2013-2014 NEW PEIMS Data Standards & Skyward CHANGES
102 – TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID FOSTER CARE INDICATOR CODE This is a new data field added to the PEIMS Submission 1 ,3 & 4 data files. FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE indicates whether a student is in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) currently, or for certain students that were previously in the conservatorship of DFPS. Foster care status data must be handled with the utmost sensitivity and in accordance with all FERPA guidelines.
102 – TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID FOSTER CARE INDICATOR CODE This data is captured for all students at all grade levels. The PEIMS department will distribute a customized report showing you the data entered from the online registration system. Refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook Pre-kindergarten section 7.2.6 for additional information and documentation concerning pre-kindergarten foster care student eligibility.
102 – TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID FOSTER CARE INDICATOR CODE Refer to the “PEIMS to Skyward Translation” documentation for Submission 1 under the 102 Data record for instructions on where to enter this data in Skyward.
102 – TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID FOSTER CARE INDICATOR CODE Code Table ID Name Date Issued Date Updated C196 FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE 08/1/2013 Code Translation Student is not currently in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services 1 Student is currently in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services 2 Pre-kindergarten student was previously in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services following an adversary hearing held as provided by Section 262.201, Family Code.
102 – TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID MILITARY CONNECTED INDICATOR CODE This is a new data field added to the PEIMS Submission 1 & 3 data files. MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE indicates a student enrolled in a school district or open-enrollment charter school who is a dependent of a member of the United States military service in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard on active duty, the Texas National Guard, or a reserve force of the United States military.
102 – TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID MILITARY CONNECTED INDICATOR CODE A Military Connected Form in English and Spanish were sent to all campuses at the beginning of this school year to capture this information. This form is the sole document to file for verification of the coding of this filed. Under no circumstances are you to copy any Military ID or documents from the family.
102 – TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID MILITARY CONNECTED INDICATOR CODE This data is captured for students in grades PK to 12. Refer to the “PEIMS to Skyward Translation” documentation for Submission 1 under the 102 Data record for instructions on where to enter this data in Skyward.
102 – TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID MILITARY CONNECTED INDICATOR CODE Code Table ID Name Date Issued Date Updated C197 MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE 08/1/2013 Code Translation Not a military connected student 1 Student is a dependent of a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard on Active Duty 2 Student is a dependent of a member of the Texas National Guard (Army, Air Guard, or State Guard) 3 Student is a dependent of a member of a reserve force in the United States military (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard) 4 Pre-kindergarten student is a dependent of: 1) an active duty uniformed member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard, 2) activated/mobilized uniformed member of the Texas National Guard (Army, Air Guard, or State Guard), or 3) activated/mobilized members of the Reserve components of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard; who are currently on active duty or who were injured or killed while serving on active duty.
110 – STUDENT DATA - ENROLLMENT DYSLEXIA-INDICATOR-CODE This is a new data field added to the PEIMS Submission 1 data file. DYSLEXIA-INDICATOR-CODE indicates whether a student is identified as having dyslexia or related disorders as defined in TEC §38.003. The Special Education and Curriculum & Instruction departments will be entering this data.
163 – STUDENT DATA – SPECIAL EDUCATION DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE This is a new data field added to the PEIMS Submission 1 data file. DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE indicates the RDSPD Fiscal Agent district that provides the RDSPD service to a particular RDSPD student. The Special Education department will be entering this data.
203 – SCHOOL LEAVER DATA - Student GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE CHARTS There are no new changes to this data record but TEA did include three new graduation charts to differentiate the requirements for coding general education and special education students. Refer to the “2013-14 Region One ESC PEIMS Handbook”, page 150.
435 – STUDENT RESTRAINT – Student RESTRAINT REASON CODES There are no new changes to this data record but TEA did include some changes to the C137 Restraint Reason Code table. Refer to the “2013-14 Region One ESC PEIMS Handbook”, page 200.
435 – STUDENT RESTRAINT – Student RESTRAINT REASON CODES Code Table ID Name Date Issued Date Updated C173 RESTRAINT-REASON-CODE 03/03/03 3/1/13 Code Translation (Codes 01-07 Reported for Special Education Students Only) 01 Imminent Serious Physical Harm To Themselves 02 Imminent Serious Physical Harm To Others 03 Imminent Serious Physical Harm To Themselves and Others 04 Imminent Serious Property Destruction 05 Imminent Serious Physical Harm To Themselves and Imminent Serious Property Destruction 06 Imminent Serious Physical Harm To Others and Imminent Serious Property Destruction 07 Imminent Serious Physical Harm To Themselves and Others and Imminent Serious Property Destruction 08 (Code 8 Reported for Special Education and Non-Special Education Students) Restraint by School District Police Officer/School Resource Officer Performing Law Enforcement Duties and/or Providing a Police Presence on School Property or at a School-Sponsored or School-Related Activity.
SKYWARD CHANGES OLD PK DATA FIELDS Because the new Foster Care & Military Connected indicator codes are not just for PK students the old PK Data fields must not be used anymore. Skyward has left these old PK data fields in place for archival purposes but they did not disable the ability to enter data into these fields. Refer exclusively to the “PEIMS to Skyward Translation” documentation for Submission 1 for instructions on where to enter all 2013-2014 PEIMS Submission 1 data into Skyward.
