My Aged Care changes in 2015 March / April 2015
Presentation overview Topic Introduction My Aged Care Overview My Aged Care Client Pathways Questions and Answers Demonstration of the My Aged Care System Lunch Next Steps and Sector Support
The vision for My Aged Care “To make it easier for older people, their families, and carers to access information on ageing and aged care, have their needs assessed and be supported to locate and access services available to them.”
My Aged Care today The My Aged Care contact centre (1800 200 422) and website ( currently provide: information on aged care to consumers, family members and carers; online service finders that provide information on aged care service providers and assessors; and online fee estimators for pricing on Home Care Packages and aged care homes.
What is changing in 2015 What is being introduced Why is it being introduced Central client record To facilitate the collection and sharing of client information My Aged Care Regional Assessment Service (RAS) To conduct face-to-face assessments for clients seeking to access Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) services National Screening and Assessment Form (NSAF) To ensure a nationally consistent and holistic screening and assessment process
What is changing in 2015 cont.
How will the changes help? The changes will result in: a consistent, streamlined and holistic assessment of clients; better access to accurate client and service information (for clients, carers and family members, service providers and assessors); and appropriate and timely referrals for assessment and services.
When are the changes coming? The key rollout dates for My Aged Care are: April: demonstration project in Victoria; Mid May: provider access to provider portal to establish organisational structure, staff access and update service information prior to July 2015; July: national rollout commences, introducing client registration, screening, home support assessment and referral to service providers; and July to December: Aged Care Assessment Teams (ACATs) will transition to using the My Aged Care system.
Where are we at? evaluating Regional Assessment Service tenders; working with state/territory governments on their individual ACAT transition plans; training My Aged Care contact centre staff for their expanded role; finalising sector support materials (fact sheets, FAQs, videos, system and policy guides, and quick reference guides); and continuing to work with the sector, particularly on transition support as well as future design (e.g. Business to Government capability).
My Aged Care Client Pathways
My Aged Care client pathways
Client pathways – contact centre
Contact centre Function Description Inbound referrals can be made via telephone, fax or an inbound referral form available on the My Aged Care website, and are expected to be made by healthcare professionals. An inbound referral is made to the My Aged Care contact centre to initiate registration, screening, assessment for a client. Enquiries is the provision of information about aged care. The registration process leads to the creation of a central client record. The client record includes client details (and carer or representative details), details about previous assessments and support plans, and information about service(s) received. Clients will be asked to provide consent to enable their client record to be shared with assessors and service providers. Registration involves collecting client information (such as the client’s name, date of birth and Medicare or DVA card number), and the verification of this information with records held at the Department of Human Services to ensure duplicate records are not created. Inbound Referral Enquiries Registration
Contact centre cont. Function Description Screening The screening process uses the National Screening and Assessment Form. Contact centre staff will conduct screening by asking a series of questions over the phone to understand a client’s needs to determine the appropriate assessment and/or service pathway. Match & Refer for Assessment or Service Match and Refer for assessment or service is a two step process. Step one involves searching for appropriate services that meet the client’s needs and preferences. A client may be matched to assessment and/or CHSP services. Step two involves contact centre staff sending a referral to an assessment organisation or CHSP service provider, with the client’s consent.
Client pathways – assessors
Assessors Function Description Home Support Assessment (RAS) Comprehensive Assessment (ACAT) Assessors will manage referrals via the My Aged Care assessor portal. All assessments will be conducted using the National Screening and Assessment Form (NSAF), and will build on information collected at screening. A home support assessment will be conducted face-to-face by the RAS for clients seeking to access CHSP services. A comprehensive assessment will be conducted face-to-face by ACATs to determine a client’s eligibility for care types under the Aged Care Act 1997 (the Act). The recommendation for these care types is subject to a decision by a Delegate to approve or not approve care under the Act. During the assessment, the assessor and client work together to develop a Support Plan that reflects the client’s needs, goals and service preferences.
