Program Management Office “PMO” Steve Wallace January 22, 2003
Components of ERCOT Spending – Summary Discretionary: “CREATING NEW VALUE” This portion of spending is determined by market participants (as recommended by the TAC). The participants and ERCOT must decide how much “discretionary” spending is needed each year. Therefore the budget for this area is set by the participants and ERCOT, then managed by ERCOT. These costs are variable in the short-run, but add to future non-discretionary spending to provide ongoing support for these efforts. Examples include new development and enhancements to existing systems or assets. Non-Discretionary: “KEEPING THINGS RUNNING” This portion of spending is determined and managed by ERCOT. ERCOT is accountable for creating efficiencies and productivity improvements in this area. These costs are relatively fixed in the short-run. Examples include maintenance to existing systems or assets as well as keeping the current operations running. Discretionary Spend Total ERCOT Spend Non-Discretionary Spend ERCOT Focus Areas: “ESTABILISHING PREDICTABILITY” Manager and business unit accountability Separation of baseline from investment spending Technology management and coordination for compliance
Program, Technology and Risk Management The PMO acts as the central control and communications point for coordinating Business and Technology initiatives as well as managing and mitigating risks. It is essential that all of the elements critical to success be considered at the beginning of a project. The six tightly connected elements noted below are key to developing and launching new initiatives and sustaining ongoing initiatives. Performance Measures Organization Structure People need to have incentives to adopt new ways of working based on KPI’s The organizational structure needs to be aligned with the process and technology architecture Program Office People need to know how they are expected to behave and become proactive vs. reactive Internal & External people need to know what is going on, vertically and horizontally Culture Communication People need to understand what they are working toward and how they will achieve it together: e.g. ERCOT 2005 and ROI/ROA and Risk Management Leadership & Vision Training & Development The enterprise needs to be equipped with relevant skills and to recruit and retain the best staff
ERCOT Operating Committee Program Management Office Investment Implementation Process Idea Generation & Value Identification (High Level Analysis & Estimating) PUCT Requests TAC Approved Requests ERCOT Requests Board Approval (Budget) ERCOT Operating Committee Program Management Office On-going Project & Resource Management Program Management & Reporting
High Level View of the PMO Functions The Strategize process establishes tactical and strategic ERCOT Business strategies and plans, accepts input from TAC, Board, etc. aligns to the organization’s business goals and objectives and manages and mitigates risks. PMO Service Delivery Model Strategize Plan Manage Program Manage Projects Develop and Implement Operate and Maintain Consult and Advise In the Consult and Advise process, PMO partners with the various groups and participants to provide expertise and knowledge to help identify solutions to business problems The Plan process develops cost estimates, resource requirements and timelines for executing the ERCOT business strategy, which is coordinated with and approved by executive management and participants. The Manage Program oversees and reports on the projects identified and defined in the Strategize, Plan and Consult and Advise processes and reports to the operating committee. The Manage Project process oversees the delivery of individual projects, according to specification, budget and schedule and is conducted by and is conducted by the business units, operations and IT groups at ERCOT. The Develop and Implement process builds/configures, tests and deploys quality application and infrastructure solutions and is conducted by the business, operations and IT groups at ERCOT. The Operate and Maintain process runs, monitors, maintains, and supports live systems and is conducted by the business, operations and IT groups at ERCOT
Active PMO Project Management for critical and large projects Projects that will be managed by the PMO and Operating Committee will be identified according to two primary criteria: Projected impact of the project on the ERCOT organization and its ability to meet strategic objectives Complexity and size of the project High Impact Independent Project Team* or Outsource* PMO Managed Project Low Complexity and Few Resources Required Highly Complex or Requires Extensive Resources Decline Independent Project Team* or Outsource* *Oversight, Financial and Contract Management by PMO Low Impact
Program & Project Management - Backup “Toll-gate” and milestone style of project approvals Simple deliverable matrix Project monitoring by phase & key milestone deliverables Development and adherence to technology and development standards Consistent reporting, coordination, control and financial management Automated, web based toolset where economically feasible, including metadata, business rules/processes and technology architectures Financial Health: Will be over-budget Might be over-budget Will be under/on-budget Staffing Health: Need additional staff/skills to complete Might need additional staff/skills to complete Will complete with existing staff/skills Technical Health : Will miss delivery/next toll-gate date Might miss delivery/next toll-gate date Will make delivery/next toll-gate date Schedule Health : Business is not devoting needed time Business may not devote needed time Business is devoting needed time Business Health : Investment fails business requirements Investment may not meet requirements Investment meets business requirements Project-to-Date Spend: Cash spent up to now on this project Total Estimated Spend: Total forecasted project cash spending Current Phase: The project management or lifecycle phase of the project Next Business Review: Next formal review with project executive sponsor Estimated Finish Date: Estimated date the project will be complete
2002 vs. 2003 System Administration Fee - Backup Proposed $0.33/MWH
Project & Technology Management Guiding Principles Backup Define and utilize a standard set of project management phases and deliverables. Track projects based on the defined phases & key deliverables Have regular meetings with the project sponsors and executive committee. Institute a “toll-gate” approval process for projects. Projects are only approved to proceed to the next phase. The Program and Technology office’s main focus areas are to: develop the project & investment methodology & deliverables monitor compliance recruit, retain, train & assist project managers high-level resource planning financial management and control technology architecture coordination, selection and compliance
Governance Desired Outputs Backup Consistent Program, Project and Technology processes: Financial management Project initiation, prioritization & rationalization Project Management “toll-gates” Overall Technology “Architecture” coordination & control Scheduled Reviews Standard reporting package for major projects, programs and technology: Expense & capital update & variance Approved project list with red-yellow-green health check Labor breakdown between maintenance and project work Defined documents to support the processes: Template to allocate staff time Database to track investment ideas & approved projects Project health template & definitions
Investment Rationalization Guiding Principles Backup Ensure business unit ownership of ERCOT investments and alignment with ERCOT short and long term business plans and strategy Establish a cross-functional review/approval (enterprise-wide) process to ensure the business units are involved in the rationalization and prioritization of investments. Require that investments are aligned with the business and technology plans for short and long term strategy Ensure only investments with the greatest business value are funded Provide timely approval of project investments Identify opportunities to leverage investments across the firm Ensure costs, benefits & risks are adequately captured Ensure business units, Operations & IT are held accountable for delivering agreed efforts Common investment summary and project request forms Consistent, enterprise-wide rationalization process Systems and Software Architecture Coordination and Standards