Paul’s Epistles to the Thessalonians Lesson 14 Scripture Twisting and The Second Coming, Part 2 2 Thessalonians 2:6-12 September 26, 2010
I.Introduction to Lesson 14 A.Augustine: “I don’t know what it means.” B.This is perhaps Paul’s most perplexing text, so we would do well to heed Peter’s warning and exhortation in 2 Peter 3: C.Two perplexing problems: 1.The identification of the “man of lawlessness” 2.The identification of the “restrainer” D.The need for caution and “restraint” – the identification of the “man of lawlessness” throughout church history. E.A clarification from last week’s message. F.A further thought on last week’s message.
G.The “Abomination of Desolation” – earlier and later prototypes. 1.Daniel (e.g. 7:21-27; 9:24-27; 11:29-39) 2.Antiochus IV (Epiphanes), 169 BC 3.Gaius (Caligula), AD 40 4.Jewish War, AD (Zealots & Romans) 5. John’s “Antichrists” (1 John 2:18, 22; 4:3; 2 John 7) 6.Conclusion: multiple fulfillment of prophecy H.Observation: Paul’s purpose was not to identify key players, but to show the sequential order of prophecy (which disproved the claim of the Scripture twisters). I.A recommended approach (suggested by 1 Thessalonians 5:27 and Revelation 1:3).
II.The mystery of lawlessness and the “man of lawlessness” (“man of sin,” 1 John 3:4) A.The mystery of lawlessness 1.Continuous throughout history 2.Something not grasped (Ephesians 3, 5) 3.How is lawlessness a mystery today? B.The “man of lawlessness” III.The principle of restraint and the “Restrainer” A.Continuous through history B.Cosmic as well as earthly? C.Somehow personified in a person (as is lawlessness) D.The ultimate “Restrainer” is God
IV.The appearance and sudden destruction of the “man of lawlessness” A.His destruction is not described in terms of a great, extended struggle. B.Some aspects of his “reign” and demise are not included. C.Paul’s point is to underscore the Sovereignty of God and His infinite superiority to Satan and this man. V.The relationship between the “man of law- lessness” & a lawless society (vss. 9-12). A.The mystery of lawlessness B.The deceiver C.The deceived
VI.Conclusion and application A.The purpose of the passage and the argument of chapters 1 and 2 B.Restrainer: this primary focus is not on the identity of the person, but on the purpose of the restraint C.The sovereignty of God (the certainty of prophecy and the security of the saints) D.Immanence and the passing of time 1.Matthew 24 2.Luke 12:35-48 (45*) E.Why is the possible Thessalonian error not more of a threat to Christians in America?