Financial Intelligence Requires a New Approach What is your financial plan? What Do You Want To Accomplish? q More Income? How much? $300; $1,000; $5,000 / month Better Control of Your Time and Your Life? Reduce Debt? Build Investment / Retirement Income? Lifestyle Improvements? more family time travel work from home fewer hassles Own Your Own Business? Be your own boss Financial independence Flexibility / Freedom Unlimited Potential q q q q q Financial Intelligence Requires a New Approach 1
Financial Intelligence Left Side 90% of the people 10% of the wealth Right Side 10% of the people 90% of the wealth Business Owner Employee Self employed Investor or professional Renting your Life Exchange time for money Owning your Life Owning assets that produce income How do you move to the right side with limited capital and time? A change of thinking is required. i-Commerce, a new business model, is the best answer . . . 2
i-Commerce How does i-Commerce differ from other business models? Often 50% or More IBO discounts Retail profits Volume bonuses Word of mouth advertising i-Commerce, works because of 3 key elements 3
Partner Stores and Major Brands What Products are Available? Well known brands. Save money on purchases. A benefit of membership. Partner Stores and Major Brands List of Partner Stores is as of April 1, 2015 and subject to change. May vary by market. 4
“Anyway Money” Our Primary Markets $ 1 Trillion Industry Women & Men, Health , Fitness and Energy Women & Men, Teens to Seniors 10,000 turn 65 every day Beauty and Skin Care Lifestyle Products Home Business Family Personal Consumables “Anyway Money” 5
Exclusive / High Margins Exclusive Brands 6
Business Model The world headquarters spans more than 4 million square feet and stretches for 1 mile 1.5 million sq. ft. of warehousing space $10.8 billion in 2014 global sales 50 + years old – Family owned 100 + countries and territories Over 20,000 global employees A+ Better Business Bureau IBO Compensation Plan Over 1,000 Patents Products and Services Infrastructure 7
Education and Team The “Education” The “Team” Education Affiliation Optional Professional Training Resources “Business School” Operating in 36 Countries & 23 Languages The “Team” Partnering Mentoring Teamwork 8
How Do You Make Money? All products and services purchased by IBOs and clients are assigned POINTS. Much like with airline frequent flyer miles. Points are accumulated monthly and can result in cash bonuses. 1 point equals about $3. Performance Bonus Schedule* 7500 6000 4000 2500 1500 1000 600 300 100 = 25% 23% 21% 18% 15% 12% 9% 6% 3% points ways to create points and increase monthly income Specialize and develop clients Refer others and build a Team Buy from yourself SAVE MONEY VOLUME BONUSES UP TO 35% MARGINS VOLUME BONUSES VOLUME BONUSES * © 2014 Amway Corp. All rights reserved. 9
Your Business Plan YOU Personalized Coaching Skills Training TEAM YOU The Team 21 Strategy Fast Track Strategy Personalized Coaching Skills Training Segmented Lists Profitability Goals Traditional Networking 10
Grow Your Team = 12% = 18% = 25% Performance Bonus Schedule* $250 / month YOU 150 Points = 12% 600 Points 300 Points 150 Points Example 1 1,200 group points (GPV) Performance Bonus Schedule* 7500 6000 4000 2500 1500 1000 600 300 100 = 25% 23% 21% 18% 15% 12% 9% 6% 3% points $800 / month YOU 300 Points = 18% 1200 Points 600 Points 350 Points 150 Points 12% 9% 6% 3% Example 2 2,600 group points (GPV) $2500 / month YOU 600 Points = 25% 3500 Points 700 Points 2200 Points 500 Points 18% 9% 15% 6% Additional bonuses and incentive trips available for consistent qualification. Example 3 7,500 group points (GPV) * © 2014 Amway Corp. All rights reserved. All incomes are approximate. The average monthly Gross Income for “active” IBOs was USD $202 (in the U.S.)/CAD $198 (in Canada). Approximately 46% of IBOs in the U.S., and 48% of IBOs in Canada, were “active.” 1 out of 457 IBOs of record in North America actually achieved the monthly gross income shown in Example 3 in 2011. IBOs were considered “active” in months in 2010 when they attempted to make a retail sale, or presented the IBO Amway IBO Compensation Plan, or received bonus money, or attended an Amway or IBO meeting. If someone sustained that level of activity every month for a whole year, their annualized income would be $2,424 (U.S.)/$2,376 (Canada). Of course, not every IBO chooses to be active every month. “Gross Income” means the amount received from retail sales, minus the cost of goods sold, plus monthly bonuses and cash incentives. It excludes all annual bonuses and cash incentives, and all non-cash awards, which may be significant. There may also be significant business expenses, mostly discretionary, that may be greater in relation to income in the first years of operation. For the purposes of the calculation in Canada, individuals who were IBOs for less than the entire year in 2010 were excluded. Before registering as an Independent Business Owner (IBO) powered by Amway, you should read and understand the Amway™ Business Opportunity Brochure, which contains important information for those interested in becoming IBOs. 11
Expand Your Team You help other teams reach the 25% bonus level Additional bonuses and incentive trips are available for those leaders with multiple 25% teams. The average monthly Gross Income for “active” IBOs was USD $202 (in the U.S.)/CAD $198 (in Canada). Approximately 46% of IBOs in the U.S., and 48% of IBOs in Canada, were “active.” 1 out of every 2,571 IBOs in North America achieved the illustrated level of performance in the year 2011. The average Leadership Bonus for North American IBOs of record was $1,124 in the performance year ending August 31, 2011. * © 2014 Amway Corp. All rights reserved. 12
The Next Step Think about what you would want from your new business (if you know why, we know how). Register as an IBO. Schedule a “Starting Point” session to activate your new business. Place your first order with and begin your business. Education available through CEP, Builders Package and Seminars. Meet the members of your team, and begin growing your business. If you know what you want and you are willing to learn and work, the i-Commerce business model and the Network 21 business school offer an opportunity to create your future. Teams are forming right now…Why hesitate? 13
Got Questions? These CDs are for you. After the Plan Margin David Dornan
Global Reach Network 21 approaches both domestic and international business activities with the skill, knowledge and confidence that can only be acquired through over 20 years of international experience with operations in 36 countries supported by 26 local office operating in 23 languages.