Assessors cont. Function Description Assessors will work with clients to match their assessed needs to aged care services, and select the client’s preferred service provider(s) for referral. For Commonwealth funded services, assessors will work with clients to select a referral method. Clients can choose to have an electronic referral sent to service providers in order of preference or broadcast to all available service providers. Alternatively, a client can be issued with a referral code which they can self-manage by providing the code to a preferred service provider. Particularly the case for residential care. The assessor can also provide clients with information about non–Commonwealth funded services. Electronic referral is not available to these services. All assessment outcomes, preferences and referrals are recorded in the client record. Match & Refer for Home Support Services Match & Refer for Aged Care Services
Client pathways – service providers
Service providers Function Description Commonwealth funded service providers would be notified via email when a new referral is sent. Service providers will manage referrals via the My Aged Care provider portal. A service provider is able to accept a referral, reject a referral, or place the client on a My Aged Care hosted, but service provider managed, waitlist. When services become available, a service provider can accept a client from this waitlist. In this situation, the client will be withdrawn from all other waitlists for that particular service. Service providers will contact clients directly only after accepting an electronic referral. Service providers will update the client record with information about the service being delivered, including date of commencement, intensity/duration. Service providers can request that an assessor undertakes a review or a new assessment where they believe client circumstances have changed significantly. Service Planning & Delivery Monitor Client Care Needs
Questions and Answers
Demonstration of the My Aged Care system
Questions and Answers
Next Steps and Sector Support
Next steps Mid May 2015 – June 2015 When What you need to do Mid May 2015 – June 2015 Set up organisation administrator and staff accounts to access the portal (including AUSkey registration) Create service delivery outlets Validate/update service information in the portal July 2015 onwards Maintain service information (including availability) Action client referrals (accept, reject, waitlist) Review and update client records with service delivery information.
Using AUSkey to log into the portals To log into the My Aged Care system, assessors and service providers will need an AUSkey. Obtaining an AUSkey is free and registration is simple. Note: If you provide your tax file number (TFN) it will speed up the registration process. If you do not provide your TFN you will need to call 1300 287 539 and provide extra details to complete the registration. The Australian Business Register has a helpline to support registration. More information is available at Link to Australian Business Register What you will need to provide to register for an AUSkey Administrator AUSkey the ABN of the business you want the AUSkey to be linked to your full legal name your date of birth an email address that only you have access to Standard AUSkey for other Staff an Administrator AUSkey user’s email address
Sector support materials and mechanisms Timing Support material and mechanisms Jan 2015 – Mar 2015 National roadshows Webinar (live & on demand) Fact sheets and FAQs Service provider and assessor helpline commences Apr 2015 – Mid June 2015 Videos Detailed User and System Guides Quick System Reference Guides Training for assessors Readiness Checklists Service provider and assessor helpline continues Mid June 2015 – 30 June 2015 Monitor readiness and follow-up service providers Targeted communication 1 July 2015 – Dec 2015
Future stages of My Aged Care Future stages of My Aged Care will focus on: the design and development of Business to Government capabilities to support enhanced electronic exchange of information; further enhancements of the service finders to reflect user feedback and to display a wider range of information about services; and the publication of Quality Indicators on the My Aged Care website.
Quality Indicators Quality Indicators (QIs) for residential and home care are being developed. For consumers, the QIs will provide: greater access to information; and information to help consumer choice. For service providers, the QIs will assist: continuous quality improvement; comparing performance with similar services; and promoting services.
Quality Indicators –Residential Care Pilot – May 2015 The commencement of the pilot in May is the first step in a phased approach. The following QIs will be part of the pilot: pressure injuries; unplanned weight loss; use of physical restraint; and measure/s of quality of life/consumer experience. The pilot will help develop data collection and reporting practices. National commencement is expected in 2016. Over time, QIs will be published on My Aged Care.
Quality Indicators – further information For more information about the QI Pilot for Residential Aged Care: Contact KPMG - free call 1800 881 436 or
Further information about My Aged Care The latest information about My Aged Care, including support materials, will be available at
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