Next Steps in Ecological Impact Assessment IEMA QMark Series 1 Dawn Phythian CEnv MCIEEM Ecology Team North October 2014
Dawn Phythian Guidance Scoping – opportunity often missed Natural England – Discretionary advice service Scale – proportionate impacts Steve Jackson-Mathews Overview of current approach Reflecting emerging good practice Common issues Future challenges for EcIA Update on developing CIEEM EcIA guidance Todays topics 2
Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM)‘Guidelines for Ecological Impact in the United Kingdom (2006)’ 2014 legislative change The point of EcIA is: To provide clear information regarding significant impacts Guidance - CIEEM 3
Scoping report after PEA and desk study Tool to identify and consult with stakeholders Used as a basis for consultation into what assessment is required The scope of the project refines the project through consultation Opportunities to: Get agreement on methodologies Scope out surveys Scoping – missed opportunities 4
Preliminary Ecological Assessment Any time of year has limitations. Within the PEA the Desk study should include: Appropriate distance search for sites Appropriate distance search for species Rule out/In HRA Appropriate Consultees Avoiding groups only puts it off LPA may rely on outside consultees due to no Ecologist What needed to effective Scoping 5
What methodologies will be used, in detail Timescale for assessment What will not be involved – scope out the insignificant impacts What scoping needs to include 6
Natural England advice service Initial Free Advice: “identify any significant potential impacts that need to be considered within the application advise on how these concerns may be addressed” standard advice DAS chargeable service is for: “….More complex requests, such as the review of a draft Environmental Statement, will be charged on a per-hour basis, based on an estimate.” Discretionary advice service (DAS) 7
Should be: Proportionate to the scale of habitat Relevant to a species In scale to the impact Not: Related to the legal protection afforded to the site/species Valuing a Significant Impact 8
Appropriate to: Range Feeding requirements Resting requirements Life span Species scale 9
Context within the site Size Context within local area Actual ecological value it might have Habitats Scale 10
Includes: Take scale into account Lighting Noise Cumulative effects Appropriate Impact 11
Any questions or comments to: Thank you for listening 12