Tribal Transit Program August 9, 2013 State Programs Meeting Presented By Élan Flippin, FTA
2 Agenda Program Background and Authority Purpose of Federal Register Notice Formula Apportionment FY 2013 Discretionary Program Questions
3 Program Background and Authority The Tribal Transit Program (TTP) provides direct funding to federally recognized Indian tribes for the purpose of providing public transportation service on and around Indian reservations in rural areas
4 Program Background and Authority Section 5311 (j) of MAP-21, Public Law (July 6, 2012), authorizes the Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program (Tribal Transit Program) for Fiscal Years
5 Program Background and Authority Set-aside from the Formula Grants for Rural Areas program (section 5311) Approximately $25 million goes out by formula; $5 million discretionary competition Formula factors given in statute – Vehicle Revenue Miles and the number of low- income individuals residing on tribal lands. Terms and Conditions as determined by the Secretary (FTA)
6 Purpose of Federal Register Notice FTA published a Federal Register Notice on May 9, 2013 which: – Responded to the comments received during consultation process (November 9 th Federal Register solicited comments) – Described the program structure for both allocations – formula and discretionary – Described the applicable Terms and Conditions, including local match provisions
7 Purpose of Federal Register Notice Continued – Announced the final/full year formula apportionment (Table 10) – Solicited proposals for the FY 2013 Discretionary Funds
8 Formula Apportionment Statutory Formula – Tier I: 50 percent based on vehicle revenue miles – Tier 2: 25 percent based on Indian tribes providing at least 200,000 vehicle revenue miles – Tier 3: 25 percent based on Indian tribes providing public transportation on tribal lands as identified by the Census where more than 1,000 low income individuals reside
9 Formula Apportionment Eligible Tribes included in the apportionment – Tribes in the NTD and reported that they provide public transportation on Indian Reservations as of October 1, – Tribes that submitted data for the 2011 reporting period were considered under all 3 Tiers. – Tribes that did not submit data in time for the reporting period were only considered under Tier 3 (Poverty Tier).
10 Formula Apportionment Eligible Projects – Capital, Planning, Operating, Job Access and Reverse Commute Eligible Federal Share – 100% (no match required for formula funds) Funding Availability – Funds are available the year appropriated plus two years (total of three years).
11 Formula Apportionment Other noteworthy changes – Shared Tribal Lands –For shared areas in OK, FTA identified the tribe providing service in the shared area, and credited that tribe with the Census data for the shared area – Multiple or other operators to provide service – how FTA counts the pro-rated share of the operator’s VRM toward the apportionment (not just federal funds) More tribes receiving an apportionment
12 Formula Apportionment Reductions in amounts apportioned – 71 tribes full year apportionments are receiving less than what was projected in the illustrative apportionment (loss range from.5 to 19.53%) – Result of all of the changes, primarily because more Indian tribes were identified as eligible to share in the formula funds.
13 Formula Program Next Steps Tribes should be developing grant applications in FTA’s TEAM system with the regional office (Tribal Liaisons) – New users: Obtain user ID and password – Obtain TEAM training from regional office – Certifications and Assurances Use the existing 5311 circular for guidance until the revised circular is finalized ( F)
14 FY 2013 Discretionary Program FTA solicited proposals for FY 2013 TTP discretionary program in the May 9, 2013 Federal Register Notice Proposals were due on July 8, 2013 FTA received 75 proposals, requesting $18.1million Proposal evaluations are currently underway
15 FY 2013 Discretionary Program Available Funding – Approximately $5 million in FY 2013 Funding Availability – Funds are available the year allocated plus two years (total of three years). Eligible applicants – Federally recognized Indian tribes or Alaska Native villages, groups, or communities as identified by the US Dept. of Interior
16 FY 2013 Discretionary Program Eligible Projects – Planning – capped at $25,000 – Capital – replacement and expansion needs – Operating Assistance; limited to: Start-up/New Systems with no transit Tribes that received $0 under the formula program, but can demonstrate they operate public transportation Tribes that only received formula funds under Tier 3 Eligible Federal Share: 90 percent – Exception for financial hardship cases
17 Evaluation Criteria Planning and Local Prioritization Project Readiness Demonstration of Need Demonstration of Benefits Financial Commitment and Operating Capacity
18 Planning Evaluation Criteria What the tribes’ long term commitment to transit is? How the proposed study will be implemented and/or further tribal transit.
19 FY 2013 Discretionary Program Next Steps Tribes should continue to report to NTD Announce FY 13 Discretionary Awards (Fall of 2013)