Activity-Based Model For Atlanta (Day 1) by Guy Rousseau, Atlanta Regional Commission Based on the CT-RAMP (Coordinated Travel – Regional Activity- based.


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Presentation transcript:

Activity-Based Model For Atlanta (Day 1) by Guy Rousseau, Atlanta Regional Commission Based on the CT-RAMP (Coordinated Travel – Regional Activity- based Modeling Platform) Family of Activity-Based Travel Demand Models Main features: Explicit intra-household interactions Continuous temporal dimension (Half-hourly time periods) Integration of location, time-of-day, and mode choice models Java-based package for AB model implementation

Features of CT-RAMP for ARC Combination of best features of developed AB models: –Fully disaggregate micro-simulation of daily patterns –Consistent treatment of travel tours Addresses specific planning needs of ARC: –Dynamic / changing population –Toll facilities and managed lanes Innovations: –Intra-household interactions –Toll choice –“Available” time influences travel generation –Parking location choice

Treatment of Space 2027 TAZs TAZs subdivided into transit accessibility: Short walk (1/3 mi) Long walk (2/3 mi) No walk (> 2/3 mi) All origins and destinations identified by TAZ and sub-zone 6081 total alternatives in destination choice

4 ARC ABM Evolution / History > 2002: Household Travel Survey Data Collection & Analysis 2003  2006 – Models estimated, population synthesizer developed (as ITM 2006 in Austin TX) 2007  2008 – Model implementation, calibration started 2009  2010 – Calibration/validation completed, documentation, deployment at ARC, and sensitivity testing 2011 – Enhanced data reporting and visualization of outputs

Person Types NUMBERPERSON-TYPEAGEWORK STATUS SCHOOL STATUS 1Full-time worker18+Full-timeNone 2Part-time worker18+Part-timeNone 3Non-working adult18 – 64UnemployedNone 4Non-working senior65+UnemployedNone 5College student18+AnyCollege + 6Driving age student16-17AnyPre-college 7Non-driving student6 – 16NonePre-college 8Pre-school0-5None

Activity Types TYPEPURPOSEDESCRIPTIONCLASSIFICATIONELIGIBILITY 1WorkWorking at regular workplace or work-related activities outside the home. MandatoryWorkers and students 2UniversityCollege +MandatoryAge 18+ 3High SchoolGrades 9-12MandatoryAge Grade SchoolGrades K-8MandatoryAge EscortingPick-up/drop-off passengers (auto trips only). MaintenanceAge 16+ 6ShoppingShopping away from home.Maintenance5+ (if joint travel, all persons) 7Other MaintenancePersonal business/services, and medical appointments. Maintenance5+ (if joint travel, all persons) 8Social/RecreationalRecreation, visiting friends/family. Discretionary5+ (if joint travel, all persons) 9Eat OutEating outside of home.Discretionary5+ (if joint travel, all persons) 10Other DiscretionaryVolunteer work, religious activities. Discretionary5+ (if joint travel, all persons)

Treatment of Time Time-of-day choice models work on hourly periods AM and Midday skims used in choice models Output trips assigned by 5 time periods for highway, 3 for transit NUMBERDESCRIPTIONBEGIN TIMEEND TIME 1Early3:00 A.M.5:59 A.M. 2A.M. Peak6:00 A.M.9:59 A.M. 3Midday10:00 A.M.2:59 P.M. 4P.M. Peak3:00 P.M.6:59 P.M. 5Evening7:00 P.M.2:59 A.M.

Treatment of Modes Explicit toll versus non-toll choice in mode choice Local versus Premium (express bus, BRT, rail) transit

Implementation Design Goals Overnight run time  Model Relevance Around 12 to 16 hours Requires distributed processing and threading via Cube Cluster Commodity hardware  Minimize total lifetime cost Hardware available today from common vendors; reasonably priced Easy to Setup and Use  Staff acceptance Not too complicated to setup, run, debug, etc

Hardware and Software Setup Three Windows Server bit Machines: Dual Quad Core Intel Xeon X GHz with Hyper- Threading  16 threads 32 GB of RAM Cube Voyager + 8 seat Cube Cluster license Total cost ~ $30,000 in 2009

Hardware and Software Setup 64 bit OS for large memory addresses 64 bit Java for CT-RAMP 32 bit Java to integrate with Cube’s native matrix I/O DLL Cube Base for the GUI Cube Voyager + Cluster for running the model, assignment, etc Java CT-RAMP software 64 bit R for reporting/visualization

Overall System Setup Cube runs the show and calls all Java processes User starts the remote processes on the 2 nd and 3 rd machine (for now) Everything talks to one mapped network folder location

Model Validation Highway Trip-Based ModelActivity-Based Model

New Measures

Persons Not At Home by TAZ

New Measures Persons by TAZ

New Measures

ABM Visualization & Reporting System Activity-Based Model (Java, Cube) Activity-Based Model (Java, Cube) Database (SQL Server) Visualization Dashboard (Flash) Visualization Dashboard (Flash) Reports (Excel) Data Access Layer (IIS, ASP.Net) Data Access Layer (IIS, ASP.Net) Custom Analysis

ABM VIZ – Time Use New time use (person activity over the day) Can select different person types (the above is showing Full-time workers)

Radar Charts