Peralta Community College Budget Allocation Model BAM November 17, 2014
BAM Modeled after SB 361 ◦Used for funding apportionment for all California Community Colleges ◦3 fundamental revenue drivers Base allocation Credit Full Time Equivalent Students (FTES) Non-Credit FTES ◦Apportionment funding from this formula represents more than 70% of the District’s unrestricted revenue
Principles Simple and easy to understand Consistent with State’s SB 361 model Provides – ◦Financial stability ◦A reserve in accordance with PCCD Board Policy ◦Clear Accountability ◦Periodic review and revision ◦Some services centralized at the District Office Utilizes conservative revenue projections Maintains autonomous decision making at the college level Is responsive to the district’s and colleges’ planning processes
Partnership Between the Colleges and the District Office ◦To encourage and support collaboration Colleges have broad oversight of institutional responsibilities ◦Primary authority over educational programs and student services functions ◦Develops autonomous and individualized processes to meet state and accreditation standards District office primarily ensures compliance with applicable statue and regulatory compliance as well as essential support functions ◦Staff responsibility to fulfill fiduciary role of providing appropriate oversight of District operations
Allocations Similar allocation to four Colleges as SB 361 allocation to District Allocates resources for Revenue, the District Office, District wide-services and regulatory costs based on percentage of 3 year rolling average of FTES
Components of Formula Used Applicable Revenue = Revenue less Exclusions ◦Amount of revenue to be distributed to Colleges Centralized and District Office Expenses ◦Amount of expenditures to be distributed to Colleges Three Year Rolling Averages ◦3 year Average of the Total funded Full Time Equivalent Students (FTES) for each College
Budget Allocation Worksheet Revenue ◦Computational Revenue as determined by SB361 at the State ◦Unrestricted Lottery ◦Apprenticeship ◦Student Health Fees ◦Other Student Fees and Miscellaneous ◦Transfers in from other sources ◦Parcel Tax
Exclusions Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) paid for retirees OPEB debt service payment
District Office Service Centers Chancellors Office Board of Trustees General Counsel Information Technology Public Information Risk Management Education and Student Services Institutional Research Human Resources Finance and Purchasing General Services
Centralized Services DSPS Contribution Admissions and Records Facilities Financial Aid International Education
Formula Revenue Allocations to Colleges ◦Applicable revenue times the percentage represented by the 3 year rolling FTES average of the district wide 3 year rolling average District Office and Centralized Services ◦Applicable cost of each service time the percentage represented by the 3 year rolling FTES average of the district wide 3 year rolling averages Total of these represent the revenue allocation to each College
Unrestricted Expenditure Budgets by College Budget Cycle ◦Tentative Budget to board by June 30 ◦Final Budget adopted by board by September 15 Budget Calendar ◦Positions ◦Discretionary ◦Categorical/Grants
Non-discretionary budgets Spreadsheet with prior year positions and coding sent to College for review and input Rates acquired by the issuing agency Cost for each employee computed This plus the part time faculty make up the non-discretionary portion of each budget
FTEF calculation FTES targets established for each College based on funded growth from the State 17.5 productivity used to determine number of Full Time Equivalent Faculty (FTEF) needed to meet the FTES targets Full Time position for faculty subtracted from the number of FTEF needed to determine part time faculty budget
Part-Time Faculty Calculation Peralta Community College District Budget 11/17/2014COALaneyMerrittBCCDistrictwide Budget Projections 1 FTEF - per position spreadsheets (includes new positions) *2 for fall and spring FTEF Targets per Ed. Svs - 19,055 ftes , a. Department Chair Release FTEF Total FTEF for target , Difference between targets and contract instructional faculty (3-2) Estimated cost at $22,000 (4*$22,000) $ 2,577,047 $ 5,734,791 $ 2,199,885 $ 3,208,093 $ 13,719,816 6Summer Estimate $ 528,297 $ 957,483 $ 332,234 $ 590,875 $ 2,408,889 7Projected salary savings on existing vacancies 390, , , ,650 $ 1,902,689 8Amount to allocate ((5+6)-7) 2,714,455 6,154,176 2,066,067 3,291,319 14,226,016
Non-Discretionary Budgets Full time positions Part Time Faculty Calculation Related payroll liabilities Medical and Dental premiums On average, represents about 85% of College budget
Discretionary Budget Prior Year Allocation used for: Hourly personnel Supplies Materials Services Capital Equipment Include some fixed costs, such as utilities, rent, maintenance agreements, etc. Represents on average 15% of College funding Object codes ◦4xxx-7xxx ◦14xx and 13xx (except 1351)
Unrestricted Expenditure Budget by College Total of the Discretionary and Non- Discretionary budgets as allocated based on the previous two slides
Differences As anticipated, there are delta’s between the Revenue allocation by College and unrestricted expenditures by College Identified in the BAM are strategies for Transition
Strategies for Transition Will require multiple years to avoid negative and sudden operational impacts to programs and services Options: ◦Shifting FTES targets to provide additional apportionment to some colleges ◦Deficit reduction plans ◦Shifting growth money from one college to another ◦Reductions in centralized support functions and services ◦Utilization of international student tuition
Periodic Review Still sorting out remaining issues Evaluating the effectiveness of the procedures outlined Suggested review every 3 years Keeping the model up to date and responsive to the changing community college landscape
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