Club Orientation
Rotary Theme
2009 – 2010 RI President John Kenny is from Scotland John Kenny is from Scotland The RI Theme acknowledges the role individual Rotary Clubs will play in shaping the future of Rotary. The RI Theme acknowledges the role individual Rotary Clubs will play in shaping the future of Rotary. To read more on this topic go to the RI website through: To read more on this topic go to the RI website through:
District Governor William J. Ferrera is from William J. Ferrera is from the Rotary Club of Long Grove the Rotary Club of Long Grove During this past Rotary year, Bill has spent the time to get to know each of the Club Presidents and looks forward to working with us as we address the future of Rotary. During this past Rotary year, Bill has spent the time to get to know each of the Club Presidents and looks forward to working with us as we address the future of Rotary.
The Rotary Club of Arlington Heights Sunrise Meets: Every Tuesday at 7:15AM – 8:30AM Doubletree Hotel “Birch River Grill 75 W. Algonquin Road (Corner of Algonquin & Arlington Heights Rd) Arlington Heights, IL Board meetings are held at 7:15 A.M. 1st Thursday of every Month at the Village Bank and Trust 234 W. Northwest Highway Arlington Heights
Rotary Club of Arlington Heights - Sunrise Chartered 1987 Chartered charter members 29 charter members First President was Rod Kath First President was Rod Kath Meetings held at Arlington Lakes Club House. Meetings held at Arlington Lakes Club House. 27 Members 27 Members President - President - Rodney C. Adams Meetings now at Meetings now at Doubletree Hotel Doubletree Hotel 75. W Algonquin Rd Arlington Heights Origins2009
Board of Directors The Directors, Officers & Chairs of the Rotary Club are on the pages to follow: President:Rodney C Adams President-elect:John Glueckert, Jr. Past President: Doug Wingeard Secretary:Roylene Gallas John Hall Treasurer:Eli Shereshovech III Bob Williams A new board is elected to take office on 1 July of each year. All positions in Rotary are one year terms that change on 1 July.
Board Members and Chairs Club Service:Wendy R. Morgan Club Service:Wendy R. Morgan Vocational Service: Linda Cesario Vocational Service: Linda Cesario Community Service: Mary Stitt Community Service: Mary Stitt International Service: Steve Sharer International Service: Steve Sharer Foundation: Roylene Gallas Foundation: Roylene Gallas Literacy:Dale Truding Literacy:Dale Truding Fundraising: Gerald Mourning Fundraising: Gerald Mourning
Membership There are two types of membership in a Rotary club: Active Rotarian: an adult of good character and good business or professional reputation, who holds or has held an executive position with discretionary authority in any worthy and recognized business or profession. Honorary Rotarian:
Arlington Heights Sunrise Rotary implements the Object of Rotary through the “Four Avenues of Service”
Avenues of Service Rotary’s first Avenue of Service involves actions a Rotarian must take within the club to help it function successfully. Club Service Wendy R. Morgan
The Arlington Heights Sunrise Rotary Club Service Projects New Member Mentor & Orientation Club eBulletin Club Directory Fellowship Public Relations Fundraising Programs Web: wwww wwww wwww.... aaaa rrrr llll iiii nnnn gggg tttt oooo nnnn hhhh eeee iiii gggg hhhh tttt ssss rrrr oooo tttt aaaa rrrr yyyy.... oooo rrrr gggg
Weekly Programs Program Chair – Dale Stout Program Chair – Dale Stout Monthly Program Chairs are assigned to give members the opportunity to share speakers of their interests. Monthly Program Chairs are assigned to give members the opportunity to share speakers of their interests. Having a quality speaker each week keeps us up to date both locally and internationally. Having a quality speaker each week keeps us up to date both locally and internationally.
Avenues of Service Rotary’s second avenue of service promotes high ethical standards in businesses and professions, recognizes the worthiness of all useful occupations, and fosters the ideal of service in the pursuit of all vocations. Vocational Service Linda Cesario
The Arlington Heights Sunrise Rotary Vocational Service Projects Scholarship Awards Career Development Rotary Volunteers Vocational Awareness Vocational Awards
Avenues of Service Rotary’s third avenue of service comprises varied efforts that Rotarians make to improve the quality of life for those who live within their club’s locality or municipality. Community Service Mary Stitt
The Arlington Heights Sunrise Rotary Community Service Projects Immunization Program Adult and Child Literacy Book Project Disaster Relief Human Development Community Development Environmental Protection Partners in Service
Avenues of Service Rotary’s fourth avenue of service comprises those things Rotarians can do to encourage and foster the advancement of understanding and goodwill among people of the world. International Service Steve Sharer
The Arlington Heights Sunrise Rotary International Service Projects END POLIO NOW CAMPAIGN Youth Exchange International Water Projects Wheelchairs for Polio Victims Solar Oven Projects Shelter Box Participant The Rotary Foundation
The Arlington Heights Sunrise Rotary Exchanges Group Study Exchanges Teams of one Rotarian leader and four non-Rotarian business or professional young people visit the district for four to six weeks. The Arlington Heights Sunrise Rotarians have hosted visiting teams and sponsored team members. The Arlington Heights Sunrise Club is a participant in the district’s GSE program.
