The Opinions of Deans about their Tasks and Competences Esmahan Agaoglu Anadolu University, Turkey ATEE 2010 August 25-31, 2010 BUDAPEST, HUNGARY
August 25-30, 2010 ATEE2010 Budapest, HUNGARY Introduction 1 o‘knowledge economics’ ochange ouncertainty
August 25-30, 2010 ATEE2010 Budapest, HUNGARY Introduction 2 oTeacher education, both pre and in service, is seen as the key to qualified teachers who are able to educate students for the demands of the 21st century (OECD, 2005)
August 25-30, 2010 ATEE2010 Budapest, HUNGARY Introduction 3 oTeacher education, as a part of a country’s educational system, has its own place within the institutional structures and has a close relation with the teacher education institutions
August 25-30, 2010 ATEE2010 Budapest, HUNGARY Introduction 4 The deans of teacher education institutions could have a crucial role
August 25-30, 2010 ATEE2010 Budapest, HUNGARY Aim 5 oTo reveal the opinions of deans, who work at the Education Faculties in Turkey, about their Tasks and Competences.
August 25-30, 2010 ATEE2010 Budapest, HUNGARY Some Insights from TURKEY -Appointment 6 “Dean, who is the representative of the faculty and units, is chosen by the Higher Education Council among the three candidate professors from the same or other universities, who are recommended by the Rector.” Higher Education Law, 2547, Article 16
August 25-30, 2010 ATEE2010 Budapest, HUNGARY Some Insights from TURKEY -Duties and Responsabilities 7 To chair the faculty boards, implement the assizes of the faculty boards and coordinate the settled duties among the units of the faculty. To report the assessment of the general situation and the process in the faculty to the rector subsequent to each academic year or on demand. To pronounce the budget and initial requirements of the faculty to the rector with the justifications, and to present the budget proposal of the faculty for acceptance of the rector after taking the faculty board’s opinions. To maintain the general supervision of the faculty units and faculty staffs at all levels. To carry out other duties that administered to him/her by the legislation.
August 25-30, 2010 ATEE2010 Budapest, HUNGARY Methodology -Study Group 8 the population: 66 deans the study group: 64 deans
August 25-30, 2010 ATEE2010 Budapest, HUNGARY Methodology -Data collection 9 What are your opinions about the Deans’ duties and responsibilities? What are your opinions about the Deans’ competences?
August 25-30, 2010 ATEE2010 Budapest, HUNGARY Findings -Demographic data 10 Gender Female 7 10,94 Male57 89,06 Datan% Age , ,25 Discipline Educational Sciences 2132,81 Sciences 29 45,31 Social Sciences 710,94 Health Sciences 710,94
August 25-30, 2010 ATEE2010 Budapest, HUNGARY Findings -Duties and Responsibilities 11 Generally Similar to Legislation (44 Deans) “ To carry out the duties and responsibilities that administered to him/her by the legislation.” Different to legislation (20 Deans) “To create an environment to educate teachers, who like training, improving continuously themselves…”
August 25-30, 2010 ATEE2010 Budapest, HUNGARY Findings -Competences 12 o effective interpersonal communication o effective business management o preparing an adequate training environment o visionary leadership to staff and candidate teachers
August 25-30, 2010 ATEE2010 Budapest, HUNGARY Findings -Competences 13 “ A Dean must be successful firstly on interpersonal relationship and have some characteristics such as sincerity, honesty and empathetic thinking skill and so on. In addition, a dean must know very well the teaching profession, especially its difficulties of the profession to can take timely precautions against these difficulties using his or her experiences.” “A Dean should have a strong relationship the local and national Education Authorities to be able to train future teachers and also to produce effective solutions of national educational problems together with them.”
August 25-30, 2010 ATEE2010 Budapest, HUNGARY Conclusions… 14 o a real bureaucrat not a teacher educator o “Effective interpersonal communication” and “visionary leadership to staff and candidate teachers”
August 25-30, 2010 ATEE2010 Budapest, HUNGARY THE END... ? ? ? 15