A Member Benefit
The FWAA Equipment Exchange is designed to provide its Members a place to sell used equipment at no cost for the listing. Once the equipment is sold, the member is asked to remit 5% of the gross sales amount to FWAA. The Exchange is available for public viewing, but each Member will need a log-in account and password to list their equipment.
From the FWAA home page, click on the “Equipment Exchange” Tab
Welcome Page After selecting the Equipment Exchange tab, viewers are directed to either browse the posted listings or to list an item for sale. Members are instructed to contact the FWAA office to obtain a password. If they have previously listed equipment they would proceed with the same user login information.
Password Requested/Received To obtain a password, the Member would contact the FWAA office. Staff would verify the caller’s membership prior to a password being issued. Once staff has obtained a valid , the password is sent via automation from the web site.
Return to Welcome for Access to User Login Upon receipt of the assigned password, the seller will return to the welcome page from a link provided on their and enter the information into the “User Login” screen.
Adding A New Listing After entering of the User Login information, the Member will be taken to the “Add New Listing” page. (Previous listings (if applicable) are shown on this page. )
Agree to Proceed & Site Disclaimer Before proceeding to the listing of the equipment, the Member will need to agree to the information provided. A disclaimer regarding the listing/website is provided on this page.
Listed Item Information After the seller has agreed to the terms, they will be able to enter the information on the item to be sold. Once entered, they would click “Post Listing & Upload Files”. Categories Applicators Sprayers Licensed Vehicles Shop Equipment & Tools Recreational Other
Upload Pictures Once the information on the item has been posted, the seller can choose up to 5 photos and then upload the photos. If they opt to not include photos, they would select “Finish Without Files”.
Review Listing The seller will be able to view their images, making changes and/or additions as necessary. This is the final step by the seller. They will have the choice of returning to the FWAA Home Page, adding a new listing, or view all of their listings.
If the seller chooses to view their listings, they will be directed to their current listings.
All listings will automatically expire in 30 days, as noted in the terms page prior to listing the item for sale. END OF LISTING
After selecting the “Equipment Exchange” tab viewers are directed to either browse the posted listings or to list an item for sale. Potential buyers would select to browse the listings.
Select a Category to Browse
The seller would receive direct contact from interested buyers.
30 days after the listing, the system generates an automatic expiration to both the seller and to FWAA. EXPIRED LISTINGS