Ministry of Justice and Public Security Department of Corrections Ministry of Justice and Public Security Department of Corrections Gerhard Ploeg Senior adviser Gerhard Ploeg Senior adviser Probation in Norway PCA Annual Conference 15th March 2013 PCA Annual Conference 15th March 2013
Source: ”Retur”, Nordic Research Group, 2010 All prisoners released and all community sentences started in 2005 All prisoners released and all community sentences started in 2005 Follow-up period of two years Follow-up period of two years Recidivism = new conviction to prison or community sentence Recidivism = new conviction to prison or community sentence Recidivism (in %)
Norway: some relevant characteristics Strange geography: N–S: 2,500 km E–W: between 700 and 6 km Low population density: 5,0 million - 16 per 5,0 million - 16 per km 2 : 261 High income: per capita GDP $ 53,500 : 35, % (15-74) unemployed Welfare-based: About 1 million public servants (= ca. 30 %) About 1 million public servants (= ca. 30 %) Source: CIA World Fact Book, February 2013 Context
Crimes reported to the police Source: Statistics Norway Context Per 1,000 inhabitants
Source: Statistics Norway Type of court sanctions Context Per 100,000 inhabitants
Length of prison sentences, 2011 Source: Statistics Norway Context
NRate USA2,267, Russian Fed.745, England & Wales 84, Germany69,70086 Norway3,60071 Source: ICPS World Prison Brief, February 2013 Average daily number of prisoners and prison – population rate in some countries Prison Numbers Context
Correctional Services of Norway Central level in the Ministry of Justice Regional offices (5) Prisons (61) and Probation Offices (40) Organisation
Closed:2, % Open:1, % Halfway house: % Type of prison capacity Organisation
Staff Ca. 3,600 fte working in prisonsCa. 3,600 fte working in prisons Ca. 350 fte working in probationCa. 350 fte working in probation Ca. 440 fte in Staff Academy and ICT-serviceCa. 440 fte in Staff Academy and ICT-service Prison staff paid during 2 (3)-year trainingPrison staff paid during 2 (3)-year training Probation staff at academic levelProbation staff at academic level Organisation
The Correctional Services are responsible for carrying outresponsible for carrying out remands in custody and penal sanctions in a way that takes into consideration the security of all citizens andthe security of all citizens and attempts to prevent recidivismattempts to prevent recidivism by enabling the offenders,by enabling the offenders, through their own initiatives, to change their criminal behaviour. Goals SECURITYREHABILITATION Policy
Central principles Discretionary powersDiscretionary powers Variation towards releaseVariation towards release Emphasis on rehabilitationEmphasis on rehabilitation Import of core-servicesImport of core-services Principle of normalityPrinciple of normality One person, one cellOne person, one cell Policy
Discretionary powers Community sentence Drug court Release on licence Electronic monitoring SanctionContents CourtCourtCSNCSNCSNCSNCSNCSN Breach of condition CSN prosecute! Policy
Central principles Discretionary powersDiscretionary powers Variation towards releaseVariation towards release Emphasis on rehabilitationEmphasis on rehabilitation Import of core-servicesImport of core-services Principle of normalityPrinciple of normality One person, one cellOne person, one cell Policy
More and sooner to an open prison Treatment institution Halfway house Conditional release Electronic monitoring Variation towards release Policy
Central principles Discretionary powersDiscretionary powers Variation towards releaseVariation towards release Emphasis on rehabilitationEmphasis on rehabilitation Import of core-servicesImport of core-services Principle of normalityPrinciple of normality One person, one cellOne person, one cell Policy
Reintegration guarantee A place to liveA place to live Some form of incomeSome form of income Identity papersIdentity papers If relevant an offer of: EducationEducation EmploymentEmployment Health servicesHealth services Addiction treatmentAddiction treatment Debt counsellingDebt counselling The whole government! Policy
Central principles Discretionary powersDiscretionary powers Variation towards releaseVariation towards release Emphasis on rehabilitationEmphasis on rehabilitation Import of core-servicesImport of core-services Principle of normalityPrinciple of normality One person, one cellOne person, one cell Policy
Import model Medical, educational, employment, clerical and library services are provided from outside Continuity Continuity Involvement Involvement Budget Budget Policy
Central principles Discretionary powersDiscretionary powers Variation towards releaseVariation towards release Emphasis on rehabilitationEmphasis on rehabilitation Import of core-servicesImport of core-services Principle of normalityPrinciple of normality One person, one cellOne person, one cell Policy
Principle of normality The punishment is the deprivation of liberty Security: enough is enough A life as normal as possible Policy
Central principles Discretionary powersDiscretionary powers Variation towards releaseVariation towards release Emphasis on rehabilitationEmphasis on rehabilitation Import of core-servicesImport of core-services Principle of normalityPrinciple of normality One person, one cellOne person, one cell Policy
Prison «Waiting list» Policy
Tasks Imposed by Court decision Community sentence Intoxicated driving program Drug court Extramural execution Release on licence Electronic monitoring Home detention Pre-sentence reports Probation
Similar to, but different from Community sanctions – alternatives to prison Community service – unpaid work Community “sentence” Probation
Replaces up to 1 year unconditional imprisonmentReplaces up to 1 year unconditional imprisonment 30 – 420 hours30 – 420 hours Completion within a time set by the courtCompletion within a time set by the court The probation service decides on the contentsThe probation service decides on the contents Must include one-to-one offence-oriented conversationsMust include one-to-one offence-oriented conversations No more than 70 % unpaid workNo more than 70 % unpaid work Legal framework Probation
Contents in 2012 Unpaid work65.2 % Various educational activities20.1 % Individual conversations6.8 % Participation in programs2.7 % Assessment3.0 % Treatment1.9 % Mediation0.3 % Probation
Number of started community sentences Probation
Electronic monitoring Replaces maximally four months in prisonReplaces maximally four months in prison Front door – back doorFront door – back door The Correctional services decideThe Correctional services decide No GPSNo GPS Obligation to be activeObligation to be active 4 % breach4 % breach Probation
Assessment instrument Personal data and criminal/penal records Personal data and criminal/penal records Needs and resources within criminogenic and other important factors like economy, living conditions, work/education, violence and threats, drug abuse and restorative justice Needs and resources within criminogenic and other important factors like economy, living conditions, work/education, violence and threats, drug abuse and restorative justice Evaluation by the correctional officer Evaluation by the correctional officer The offenders’ own evaluation The offenders’ own evaluation NO risk assessment NO risk assessment Probation
Public accept Revenge; Retribution General Prevention Special Prevention IncapacitationRehabilitation Rehabilitation Revenge; Retribution General prevention Incapacitation Special prevention
The right direction??
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