Vet Science CDE
How to Properly Carry a Cat _ZSQ _ZSQ
How to Properly Put a Cat in a Cat Bag** **Once the cat is secure be sure to unzip the opening to expose a paw, then student should remove cat by first undoing velcro neck strap, unzipping thebag, and then scruffing and lifting cat out A2I A2I
Restraint for a cat 1. Cephalic IV* 2. Jugular Venipuncture 3. Femoral Venipuncture/Cat stretch* KeDY KeDY
How to properly remove a dog from a floor cage Jm85E Jm85E
How to properly apply a commercial dog muzzle 1yn8 1yn8
How to properly apply a gauze muzzle on a dog o24qZo8 o24qZo8
Canine – Lateral Recumbency maS7XDrg maS7XDrg
Canine – Restraint in Sternal Recumbency KPmU KPmU
Canine – Restraint for Cephalic Venipuncture 8y0 8y0
Canine – Restraint for Jugular Venipuncture P-4Y P-4Y
Administering Ophthalmic medication BL4A BL4A