Deductive arrangement of ideas in writing Controlling idea Supporting Idea
INDUCTIVE METHOD The inductive method can be symbolised as follows: Supporting Ideas Controlling Idea
IMPLIED CONTROLLING IDEA Implied Controlling Idea Supporting Idea
CONTROLLING IDEA PSYCHOLOGY TEXTBOOK PSYCHOLOGY Expectations and Predictions Example: BEHAVORIAL AND COGNITIVE (what do we expect the text to discuss) or (what do we expect to find in the text content) * Differences, comparison/contrast, definitions, description, classification
COMMUNICATION Broad subject Specific subject Example: Barriers to Communication Expectations/Prediction of text content? Example: types, definition (of what), classification, contrast, etc. * There are three types of barriers which inhibit good communication: physical, human, and semantic.
COMMUNICATION Broad subject Specific subject Example: Barriers to Communication Expectations/Prediction of text content? Example: types, definition (of what), classification, contrast, etc. * There are three types of barriers which inhibit good communication: physical, human, and semantic.