Class Rep training: Returning Reps October 2014
WhenWhat Welcomes, intro and objectives A quick refresher Peer Leadership Working with Smaller Cohorts Connecting with modules you’re not part of Beyond the Classroom Class Reps on Committees Collaboration Statements Other projects Spreading Good Practice Future training plan, class rep expansion packs and a promotion line
Role of Director of Representation Ondrej Hajda full-time student officer covering the areas of: – education (academic reps!) – equal opportunities – student wellbeing – democracy (elections!) passionate Twitter user
C ollaborate :
‘the democratic intellect’ what’s it mean for me?
We’re equal partners in education!
A dvocate :
Student Academic Representation
Education Discretionary Fund £4,000 for School Presidents and Class Reps Apply through your School President Examples: careers event, student-staff social, undergraduate conference, magazine, posters, noticeboards etc. (but no alcohol)
R epresent :
E ngage :
As leaders/role models, and returning class reps, what behaviours/skills would you expect to have developed by now?
Listening Public speaking Generating ideas Communicating feedback Commitment Reliability Inclusive Problem solving Sample class rep behaviours
Complete the performance wheel for you. Think about what you scored least on. Find someone else and get their suggestion as to ONE thing you could do to develop in this area this year.
action centred leadership Team Individual Task
Transformational Leaders 1.Ambition. 2.Determined, yet quietly so. 3.Unwilling to admit their contribution has anything to do with the club’s success. 4.Extremely high standards.
What are the pros and cons of working with smaller class-sizes?
Possible pros and cons ProsCons Know people betterLoss of anonymity Easier to engage peopleMore ‘group think’ Speed of communication betterFewer people to help out Group cohesion strongerFewer people to generate ideas Closer relationship with lecturers
How to connect with modules you’re not part of Talk to students before/after their lecture School President can the cohort on your behalf Bring people together at different events (e.g. social, career)
Class Reps on Committees SLUG = Student Library User Group – Oct 30 th, Feb 12 th, Apr 16 th – Collect feedback and improve the library experience for students Employability Class Rep Forum – Nov 5 th, Feb 18 th, Apr 8 th – Improve the Careers Centre experience for students
Collaboration Statements Amongst staff & St Andrews No decision should be made without student input - you’re how we make sure that’s true. 1.Early information 2.Feedback
Other projects going on… Study spaces Inclusive learning policy Honours entry Closing the feedback loop Students’ Association Rectorial Election 2014 ( Get involved (
Deliver training The Students’ Association is looking for experienced Class Reps to deliver the Class Rep training next year (October 2015). Do you think that you have what it takes to be a good trainer? Ondrej on
Work in small groups with people from different Schools to talk about: What you most want to achieve this year Good things you did or saw last year In your group, agree on your 2 best examples of good practice to share with the wider group
PSC Evening lectures 5.15pm) Skills sessions (mondays 2-4pm) Online workshops (24/7 when launched) Leadership; positive personal impact; followership; communication; planning; effective time management; managing a team, meetings and minutes, project management, speaking to a large audience, building resilience, understanding thinking styles, how to engage others, assertiveness, presentation skills, what employers want, negotiation skills, valuing diversity, time management, interpersonal communication, learning styles and train the trainer, writing for the web, effective posters, time management, managing change, organisations and strategy, professional conduct, influencing others, confidence, motivation and mindset, being enterprising….
EXPANSION PACKS 21/10 Library 22/10 Careers 27/10 Minutes 29/10 Social
Proctor’s Award Launched last year for School Presidents and Class Reps and will be mentioned on your transcript “To recognise amazing commitment by students in enhancing learning and teaching in the University” Winner: Max Fabiszewski