Classification. How would you classify these shapes?


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Presentation transcript:


How would you classify these shapes?

Level 1 Classification Blue Pink

Level 2 Classification Square Heart Circle Triangle

Which level is more specific? Square Heart Circle Triangle Blue Pink A. Level 1 B. Level 2

Why is Classification Important? To Study the Diversity of Life To name organisms Group organisms in a logical manner that has a biological meaning

Did King Philip Come Over For Good Spaghetti? omain ingdom hylum lass rder amily enus pecies D K P C O F G S Seven classification groups of living things Broadest More Specific Most Specific

At what classification level do we (humans and lions) go our separate ways? A.Phylum (Chordata) B.Class (Mammalia) C.Order (Carnivora) D.Family (Felidae)

Human Classification Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Eukarya Animalia Chordata Mammalia Primates Hominidae Homo Sapiens

The 3 domains Archaea (Prokaryote) Bacteria (Prokaryote) Eukarya (Eukaryote)

Archea –Archaebacteria Bacteria –Eubacteria Eukaryotes A. Fungi B. Protista C. Animalia D. Plantae The 6 kingdoms Archea –Archaebacteria Bacteria –Eubacteria Eukarya –Fungi –Protista –Animalia –Plantae

Animal Phyla There are 38 animal phyla 97% of animal species are invertebrates –Cnidaria –Platyhelminthes –Annelida –Porifera –Mollusca –Arthropoda There is only one phylum for vertebrates –Chordata

There are 16 classes of chordates 10 of them are different classes of fish The others are: –Reptilia –Aves –Amphibia –Mammalia Chordata Classes

There over 30 orders of mammals Here are a few –Carnivora –Primates –Rodentia –Lagomorpha –Cetacea –Chiroptera –Proboscidea –Sirenia Mammalian Orders

Which Similiarities are most Important? A. Looks B. Habitat C. Food D. Locomotion E. Evolution –Phylogeny-evolutionary relationships among organisms Scientists group organisms based on evolutionary descent or phylogeny

Name that organism Taxonomy- scientists classify organisms and assign each organism a universally accepted name.

Which level of classification is more specific than Genus? A.Kingdom B.Class C.Family D.Species

Binomial Nomenclature Developed by Linnaeus Two-name system Each organism has a genus and a species name First name (genus); second name (species)

Are You Paying Attention? A.Yes B.Mostly C.Not Really D.Not at All

Binomial Nomenclature Combination of the genus and species name of an organism is a scientific name Scientific names of organisms are always italicized or underlined Genus name is capitalized Species name is lower-case