1 MAKING IT WORK Steps to a Healthier Home
L EARNING O BJECTIVES NAME two provisions of a code that could be used to cite a hazard in the home. EXPLAIN why partnership with the community is essential. IDENTIFY five important players involved in healthy homes issues. EXPLAIN why data collection and analysis are important in delivering healthy housing services. IDENTIFY three sources of data and where to find them. LIST two things that you might observe that must be reported and two that are discretionary. Page 11.1
3 C REATE Successful healthy home projects need: Established objectives Administrative infrastructure Identified and committed partners Secured funding Sustainability plan Page 11.1 Creating a Healthy Homes Program
4 I MPLEMENT Issues to consider: Job descriptions Training program Programmatic changes Page 11.2 Implementing a Healthy Homes Program
5 F UNDING S OURCES HUD Rental licensing fees or taxes EPA State & City Healthy Homes funding sources Page 11.2
6 O THER F UNDING Public agencies can provide “seed” money Involve private sector foundations Page 11.2
7 H EALTH AND H OUSING Long-term success Long-term community capacity Empower members Produce change Benefits to collaboration Page 11.2
8 I MPORTANT P LAYERS Agencies Community-Based Organizations Property Owners Contractors and trades people Families Others? Page 11.3
9 A GENCIES Other local agencies regularly enter homes Consider coordinating services at single home visit. Page 11.3
10 C OMMUNITY -B ASED O RGANIZATIONS Solicit input Attend community functions Consider interests and priorities Involve community members Page 11.3
11 P ROPERTY O WNERS Involve in initial program plan Secure participation Conduct work at turnover Require prerequisite work Offer training Stress maintenance Page 11.3
12 C ONTRACTORS & T RADES P EOPLE Involve in developing work protocols Offer to train and equip Encourage quality of work standards Meet regularly Help contractors market Page 11.4
13 F AMILIES Always have avenues for the family to become involved Provide program materials Educate at organizational meetings or “kitchen meetings” Page 11.5
14 C HALLENGES Different visions May speak “different languages” Many players Agency culture Power inequities “Bad” history Competition for funding Lack of resources, or unbalanced distribution of resources Health & Housing Collaborations Page 11.5
16 W HY C OLLECT I NFORMATION ? Determine the magnitude of the problem & community characteristics Page 11.6
17 W HY C OLLECT I NFORMATION ? Establish a baseline Evaluate your program Make decisions about strategies Page 11.6
18 G ATHERING D ATA Demographic/Socioeconomic Housing Health Environment Page 11.7
19 V ISUAL A SSESSMENT T OOLS Local Tools CDC/HUD Housing Inspection Manual Community Environmental Health Resource Center (CEHRC) Visual Survey Page 11.8
20 E XERCISE #9 Conduct a Visual Survey and Assessment of Potential Code Violations Use CEHRC Visual Survey as Template Use IPMC as Model Code
C ONFIDENTIALITY Community workers and government employees need to balance the privacy rights of people they work with and the obligation to protect the health and safety of others Page 11.10
28 W HAT I NFORMATION IS C ONFIDENTIAL ? Protected under law Defined as confidential under agency or state policy “Sensitive” to the home occupants Page 11.10
29 CONFIDENTIAL L IKELY S ENSITIVE ▪ Use of addictive products ▪ Illegal conduct ▪ Mental health ▪ Personal hygiene ▪ Medication ▪ Health conditions ▪ Symptoms ▪ Citizenship U SUALLY N OT S ENSITIVE ▪ Occupation ▪ Birth date/age ▪ Race/ethnicity ▪ Gender ▪ Organizational affiliation ▪ Home address Page 11.11
30 C HILD P ROTECTIVE S ERVICES Young children home alone Active physical abuse, or evidence of abuse Drug activity may not be considered a condition that endangers Mandated Reporting Page 11.11
31 D ISCRETIONARY R EPORTING To whom do you report? What do you report? When? Page 11.12
32 Lack of smoke alarms Structural defects that may cause an injury Sewage intrusion Vermin infestation Peeling/ deteriorated paint in homes older than 1978 Sample results, if taken (lead, radon) Lack of window guards in high rise Any other immediate hazards found Hot water heater temperature, especially if multifamily R EPORTING Conditions to report to both property owner and tenant Page 11.12
33 “R ULES OF T HUMB ” Only what you need to know Partnerships may be beneficial Know which laws apply Disclose code violations to the owner Don’t disclose sensitive information Information collection and reporting Page 11.13
34 “R ULES OF T HUMB ” Follow laws Exercise caution when making recommendations for home treatments Recommend professionals when needed Use applicable standards when available Legal issues and liability Page 11.13
35 L IABILITY E XPOSURES Healthy Homes Practitioners Multiple sources and types of exposures Limited research and data Lack of clear standards and guidelines Testing methods and controls Page 11.13
36 K EY M ESSAGES The community must be engaged in achieving HH goals. The holistic approach requires coordination and collaboration among all programs sending staff in the home. Data are essential to identify the problem, determine the magnitude, develop an intervention and measure success. Healthy homes practitioners need to be aware of legal and ethical issues in their own communities. Page 11.14
L EARNING O BJECTIVES NAME two provisions of a code that could be used to cite a hazard in the home. EXPLAIN why partnership with the community is essential. IDENTIFY five important players involved in healthy homes issues. EXPLAIN why data collection and analysis are important in delivering healthy housing services. IDENTIFY three sources of data and where to find them. LIST two things that you might observe that must be reported and two that are discretionary. Page 11.14
38 Please fill out your course evaluation! You should receive an notification regarding the online course evaluation. This link is unique to you (do not share with anyone else). At the end of the evaluation, you will see a screen with a four digit authentication code. WRITE THIS CODE DOWN. You will need to enter it into the Learning Management System (LMS) to verify that you have completed the evaluation. You will not be able to print out your course completion certificate until you have completed the evaluation, entered your authentication code into the LMS and your instructor has confirmed your attendance. This will expire after 30 days.