Using co-orientation theory to explain how Mitt Romney controlled and powered his presidential campaign Use the issue “the economy” to explain how Romney used co-orientation theory to campaign for election to defeat Obama
“People and organizations relate to one another successfully to the extent they think similarly about ideas” Effective communication depends on when both agree and know they have agreed on the same idea Key: take long-term view of relationships in spite of emphasis on short-term measures
Romney used theory to power his campaign by having to think like the public, relate to the public and know what the public would want in a candidate so he would know how they would vote for him
Romney’s position on economy: “Day 1, Job 1” Main objective to “restore America to the path of robust economic growth necessary to create jobs.”
If elected on day 1 would sign 5 bills and 5 executive orders to help economy Included Down Payment of Fiscal Sanity Act › Immediately cut non-security discretionary spending by 5 percent ($20 billion) Included Order to pave the way to end Obamacare
Was trying to think and relate to the general public so they would think the same way That way they would end up voting for him
Can’t think exactly like every single American Just because a President thinks like a voter, necessarily mean the voter will vote for him doesn’t
Strengths Thinking like public could get more voters Will help voters trust him if they think alike Opportunities Thinking like public could give him ideas wouldn’t normally think of Win election Weaknesses Public won’t vote for him on this alone Will lose support of people who don’t think like him Threats Lose voters Lose election
Strategy of association › He is associating himself with particular policies and beliefs › Voters that believe the same thing or agree with him are likely to vote for him
President Obama – needs to know how to counter what Romney says Republican party – Suggest what Romney should do Democratic party – Know what to go against Media – Report everything Romney says and does Public voters – Listen and decide who to vote for Electoral college voters – Listen to public and candidates when deciding who to vote for
Co-orientation theory worked best Strategy of association › Worked well Strategy of disassociation › Could work well too › Disassociate himself from the 47 percent comment and negative press Strategy of omission › Some of the things he thought and said he should’ve kept to himself
Romney was close to Obama, many thought would be close race and Romney could maybe win Public related to him and related to his beliefs and policies After the 47 percent remark went downhill Many felt like couldn’t relate with him anymore