Overview of UTSA’s Discretionary Budget Presented by: Mary Simon Sr. Director Budget and Planning Development
UTSA Operating Budget Funding Sources 2 State Appropriations - General Revenue Formula Funding, Special Items, Benefit Cost Sharing THECB Transfers TX Grant, Work-study Statutory Tuition & Lab Fees General Revenue-Dedicated (considered a revenue source for formula funding) Designated Tuition, Fees & Misc. Revenue F&A - Indirect Cost Recovery Facilities & Administrative Overhead Auxiliary Enterprise Funds Athletics, Bookstore, Recreation Center, University Center, Food Service, Housing, Parking Restricted Funds Gifts, Financial Aid & Grants/Contracts State Funds Also referred to as E&G: Educational & General budgets Designated Funds aka Local funds
State Appropriations UT Austin and Emerging Research Universities State Appropriations Per Full-Time Equivalent Student (1), Real Dollars (adjusted for inflation using FY 2012 as the base year) UT Austin and UT Emerging Research Universities FY UT Austin $ 7,355 $ 7,4617,2857,5737,4447,3316,6206,075 Emerging Research Universities Dallas 6,6226,9226,7697,4396,7976,9715,8555,706 El Paso 5,7235,9195,7366,2266,0136,0004,9584,812 San Antonio 4,5775,0294,8245,4315,1625,2934,6364,269 Arlington 5,4585,6235,6406,0415,7274,8373,8804,100 (1) Annualized Full Time Equivalent students is defined as 30 undergraduate semester credit hours, 24 master's or 18 doctoral. Emerging Research Universities
State Funds - Statutory Tuition Rates established by Texas Education Code ($50/SCH since Fall 2005 for resident undergraduate students) Same rate for all UT institutions Graduate students pay 2 times undergraduate rate, referred to as Graduate Incremental Tuition (Rate has remained at $100/SCH since Fall 2005) Non-resident students pay rates equal to the average non-resident tuition at the 5 most populous U.S. states Rates are determined by The Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) and listed under Texas Ed Code §54.051(d). The current non-resident student rate is $404/SCH for UG and $808/SCH for GR. Statutory Tuition is a revenue source for the Instructional & Operation (I/O) Formula, an amount estimated in the General Appropriations Act Institution bears the impact of any over or under collection of budgeted revenue – worse for campuses who lose enrollment Institution bears the impact of any over or under collection of budgeted revenue – worse for campuses who lose enrollment
Designated Funds - Designated Tuition Back in 2003, the legislature ‘deregulated’ designated tuition rates to counteract declining state revenue. Rates are set by the Board of Regents FY12 = $142.75/SCH FY13 = $147.60/SCH (Undergraduate) $ (Graduate) FY14 = $149.41/SCH (U/G Resident) $ (U/G Non-Resident) $ (Graduate) Very important revenue stream Only discretionary source of new revenue in the 2 nd year of the biennium to fund merit, mandatory cost increases, new faculty, strategic initiatives, etc.
Instruction & Academic Support Expenditures for salaries, wages, and all other costs related to those engaged in the teaching function including the operating costs of instructional departments. This would include the salaries of faculty, teaching assistants, lecturers and teaching equipment. Library materials and related salaries are also included. Student Services Expenditures for offices of admissions and of the registrar and activities with the primary purpose of contributing to students’ emotional and physical well-being and intellectual, cultural, and social development outside the context of the formal instruction program. Institutional Support Expenditures for central activities concerned with administration and long-range planning for the entire institution. Expenditures related to: Executive direction, planning, programming, and legal operations Activities to maintain relations with the community, alumni, or other constituents; development and fund raising Fiscal operations (accounting office, financial services, budget office) Activities related to general administrative operations and services (human resources office, purchasing office, etc) NACUBO Expenditure Classifications (1 of 2)
O&M of Plant Expenditures of current operating funds for the operation and maintenance of the physical plant. This includes all expenditures for operations established to provide services and maintenance related to grounds and facilities. Also included are utilities, fire protection, property insurance, and similar items. Campus Police Environmental Health & Safety Facilities Debt Service Interest and principal payments from borrowed funds for Capital Projects approved by the Board of Regents such as construction of a building or renovation of existing facilities. Capital Outlay Acquisition of a long-lived assets. NACUBO Expenditure Classifications (2 of 2)
UTSA’s FY 14 Discretionary Budget Above excludes Mandatory & Incidental fees and Research Development funds DISCRETIONARY BUDGETFY14% of Total FY13% of TotalChange Formula Funding (net of GR-D) $ 64,943,84830% $ 62,091,84429% $ 2,852,004 State Appropriations - Special Items $ 2,485,3861% $ 4,985,3862% $ (2,500,000) Facilities & Administrative OH $ 8,500,0004% $ 8,500,0004% $ - E&G Income (net) $ 44,246,74620% $ 42,037,75920% $ 2,208,987 Designated Tuition (net) $ 94,991,03143% $ 93,708,55644% $ 1,282,475 Other Discretionary Revenue $ 3,500,0002% $ 3,500,0002% $ - Total $ 218,667,011100% $ 214,823,545100% $ 3,843,466 Paid by State $ 67,429,23431% $ 67,077,23031% $ 352,004 Paid by Students $ 142,737,77765% $ 139,246,31565% $ 3,491,462 Paid by Third Parties $ 8,500,0004% $ 8,500,0004% $ - Total $ 218,667,011100% $ 214,823,545100% $ 3,843,466
Uses of Discretionary Budget Faculty & staff salaries Benefits (unreimbursed by the state) Instructionally related costs (not covered from fees) Library, Research, Public Service Student Services Operations & Maintenance of Plant, including Utilities Scholarships, Fellowships & Financial Aid Debt Service & Capital Outlay Departmental operating expenses Bad Debt & Misc Allowances Reserves