SKYWARD CHANGES PK DATA FIELDS The only PK exclusive data you will need to enter are the PK-Program-Type and the PK-Primary-Funding-Source. Any code that is at least 4 hours long is considered a Full Day Code Table ID Name Date Issued Date Updated C185 PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE 03/01/11 Code Translation 00 Not Applicable 01 Prekindergarten eligible student participates in a Prekindergarten program that provides instruction to the student at least two hours and less than four hours each day. 02 Prekindergarten eligible student participates in the Prekindergarten program that provides instruction to the student at least four hours each day. 03 Prekindergarten eligible student participates in the Prekindergarten program that provides instruction to the student at least four hours each day and receives special education services. 04 Prekindergarten ineligible student participates in a Prekindergarten program that provides instruction to the student at least two hours and less than four hours each day. 05 Prekindergarten ineligible student participates in the Prekindergarten program that provides instruction to the student at least four hours each day.
SKYWARD CHANGES PK DATA FIELDS Only enter a Primary PK Funding Source for a full day PK Program Type code. Leave the Secondary PK Funding Source blank. Code Table ID Name Date Issued Date Updated C186 PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE 03/01/11 Code Translation 1 Tuition fees 2 Local district share funding 3 State grant funding 4 Federal funding 9 Other funding
SKYWARD CHANGES NEW PK DATA FIELDS Chart for Determining PK Funding Source Reporting for Fall Snapshot ADA Eligibility Code ADA Eligibility Code Description PK Program Type Code Primary PK Funding Source Reported?* Secondary PK Funding Source reported? Enrolled Not in Membership 00 Yes Yes, if student is funded from additional source. 1 Eligible Full Day 03 (Full Day SpED) No 2 Eligible Half Day 01 (Half Day Program) 02 (Full Day Program) Yes, if student is funded from additional sources 3 Eligible Transfer Full Day 4 Ineligible Full Day 05 (Ineligible – Full Day) 5 Ineligible Half Day 04 (Ineligible – Half Day) 6 Eligible Transfer Half Day 7 Eligible for Flexible Attendance 8 Ineligible for Flexible Attendance * Note: The agency considers the Initial Source of funds to be State Funds. The primary PK funding source is the first source of funds after the district’s State funds that allow the district to operate a full day program.
Staff responsibilities 090-STAFF DATA-RESPONSIBILITIES Updated documentation will be provided on the procedures to ensure that your campus Staff Responsibility data is entered correctly for PEIMS purposes. The PEIMS department will distribute a customized report showing you the data that exists for your manually entered staff responsibility data. The Pre-PEIMS edit report, as described in step 2 of the PEIMS Submission 1 checklist document, will show you the 090 Staff data records which will be reported for all of your campus instructional staff that are assigned to a class meet in you course master.
Staff responsibilities CAMPUS BELL SCHEDULES Bell schedules must be updated to properly calculate the Monthly Minutes data field for your staff responsibility records. Copies of your campuses Skyward Bell Schedules used last year will be provided to each campus for review for this school year. Skyward bell schedules are similar but not the same as your campus period schedules.
PEIMS Data standards important appendixes Appendix D – Leaver Reason Codes and Documentation Requirements Appendix E – Additional information for Discipline, includes the Behavior Location chart Appendix F – Supplemental information for reporting Ethnicity and Race
OTHER items DISTRICT PEIMS WEBPAGE Our district PEIMS webpage is located at: http://mws.mcallenisd.net/peims/peims.html Our district webpage will contain all of the training documents from this presentation as well as other useful and current PEIMS documentation and information including a link to the TEA Online PEIMS Data Standards. Please check this page regularly for any documents that you may need.
OTHER items TREx RESPONSIBILITIES Cooperation between McAllen ISD campuses is MANDATORY! The campus which has access to create the Skyward TREx data record is responsible for fulfilling the TREx request. McAllen ISD campuses may cooperate to transfer the TREx submission responsibility. McAllen ISD campuses must promptly reply to any TREx document request from another McAllen ISD campus. Report any non-cooperation to the PEIMS Department.
Student attendance accounting handbook (SAAH) Section 3.2.2 - Funding Eligibility Repeated courses are not eligible for funding How do we monitor this? Section 3.3 – General Attendance Requirements Additional requirements for students under 11 years of age: Must show birth certificate otherwise must show other documentation plus a note explaining why a birth certificate is unavailable 30 days for acceptable identification or 90 days if the student was born outside the United States.
Student attendance accounting handbook (SAAH) Section 3.4.4 – Texas Records Exchange (TREx) All TREx records must now include the student TSDS unique ID Skyward will automatically include this information if available If the student record is rejected because this information is missing call the PEIMS Department for assistance.
PEIMS to tSDS (Texas student data system) McAllen ISD is schedule in wave 1, along with 12 other Region One school districts, to migrant from the legacy PEIMS system to the new TSDS. Wave 1 will commence in the 2014-2015 school year.
TEAL (Texas education agency login) Region One ESC has access to reset your TEAL account if you are logged out or forgot your password.