Secure Operating Systems Lesson 0x11h: Systems Assurance
Where are we? Really, we’re now just looking at the loose ends of OS Security But there’s one question we don’t have an answer to: how do we KNOW an OS has particular properties?
Verification The aim is to verify that a system enforces a desired set of security goals Example: are two sets of users separated? Are the mechanisms (e.g. reference monitor) and policies (e.g. MLS) appropriate to enforce the goal? Are these ideas implemented correctly? Assurance concerns itself with what and how
Building secure things is HARD Three Steps: Define the security goals (clearly!) Design for verification (ideally, using formal methods) Build so that the system can be mapped back to the verified design
Assurance Standards Historically, Orange Book (part of TCSEC) Now, The Common Criteria We will take a look at both approaches
Orange Book A-D D: Minimal Protection C: Discretionary Protection C1 – discretionary security protection C2 – Controlled access protection B: Mandatory Protection Labeled Security Protection, Structured Protection, Security Domains (B1, B2, B3) A: Verified Protection A1 – Verified design Beyond A1 – speaks to physical root of trust etc.
D: Minimal Protection Government-speak for “evaluated but failed to meet the requirements of anything higher” (!) Rule of thumb: D is probably not very helpful (what does it actually tell you?)
C1: Discretionary Sec. Protection DAC: Permissions of named users to named objects System actions are performed by hardware- protected domains No obvious ways to bypass controls Basic documentation required
C2: Controlled Access Protection Rights must be specifiable at the level of the single user Authentication based on a secret that is protected from others Audit of particular events in a protected log Object reuse checked – new objects do not “leak” data from previous uses C2 is our “day to day” security level
B1: Labeled Security Protection C2 plus MAC Named objects must be associated with a sensitivity label, corresponding to an MLS policy Security mechanisms must work as claimed in the documentation (how to verify?) B1 requires proof of detailed testing – few OS are in this level
B2: Structured Protection Adds protection/enforcement to all objects Requires covert channel protection Authentication requires a “trusted path” The Trusted Computing Base must be “relatively resistant to penetration”
B3: Security Domains Extends the TCB to cover the “reference monitor” concept TCB is “highly resistant to penetration”
A1: Verified Design A formal model of the security policy, plus a mathematical proof that the model is consistent with the policy A Formal Top Level Specification (FTLS) of the functions the TCB performs The FTLS of the TCB must be shown to be consistent with the formal model of the policy The TCB implementation must be consistent with the FTLS Formal analysis must be used to identify and analyze covert channels
Beyond A1 A1 allows informal verification if no formal tool exists This class was left open to allow for a system that can be verified more precisely
Formal Methods It’s possible to apply formal methods to computing problems Essentially, prove mathematically that a system functions a certain way The needs for formal methods are huge: most modern systems are really computers with moving parts To get failure rates, we cannot rely on visual analysis Exhaustive testing is impossible due to state space explosion
Testing? Debugging requires either examining a crash, or choosing the right test cases Good coverage is impossible for real systems Formal methods cover all behaviors, and is certain to find the bugs… provided the model, environment and properties are correct However, all problems are NP-hard, and most are superexponential or even undecidable
Common Criteria LevelRequirements EAL1Functionally tested EAL2 (C1)Structurally tested EAL3 (C2/BA)Methodically tested and checked EAL4 (C2/B1)Methodically designed, tested and reviewed EAL5 (B2)Semiformally designed and tested EAL6 (B3)Semiformally verified design and tested EAL7 (A1)Formally verified design and tested
Aside: ITSEC and AV Anti-malware provides some really interesting challenges to all this… let’s discuss
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