1 Local Government Sector Education Training Authority Presentation to AMEU: 10 February 2010: J Davies : SSP Manager
2 Scope of Coverage LGSETA LGSETA Scope of coverage in terms of SIC codes restricted to the following: Metropolitan municipalities Local municipalities District municipalities Municipal entities and utilities Organised local government Traditional leaders and traditional councils
3 Background to the LGSETA The LGSETA was formed in terms of the Skills Development Act of 1998 Purpose of the Act was to provide an institutional framework to devise and implement national, sector and workplace strategies to improve skills To integrate those strategies within the NQF To provide for learnerships that lead to recognised occupational qualifications To provide for the financing of skills development
4 Background to the LGSETA The financing of skills development is done in two ways : The mandatory grant – through the development, submission and approval of the WSP and the ATR The discretionary grant – employers, government departments may apply – discretionary grant funding may either be grant based or project based
5 Discretionary Grant Focus Areas Infrastructure and service delivery ( links to both municipal key performance areas and ASGISA) Project Name: Infrastructure asset maintenance Labour intensive construction( EPWP) Electricity, water, roads Method of delivery: RPL Learnership/ skills programme Internship/ bursary apprenticeship Financial ViabilityProperty valuation Audit & procurement Municipal finance RPL Learnership/ skills programme Internship/ bursary Community based participation and planning Ward committees Planning( including urban) IDP LED RPL Learnership/ skills programme Internship/ bursary Management and leadershipTraining Committees Councillors Traditional leaders Municipal leadership development RPL Learnership/ skills programme Internship/ bursary ABETCustomised ABETStructured learning Workplace training systemsSDF training, assessor/ moderator training, training committee training, occupatonal health and safety Learnership/skills programme/structured learning
6 Discretionary Grant Criteria: Employers qualify for a discretionary grant provided : Levy payments are up to date WSP has been submitted on time, on correct template Proposed activity falls within the LGSETA strategic focus areas
7 Discretionary Grant Criteria: Discretionary grant funded activity must be reflected in the WSP, and must contribute to the achievement of the IDP Application for discretionary grant may be submitted with the WSP, or by 30 November each year Majority of the training should focus on the employed – aimed at improving municipal performance
8 Discretionary Grant Criteria: Training for the unemployed should link to achievement of IDP and LED strategy Or should result in employment or sub- contracting to the municipality i.e should be occupationally directed Learnerships quality assured by other SETAs are eligible for LGSETA funding eg CETA, ESETA
9 Discretionary Grant Criteria: In addition to direct engagement with municipalities re discretionary grants the LGSETA also implements training in particular scarce and critical skill areas through parties such as : SAICE, DBSA Eg SAICE is engaged to implement a bursary scheme for municipal employees in civil engineering – upgrade to BTech Implement a mentorship programme Implement an internship programme AMEU ?