1 NYC’s Proposed Citywide C4E Plan The FY09 Contracts for Excellence allocations described in this plan are preliminary. Funds are subject to a public engagement process and approval by the State Education Department.
2 All Spending: By Program Strategy DiscretionaryTargetedDistrict-WideTotal Class Size Reduction Creation of additional classrooms $46,341,355- Reducing teacher-student ratio through team teaching strategies $37,872,902$62,309,368-$100,182,270 Total$84,214,257$62,309,368$146,523,625 Time on Task Before- and After-School Programs $24,759,859-- Summer School Programs $955,818$30,004,891*-$30,960,709 Dedicated Instructional Time $41,615,983-- Individualized Tutoring $10,044,149-- Total$77,375,809$30,004,891-$107,380,700 Teacher and Principal Quality Initiatives Programs to recruit/retain Highly Qualified Teachers (HQT) $4,033,334-$20,000,000$24,033,334 Professional mentoring for beginning teachers and principals $7,334,730-- Instructional coaches for teachers $45,177,223-- Leadership coaches for principals $1,195,318-$10,000,000$11,195,318 Total$57,740,605-$27,000,000$87,740,605 *Maintenance of Effort funds
3 All Spending: By Program Strategy DiscretionaryTargetedDistrict-WideTotal Middle & High School Restructuring Instructional Changes $8,472, Structural Changes $2,855,379-$7,000,000$9,855,379 Total$11,328,251-$7,000,000$18,328,251 Full-Day Pre-KTotal $122,150$4,763,118-$4,885,268 Model Programs for ELLs Total $11,573,740$2,172,949-$13,746,689 TOTAL ALLOCATED$378,605,139 TOTAL FY09 C4E AMOUNT$385,776,488 Difference*$7,171,349 *Please note that an additional $7 million will be allocated to a group of high-need schools at the end of the week of July 21, Details about school-level allocations will be posted as soon as they are available.
4 Discretionary Allocations to Schools Amount $242 million in restricted Contracts for Excellence funds were released to 1,439 schools on May 22, 2008 and June 30, 2008 Description Funds were released directly to schools to be used at the discretion of the principal, School Leadership Team, and greater school community. Restricted to spending on new or expanded supplemental programs in the six C4E-eligible areas. Schools were required to complete an appendix to the Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP) outlining uses of these funds. The following slides outline how schools have proposed spending these discretionary funds.
6 Discretionary Spending: By Program Strategy Allocations% Total Average Allocation # Schools Class Size Reduction Creation of additional classrooms $46,341, % $132, Reducing teacher-student ratio through team teaching strategies $37,872, % $121, Total$84,214, % Time on Task Before- and After-School Programs $24,759, % $44, Summer School Programs $955,8180.4% $19,91348 Dedicated Instructional Time $41,615, % $97, Individualized Tutoring $10,044,1494.1% $53, Total$77,375, % Teacher and Principal Quality Initiatives Programs to recruit/retain Highly Qualified Teachers (HQT) $4,033,3341.7% $42,01496 Professional mentoring for beginning teachers and principals $7,334,7303.0% $39, Instructional coaches for teachers $45,177, % $79, School leadership coaches for principals $1,195,3180.5% $17,84167 Total$57,740, %
7 Discretionary Spending: By Program Strategy Allocations% Total Average Allocation # Schools Middle & High School Restructuring Instructional Changes $8,472,8723.5% $130,35265 Structural Changes $2,855,3791.2% $129,79022 Total$11,328,2514.7% Full-Day Pre-KTotal $122,1500.1% $122,1501 Model Programs for ELLs Total $11,573,7404.8% $82,083141
8 Class Size Reduction: Targeted Grades, Subjects & Populations Additional Classroom Additional Teacher in Classroom Targeted Grades K-322%24% 4-527%13% 6-821%27% %34% No response3%2% Targeted Subjects English Language Arts43%47% Math9%14% Other (Science, Social Studies)11% All (Elementary Only)35%26% No response3%2% Targeted Populations ELLs17%26% Students with Disabilities4%17% Students in Poverty20%10% Students with Low Achievement53%44% No response5%3%
9 Other Discretionary Spending: Targeted Populations by Program Area and Strategy Please note that schools were required to target one or more of the following student groups when allocating funds to a particular C4E-eligible activity. % of Schools Targeting # SchoolsELLs Students with Disabilities Students in Poverty Students with Low Academic Achievement Time on Task Before- and After-School Programs 55868%59%66%87% Summer School Programs4873%60%73%85% Dedicated Instructional Time42560%58%54%86% Individualized Tutoring18960%58%54%79% Teacher and Principal Quality Initiatives Programs to recruit/retain Highly Qualified Teachers (HQT) 9672%65%67%76% Professional mentoring for beginning teachers and principals 18762%55%60%69% Instructional coaches for teachers57175%73%70%87% School leadership coaches for principals 6766%63%66%81%
10 Discretionary Spending: Targeted Populations by Program Area and Strategy Please note that schools were required to target one or more of the following student groups when allocating funds to a particular C4E-eligible activity. % of Schools Targeting # SchoolsELLs Students with Disabilities Students in Poverty Students with Low Academic Achievement Middle & High School Restructuring Total6571%68%70%90% Full-Day Pre-KTotal1100% Model Programs for ELLs Total141100%---
11 Targeted Allocations to Schools Amount $76 million is our revised estimate in this category since the preliminary posting of our plan. The total allocation amount will be determined through a public process and SED approval. Schools receiving allocations were chosen based on a) overall student need and b) capacity to carry out specific program. Description Funds allocated by the DOE directly to schools for specific uses that are eligible within the C4E programs areas: >$58 million - New Collaborative Team Teaching (CTT) Classrooms (inclusive of fringe) >$5 million - Full-Day Pre-K Expansion >$5 million - New & Expanded Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Classrooms >$2 million - ELL Summer School Expansion Please note that an additional $7 million will be allocated to a group of high-need schools at the end of the week of July 21, Details about school-level allocations will be posted as soon as they are available.
12 District-Wide Initiatives Amount $37 million is our revised estimate in this category. The total allocation amount will depend on the public process and SED approval. While these funds will not appear on schools’ budgets, they will be attributed to impacted schools as part of the DOE’s citywide C4E plan. Description Funds allocated to Central programs that directly benefit schools. >$7 million - New & Expanded Multiple Pathways to Graduation Initiatives (for over-age and under-credit students) >$10 million - New & Expanded Principal Training Initiatives Please note that, while the following allocations will appear on schools’ budgets, they do not constitute operational funds. As such, they have been moved from the Targeted Allocations to the District-Wide Initiatives category. >$20 million – School-Wide Performance Bonus Program
13 Maintenance of Effort Amount$30 million Description The Department proposes to spend these funds to maintain summer programs impacting the students with the lowest academic achievement in the system.