Rotary Youth Exchange Program year olds are exchanged worldwide. Part of a 7,000 students/year program. Rotarians host these young people in their homes for three to five months. Students become part of the family. Students participate in a full school year, staying with two or three different families. The Arlington Heights Sunrise has hosted students from most continents of the world. We have participated in sending students to various areas around the globe.
The Rotary Club of Arlington Heights Sunrise Projects Some Fundraisers are: uAuAH Rotary Wine Tasting & Auction uGuGolf Tournament – Summer uRuRotary Night at Metropolis Theater uTuThe Mane Event uPuPoker Night uEuEND POLIO NOW CAMPAIGN
Arlington Heights Sunrise Fellowship is what you want it to be THESE ARE SOME IDEAS! You too can add to this list! Metropolis Dinner and Play Private recital/BBQ at your house Holiday Parties/Family Day Cultural Day 0ut w/Exchange Student Dinner and Cruise from Navy Pier
Awards for Arlington Heights Sunrise and/or our members The Arlington Heights Sunrise Rotary club and members have received many accolades over the past few years. Here are a few: 100% Paul Harris Fellowship Highest per capita in giving “small club” U.S. President’s Volunteer Service Award to one of our members
Your Participation in Rotary Participation To be a Rotarian you must give a little of your time and talents: In community work In fellowship and social functions In bringing high ethical standards to your vocation In club and district activities In international service to others
Your Obligations in Rotary Attendance Attendance at the weekly meetings is a benefit of Rotary. A minimum of 50% is expected. $2.00 may be added to your quarterly bill for each missed non-made up meeting. You can easily maintain your attendance levels by making up at another Rotary club meeting, try a cyber meeting, participate in club service projects, training and/or activities.
Fun and Frolic Weekly Raffle Weekly Raffle Question of the Day Question of the Day
Happy and Sad Dollars Share your good and bad times with fellow Rotarians - $1 If your name is mentioned in the local newspaper - $1 If your name is mentioned on local TV – fellow Rotarians present pay $1 each If your name is mentioned on national TV – fellow Rotarians present pay $2 each Have the President of the United States pick you up in Airforce One - Priceless
Sergeant at Arms Martin Landwehr is a Charter Member of the club, and active member since Martin Landwehr is a Charter Member of the club, and active member since Sergeant at Arms is also the club’s Fine “Fun” Master. Sergeant at Arms is also the club’s Fine “Fun” Master. The next slide will show you some of the “fun” sides of the fines. The next slide will show you some of the “fun” sides of the fines.
Fines ONE SPIN ON Rotary’s Wheel of Misfortune or: Late Attendance if seen $1.00 Being a Scooter $2.00 Can’t answer fun & frolic $2.00 No Rotary Pin $1.00 Not being prepared for your assignment $2.00 Too many infractions? JUST PAY $5.00 Total
Your Approximate Financial Obligations Initiation Fee $ Annual Dues $ /year Breakfast $ /week Social Events (up to) $ /year Sustaining Membership $ /year Annual Fund $ /year Fun and Frolic $ /year
The Rotary Club of Arlington Heights Sunrise is FUN A service club should be fun to be a part of even when the work is tiresome The Arlington Heights Sunrise Rotary strives to be a fun, young-at-heart club Social events are sponsored regularly Laughter is the language of the Arlington Heights Sunrise Rotary
You are Rotary Participate for friendship Participate for service Participate for fellowship Participate for knowledge Participate for international understanding Remember, you are Rotary!
Be a part of the world’s largest Service Organization! Be a part of our dynamic team: Visit our website at: w w w w w wwww wwww.... aaaa rrrr llll iiii nnnn gggg tttt oooo nnnn hhhh eeee iiii gggg hhhh tttt ssss rrrr oooo tttt aaaa rrrr yyyy.... oooo rrrr gggg or Write us at: P.O. Box 1181 Arlington Heights, IL To talk to Club Service: call Wendy R. Morgan