/h2020-lear-applet_en.doc LEAR role and tasks: rants_manual/lev/h2020-lear-roltas_en.doc rants_manual/lev/h2020-lear-roltas_en.doc Terms and conditions of use of the electronic exchange system: rants_manual/lev/h2020-lev-terms-of-use_en.pdf rants_manual/lev/h2020-lev-terms-of-use_en.pdf Declaration of consent to the terms and conditions of use: rants_manual/lev/h2020-lev-declaration-consent_en.doc rants_manual/lev/h2020-lev-declaration-consent_en.doc 7