Federal Aviation Administration FY2007 Noise Program Presented to: AAAE/Airport Noise Mitigation Symposium November 2, 2006 Boston, MA
2 Federal Aviation Administration AAAE Airport Noise Mitigation Symposium October 2, Noise, defined 49 USC 47117(e) defines percentage of discretionary and types of projects that can be funded under the set-aside –FUNDING – Current Authorization Increased noise set-aside from 34% to 35% of AIP discretionary –PROJECTS - Noise Compatibility Planning under 47505(a)(2) Noise Compatibility Programs under 47504(c)
3 Federal Aviation Administration AAAE Airport Noise Mitigation Symposium October 2, Noise Set-Aside Airport Development described in 47102(3)(F), 47102(3)(K) or 47102(3)(L) to comply with the Clear Air Act Noise mitigation projects approved in an environmental record of decision for an airport development project Compatible land use planning and projects by state and local governments (49 USC Sec. 160 of Vision 100)
4 Federal Aviation Administration AAAE Airport Noise Mitigation Symposium October 2, Compatible Land Use Planning and Projects by State/Local Governments Authorizes grants from noise set-aside to state and local governments to make land uses compatible around large and medium hub airports not covered by active Part 150 program (either no program or 10-year old program) Cooperation and approval of airport sponsor Consistency with airport operations and plans, including noise planning Compatible land use assurances to Secretary
5 Federal Aviation Administration AAAE Airport Noise Mitigation Symposium October 2, Compatible Land Use Planning and Projects by State/Local Governments (Continued) FY06 – 1 st new entrants in program (San Mateo, Des Plaines) FY07 – additional entrants expected Provision sunsets after Sept. 30, 2007
6 Federal Aviation Administration AAAE Airport Noise Mitigation Symposium October 2, FY2006 Program AIP = $3.55 Billion Appropriated Noise Fund – 35% of discretionary, or $298 million 101 grants to airports, communities or sponsors 21,500 people helped
7 Federal Aviation Administration AAAE Airport Noise Mitigation Symposium October 2, FY2007 Noise Program Three variations on AIP - AIP Level, $ billion Noise Fund, $ millions (approx) FY2006$3.55$298 President’s Budget Request $2.75$319 House Mark$3.7$338 Senate Mark$3.52$290
8 Federal Aviation Administration AAAE Airport Noise Mitigation Symposium October 2, A Quick Reminder - Limitation on Part 150 Approval To Use AIP Below DNL 65 dB Still included in FAA Authorization - Secretary shall not approve Part 150 program measures that require use of AIP to mitigate aircraft noise below DNL 65. Applies to Part 150 approvals in FY (expires with this authorization) Does not affect use of PFC or airport revenue
9 Federal Aviation Administration AAAE Airport Noise Mitigation Symposium October 2, Another Reminder - Special School Noise Mitigation Schools and Medical facilities may be soundproofed without a Part 150 plan if FAA determines that building is in a noise impacted area FAA can accept local determination of noise impact that is under Federal standard of 65dNL - under the same provision of law that permits FAA to accept the lower standard if it is submitted as part of a Part 150 plan - This is not affected by 49 USC 47504(b) [Vision 100 Section 189] that prohibits approval under for mitigation of aircraft noise less than 65 DNL
10 Federal Aviation Administration AAAE Airport Noise Mitigation Symposium October 2, Special School Noise Mitigation (con’t) Sponsor must demonstrate a local standard defining noise impact areas below 65 dNL Sponsor must demonstrate school is adversely affected by noise, based on interior noise levels ( greater than 45 dB) and that mitigation program will reduce interior noise at least 5 dB.